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Event repairs make breaches unrepairable

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:10 pm
by kane_t
I've noticed this a few times, but couldn't figure out the cause. Basically, my ship gradually loses oxygen until everyone dies, but there are no visible breaches and the doors are all closed.

I think what's happening is: if you have a breach, and then your ship is repaired by an event (like repair stations or rewards; <damage amount="-10">, in other words), the breach sprite is removed but the oxygen continues to leak.

In this instance, I was attacked in a nebula where my sensors were down, and must have suffered a breach in a room I didn't see. When I jumped out, I immediately got a repair base event, repaired completely, and then when my rooms became visible again, there was no visible breach but my O2 went down until death. I tried running to some rooms to see if I could try repairing the invisible breach, but didn't have time to check all of them before the crew died.

So basically, this is a guess of why it happened, but thinking back, all the times this has occurred were right after events that repaired my ship, so it seems like a heck of a coincidence.

Re: Event repairs make breaches unrepairable

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:36 pm
by StormofPain
I just had this happen to me but during a different circumstance. I boarded an enemy ship and before I could shut down their weapons they took out my oxygen. I couldn't repair it until after I had taken out everyone in the enemy ship, however, when I did repair it my oxygen kept getting lower until I reached 0% and everyone died. I didn't have any breaches or open doors :(.

Re: Event repairs make breaches unrepairable

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:43 pm
by Techercizer
Breaches will not drain your ship's oxygen if your life support is functioning. It will only drain the air in whatever room the breach is in. What it sounds like is your life support wasn't working, causing your crew to use up all the air and asphyxiate.

Re: Event repairs make breaches unrepairable

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:26 am
by kane_t
Believe me, I double-checked both times. Otherwise, I wouldn't've assumed there must be some kind of bug.

In both cases it happened to me, I had full hull strength, no damaged systems, life support was powered, and every door was closed.

EDIT: Though, of course, if you're right that breaches don't drain oxygen ship-wide, then there's gotta be something else going on here. Sadly, since FTL doesn't allow saving mid-combat, it's very difficult to get a save while this is happening. I'd have to jump to an empty system and save there. If it happens again, and I'm in the right situation, I'll try to post a save for debugging purposes.

Re: Event repairs make breaches unrepairable

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:47 am
by Techercizer
You probably have a glitch where your life support is non-functional but displayed as functional, or it's functioning but not filling your ship with air, or something like that. I've flown through an entire nebula sector with a hull breach because I didn't have sensors and never used the room, and trust me, the oxygen in my ship was just fine the whole time.

Re: Event repairs make breaches unrepairable

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:40 am
by vince0018
Another common overlooked problem, is if after your O2 supply is disabled and restored, you forget to turn it back on.

Sounds silly, but I've seen it happen to others multiple times.

Re: Event repairs make breaches unrepairable

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:46 am
by Matthew
Screenshots are the most helpful way to figure these types of problems out. No need to a save file, at first anyway :)