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Beacon map/shield damage lockup game on Mint 13

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:15 pm
by Fatty Limes
Cross-posted to GetSatisfaction, but I thought I'd try here too. ... on_mint_13

Playing on Linux Mint 13. Everything runs well until I load the Beacon Map. Map shows, but the game locks up and the display flickers, like the monitor is turning off and on. Occasionally the game will resume, but most often the display crashes entirely, requiring a reboot or the game crashes, and the command bar on all windows is removed. Same thing happens whenever the player ship takes shield damage. Problem also occurs when running the windows version through wine. Works fine (but with sluggish mouse controls) on Windows 7 and Ubuntu.

Haven't been able to dig up any debug stuff. Doesn't appear to create a report, and when running in the console (windowed) the console doesn't show anything abnormal before the display dies and reboot is required.

Driver issue?