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Re: [OVERHAUL - USES HYPERSPACE] FTL: MULTIVERSE Version 4.11 [Leech Update (sort of)]

Postby lehman93 » Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:31 pm

Is there a way to update the game without loosing ship unlocks ? Havent tried it yet but when i updated to latest versions before, all ships i had before were locked
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Re: [OVERHAUL - USES HYPERSPACE] FTL: MULTIVERSE Version 4.11 [Leech Update (sort of)]

Postby ShowBoat » Sun Jun 13, 2021 8:27 pm

torbenbeta wrote:Hello, i have a question.
Is there a list of commands avaible via the command prompt? If yes, where?
With regards.

Yea, the list of commands can be found in the Hyperspace.xml document found in the /data/ subfolder. Though it's an XML file, it's more comprehensible if opened up as a text document with a program such as LibreOffice. If you do open it up through the latter method, it's on the fifth and following pages.

To open up the command console, press L, then hit enter after typing in something for the game to execute. The current commands are: Event, Load [in an enemy ship], Ach [Achievement], Sector [to travel to], Scrap, Fuel, Missiles, Drones, Weapon, Drone, Ship_Unlock, Store, Aug [ment], Delete [the enemy ship], DeleteCrew, Sys, Exit, Speed.
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Re: [OVERHAUL - USES HYPERSPACE] FTL: MULTIVERSE Version 4.11 [Leech Update (sort of)]

Postby TheMultiverseTeam » Tue Jun 15, 2021 2:44 am

lehman93 wrote:Is there a way to update the game without loosing ship unlocks ? Havent tried it yet but when i updated to latest versions before, all ships i had before were locked

All unlocks carry over between versions and even when switching between mods. The only reason your unlocks would "reset" would be updating from pre-4.6 to 4.6+, as custom unlocks didn't exist before then.
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Re: [OVERHAUL - USES HYPERSPACE] FTL: MULTIVERSE Version 4.11 [Leech Update (sort of)]

Postby crazydave1313 » Tue Jun 15, 2021 4:54 am

Fantastic mod! Really adds onto the base game. If they sold this as DLC, I'd buy it in a heartbeat - though I saw above that you aren't taking donations.

I did have a few questions regarding balancing and I wanted to make sure things were working as they were supposed to. I'm new to this forum and I don't see an option for spoiler tags and I see others talking about things like the spider crewmembers and spider sector, so I'm assuming it's fine, but if not, spoilers below:

First, I had an encounter in with the tree lizard things from the Traveling Merchant's quest request. I'd already done the quest properly once, so I chose a different dialogue option to see what would happen, and it ends with you being boarded by 3 of this species. I found their regeneration abilities to be extremely strong - a room of 4 crewmembers (4 humans) were not able to outdamage the regeneration of one of them alone. Further, the cooldown is such that by the time the molting 'buff' has expired, a pheremone'd free mantis and suffocation damage aren't enough to kill it before it comes off cooldown and returns to full health.

Second, I had an encounter in the ancient sector in which I must have chosen the wrong dialogue option, as it set the maximum power of all of my ship's systems to 1 against a powerful lategame foe. I can't help but think that it would have been more efficient to just have that dialogue option deal 30 damage to the player ship's hull, since the situation isn't winnable or escapable (1 engine power and 1 cloaking at max, the foe has a Zoltan shield so hacking or a 1-power missile don't help).

Are these intentional, or am I missing something? I'm used to vanilla FTL and some Captain's Edition, where the most punishing outcome from a dialogue box is a few points of hull damage or a crewmember loss, not an instant end to your current run - the questline where you shut off a giant Rebel reactor that is going critical had clear communication in the dialogue about the stakes and the danger of continuing to fight the ship that intercepts you, while the two above weren't nearly as clear.

Thanks again to the developers for making the mod! Ya'll should consider seeing if the FTL devs would be willing to release this as official DLC!
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Re: [OVERHAUL - USES HYPERSPACE] FTL: MULTIVERSE Version 4.11 [Leech Update (sort of)]

Postby TheMultiverseTeam » Tue Jun 15, 2021 2:52 pm

crazydave1313 wrote:First, I had an encounter in with the tree lizard things from the Traveling Merchant's quest request. I'd already done the quest properly once, so I chose a different dialogue option to see what would happen, and it ends with you being boarded by 3 of this species. I found their regeneration abilities to be extremely strong - a room of 4 crewmembers (4 humans) were not able to outdamage the regeneration of one of them alone. Further, the cooldown is such that by the time the molting 'buff' has expired, a pheremone'd free mantis and suffocation damage aren't enough to kill it before it comes off cooldown and returns to full health.

