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Re: (FTL RP) FTL: Lakibar Station

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 6:56 am
by AI41
Gyldi had returned from her firefighting drone, which was spraying foam all over the station now. "How the hell did the Engi shut down? Marcella, power. Violet, get me a diagnostic computer from the nearby room. Garnarg, contact Jyalen." Gyldi ordered the others about.

Re: (FTL RP) FTL: Lakibar Station

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:01 am
by 4n4rch1st
Jack had fell silent for most of the fire, almost as if he was scared of something...

But now in a safe location, sheltered from the fire, he began to speak up, although only weakly and nervously.

"Garnag, were you able to get the name of the information within Koneg? I might be able to figure what is inside him, given that loads of classified Federation files got declassified after the war."

Re: (FTL RP) FTL: Lakibar Station

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:20 am
by Jumbocarrot0
Marcella powered the engi, rebooting it slowly while Violet went to, presumably, the room room with the computer. Strangely, she didn't come back quickly. Garnarg contacted Jyalen to come but swiftly went back to the engi. “It seems a large portion of Koneg's memory is blocked by a firewall.” Garnarg explained, “Trying to help the engi remember,” fibbing, “I went into his mind. The firewall responded and shut down, along with the engi.”

Garnarg didn't even see Jack until he spoke up. “Name of the information? I'm sorry Jack but whatever this firewall is blocking isn't documents but memories, like someone was trying to wipe his mind. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Federation officials were up to this.” Garnarg continued to ramble like a mad man, “The poor engi probably just saw something and they decided to do a cover up, like they did with the Kestrel's files. Just so happen they disappear after the war ended, with NO record of their actions.”
‘Except of course me.’ he thought.

Re: (FTL RP) FTL: Lakibar Station

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 10:33 am
by 4n4rch1st
There's an options section below the text box and the Preview/Submit boxes.

Jack was somewhat disappointed. "Shame. I thought I could contribute..."

He suddenly realised something. "Wait. Wasn't it an ionic charge that took him out, and not the firewall directly? If we could disable that failsafe, or find a way to negate the ion..."

Re: (FTL RP) FTL: Lakibar Station

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 2:52 pm
by Whiskey
Koneg's vid screen went back online but was yellow instead of green due to the Ion Stun lingering in his system. He sat up on the bed as there were little yellow sparks of electricity were popping up and going away (Not harmful). His mind was filled with new information he had 'never' knew "I-I-I-. w-what. Lanius. Ship. crash? F-Federation?" Koneg was in as much shock an Engi could be, he was almost motionless... "O-0fficer? I-I-" Koneg continued to ramble the sudden intake of information but struggled as the Ion Stun affected his systems in unknown ways...

Re: (FTL RP) FTL: Lakibar Station

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 9:04 pm
by Jumbocarrot0
Marcella backed away from Koneg, weary of the sparks that fly out of him. "Is he okay?" she asked, "Do I need to keep powering him?"
"We need that diagnostic computer, where is Violet?"

Meanwhile, in the repair bay...
"Its got to be here!" Violet thought out loud, admits a pile of turned over boxes, broken drone parts and scrap metal. "This is my only lead, I can't come back empty handed, I need to find her cloning machine!" It would've been pretty clear for anyone listening in, which there were none, that Violet is not looking for a diagnostic computer.

Re: (FTL RP) FTL: Lakibar Station

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 9:49 pm
by Whiskey
Koneg was still sat on the bed as the Ion Stun still lingered in his system “Ions? L-Lanius enemy. A-affirmative. Wait n-n-egative. Affirmat— no. K-Kestrel mission? Flagship? R-rebellion. F-edera-tion. Privateers. Weapon XM657E3. N-no- wait yes. negative.” It was obvious that the Ions where heavily affecting Koneg’s memory banks and speech ability.

Re: (FTL RP) FTL: Lakibar Station

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 9:55 pm
by Jumbocarrot0
"Wait, did you say. Kestrel?" Now Garnarg felt he must know what information Koneg knows. "I'm going to get Violet, we need that diagnostic."
"NO!" Marcella screamed out as Garnarg was about to walk out. He looked at her with a confused expression. "Urr, I-I'll get her, she might n-not, l-listen to you." Marcella walked out to get Violet. Garnarg turned back to Gyldi.
"Is there any way to suppress the ion effect?" he asked.

Re: (FTL RP) FTL: Lakibar Station

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 11:40 pm
by Whiskey
Koneg still rambled about random things uncovered from his memory banks. His screen had a glitch again revealing a message saying “19% classified information remaining firewalled”. Koneg’s screen went back to yellow as the Ion was still in his system “W-weapon XM657E3 *unintelligible* 5.11 meter e-explosion radius.“

Re: (FTL RP) FTL: Lakibar Station

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:17 am
by AI41
"Hmm. The ion stun'll wear off naturally once we shut it's controller down, which I need that computer for. I don't care if Marcella doesn't want us in the next room, I'm off to grab that diagnostic computer, since I doubt it would have taken Violet that long to find something on a bench. You try to soothe Koneg's mind. If he seizes, restrain him. That's all you have to do." Gyldi said. When she got into the next room, she found Violet and Marcella talking about a cloning machine. "What's this about a cloning machine belonging to a female?" Gyldi inquired as she slinked to the bench and picked up the computer on top of it. "Oh, and this is what you're looking for, idiots."