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Favorite Combat Style

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 6:25 am
by Mikeshadow
I wanna ask what combat style you like and hate the most when fighting normal enemy and the rebel flagship?
(Weapons/Drone War/Board/Other)
Also write down what weapon,drone or boarding party you like to play.

Normal Fight:
Generally weapon,especially laser,because they are quite cheap to be honest and they punch through shield really fast and deal multiple damage in just a single volley.(4 Chain Burst Laser is overpowered)

I hate boarding though, simply because I just can't handle the pressure keeping my crew alive while waiting the teleporter to finish its cooldown. But I still manage to handle the Mantis A because it have a small bomb to help me.Slug B,a stressful play. Federation C, I don't like to play that ship at all.

Flagship Fight:
Drone war is my favorite here.Why? Because I found out that drone's AI causes them to shot random room actually helping me distract the crew because of the fire,causing them to ignore the shield system that got hit by me over and over again,I always combine Ion and Bomb weapon because I can keep the shield and the weapon offline the entire time mean that I can just wait the drones to finish their jobs.(One time I defeated the flagship without taking damage at all because of that helpful defense drone MKII.)

I can do boarding here only during phase 1 with weapons down except the laser and medbay down. I do that to prevent the annoying boarding party in phase 3 and also prevent the ship from getting repaired.

(I also wanna ask,anyone here install drone control and use defense drones only on mantis and stealth ship? Because I always do that.)

Re: Favorite Combat Style

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 7:03 am
by stylesrj

Flak cannons. If I see a Flak I in stores, I snatch it up. I'm more likely to get 4 Flak I's than 2 Burst Laser II's
Vulcan is useful but can be pain to set up and use effectively, especially if you want to end a battle quickly.

However my favourite style is boarding. Three Crystals on Crystal B, send them into the Weapon's Room or Shields and lock it down. Or you wait for everyone to get in there, you whittle down their health, then lock the room down as they flee for the medbay. Then you shoot out the medbay.
It's like sending a Hacking Drone except without using Drone Parts. Or it could be doubled up with a Hacking Drone.


Missile weapons. Hate using them, hate it when the enemy has them. Especially if you've got a boarding ship. Because chances are that one missile that gets through is aimed for your Life Support and will set it on fire and cause a breach.


Board Phase 1 and kill everyone but the 3 burst laser guy. On Hard, same thing except leave one guy alive and damage the shields. You'll have free reign of the ship while the guy alternates between repairing shields, engaging the guy in shields, then going to the medbay to heal up, going back to shields...

Sometimes I Hack a room and wipe out the enemies one at a time. Or if I have mind control, let them wipe out the crew for me. Teleporter helps too. You can send the mind controlled guy back. Once Phase 1 is complete and the Flagship is optimised for defeat, everything else is a lot simpler.

(I also wanna ask,anyone here install drone control and use defense drones only on mantis and stealth ship? Because I always do that.)

Drones. With my strategies, you won't be needing... "drones" 8-)

Re: Favorite Combat Style

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 11:22 am
by Mikeshadow
Drones. With my strategies, you won't be needing... "drones" 8-)

I replace it with mind control on the mantis ship is AE is enabled.I use drone control because I wanna get at least damage as possible on early mid sector. Fighting the rebel flagship I only use it to shot down laser and boarding drones in phase 2 because I don't want a boarder while I board other ship, and also hacking drone.
You know why mind control in AE? Because last time I board the phase 3 flagship, that damn ship mind controlled my mantis' friend :x while boarding the missile room.

He died.
King the Mantis.(I renamed him the same name every gameplay, that's why I remember the name)
Killed by a mind controlled friend.

So I install mind control instead of drones to avoid that, and I'm not gonna board the phase 2 flagship because the boarding drone.

Re: Favorite Combat Style

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 11:51 am
by stylesrj
Fighting the rebel flagship I only use it to shot down laser and boarding drones in phase 2 because I don't want a boarder while I board other ship, and also hacking drone.

The Boarding Drone is laughably easy to stop. A single point of damage to Drone Control and it's merely a hull breach hopefully not in a critical location where you have an Engi (because they take forever to destroy that lump of metal stopping you from fixing the hole)

You know why mind control in AE? Because last time I board the phase 3 flagship, that damn ship mind controlled my mantis' friend :x while boarding the missile room.

Hence why Level 3 piloting is important to have at this time. And have a Slug piloting the ship or something.
In fact, just use your 4 Flak guns to smash the shields, then Mind Control. Or send more boarders.

o I install mind control instead of drones to avoid that, and I'm not gonna board the phase 2 flagship because the boarding drone.

Clone Bay. Sure King dies, but he'll be back and angrier.
Again, Boarding Drones are only dangerous if you can't damage Drone Control. Boarding Drones tend to be pretty high up on the list, so a mere scratch to the system and they stop flying.

Re: Favorite Combat Style

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 11:55 pm
by PiratedChaos
Usually when I fight I'm using laser galore, mostly because they're easy to get and are good getting down shields. As of AE my fave weapons are Flaks.

My least favourite are Missiles even though I use them for the boss. I just hate the fact some of them take forever to recharge and take ammo too.