This has been fixed in version 4.11, and was only present on version 4.10.4. Make sure you're on the latest version, as the mod usually updates very quickly.

crazydave1313 wrote:Second, I had an encounter in the ancient sector in which I must have chosen the wrong dialogue option, as it set the maximum power of all of my ship's systems to 1 against a powerful lategame foe. I can't help but think that it would have been more efficient to just have that dialogue option deal 30 damage to the player ship's hull, since the situation isn't winnable or escapable (1 engine power and 1 cloaking at max, the foe has a Zoltan shield so hacking or a 1-power missile don't help).

You wouldn't think it, but this fight is actually winnable. People've done it before and it's become a sort of challenge, though there's no practical reason to it. An outright 30 damage seems a bit much, even if the consequence is meant to be devastating.

Are these intentional, or am I missing something? I'm used to vanilla FTL and some Captain's Edition, where the most punishing outcome from a dialogue box is a few points of hull damage or a crewmember loss, not an instant end to your current run - the questline where you shut off a giant Rebel reactor that is going critical had clear communication in the dialogue about the stakes and the danger of continuing to fight the ship that intercepts you, while the two above weren't nearly as clear.

CE has a large number of forced damage events and while it doesn't have too many (it still has several) instant-death options, you're still at a much higher chance to die from means out of your own control. MV has no forced damage events (even removing the few from vanilla), but it does have couple options that have some really bad results so you have to pay attention. The Obelisk one is mostly about context - in the event he tells you he's taken control of your entire ship and warns you not to resist. Every other option just gives you free stuff.

Thanks again to the developers for making the mod! Ya'll should consider seeing if the FTL devs would be willing to release this as official DLC!

Glad you like the mod! Chances are subset wouldn't accept it as DLC, and even if they did I'm not sure it's something I'd want. We'd have to sacrifice a lot of our creative freedom to create a product more desirable to subset, since MV is a fair bit more mature than vanilla in terms of language and themes. I'm content with it just being a free unofficial mod.
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Re: [OVERHAUL - USES HYPERSPACE] FTL: MULTIVERSE Version 4.11 [Leech Update (sort of)+hotfix]

Postby crazydave1313 » Tue Jun 15, 2021 6:39 pm

Oof, I must have missed the update! Thanks for the info, I've got it installed. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. Thanks again for a great mod!
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Re: [OVERHAUL - USES HYPERSPACE] FTL: MULTIVERSE Version 4.11 [Leech Update (sort of)+hotfix]

Postby Foreman » Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:22 pm

How am I meant to update Multiverse? do I just apply the new version?
RNGesus Hates me, change my mind
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Re: [OVERHAUL - USES HYPERSPACE] FTL: MULTIVERSE Version 4.11 [Leech Update (sort of)+hotfix]

Postby TheMultiverseTeam » Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:36 pm

Just put the new file in slipstream, select it, and patch. That's all there is to it!
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Re: [OVERHAUL - USES HYPERSPACE] FTL: MULTIVERSE Version 4.11 [Leech Update (sort of)+hotfix]

Postby gerrykomalaysia22 » Wed Jun 16, 2021 12:22 am

what is the solution to the Holmes quest, my men died 3 times already, i dont know who the killer is
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Re: [OVERHAUL - USES HYPERSPACE] FTL: MULTIVERSE Version 4.11 [Leech Update (sort of)+hotfix]

Postby crazydave1313 » Wed Jun 16, 2021 11:21 pm

Hey there, it's me again! This time with a genuine bug report!

I was playing in the Militia Cruiser A in the Monk Sector as sector 4, jumping into the Pirate Sector (Sale!) sector as sector 5. Upon jumping to the new sector, the game map didn't change, and the game froze then closed after half a minute with no input. I restarted the game and was able to reload the save, so I tried again, to no avail - and the second time, it deleted my save.

Other information: This jump would have unlocked the Militia Cruiser B if it completed (I got the notification but it didn't save the unlock). In addition, I did have the Zoltan Cruiser A unlock quest active in this new sector, though I had already unlocked that cruiser in a previous run.

Ship loadout (from what I remember) included the ancient rocket launcher that takes 3 power and fires 4 missiles per shot and a nearly full crew complement (9 total crewmen) including two Zoltan monks and an Alpha Wraith with max skills named Casper from an event.

Finally, in this run I had an issue where my sensors subsystem remained disabled after jumping out of the nebula to a non-nebula beacon, but reloading the game fixed this issue.