FNC Supernova: The Final Hour

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Terminus Paragon
Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Apr 16, 2014 8:24 pm

FNC Supernova: The Final Hour

Postby Terminus Paragon » Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:15 pm

Federation Naval Cruiser "Supernova"; Sector 8; In orbit around Federation resupply station; 17:38 local time

Captain Auridax looked over the systems one last time. The Rebel Flagship, that powerful monstrosity he had been ordered to face, was only a single jump away. He would have to confront it at the main Federation base in the sector.

As he sat in his pilot's chair, he couldn't help but start thinking about his former crew. He had picked up Lieutenant Chen, a valuable human Artillery Officer, and Krrthkt, a Mantis raider, only a few jumps ago, but they would never replace those which he had lost. Auridax remembered the deaths of each one of his old charges; the two catastrophic boarding attempts that had killed a Mantis (who, for all his glory, Auridax could not remember his name) and then Durgung and Gruung, Rock brothers. Evo; an Engi Artillery Officer, invaluable to the ship, who asphyxiated while desperately trying to repair the oxygen pumping system. Without him, Auridax would not be here right now. Parallax, another Engi, this one a repairman, who refused to give up his ship; he was not an experienced fighter by any means, but he gave the Rebel boarders hell when they tried to force their way into the engine room, and he had died as a result.

And now he had these two.

Equipped with two somewhat unconventional Flak Guns and a Laser Burst cannon, as well as the Supernova's built-in experimental Artillery Beam, Auridax did not trust his odds against the Rebel Flagship very well. However, the risk of losing if he attacked was high; the risk of losing if he didn't attack was guaranteed.

And so, with a heavy heart, a tear on the cheek, and a trembling hand, Captain Auridax activated the intercom system on the ship to give his final speech before battle.

He cleared his throat and watched on the CCTV screens as the eyes of his two loyal crew members snapped up to the speaker systems in their respective rooms.

The Captain spoke:

"This is it. The all-or-nothing gamble. The future of the Federation in our hands. I'm not going to ease this situation up at all." Auridax paused. "The fact is that if we do not destroy the Rebel Flagship which we are about to face, thousands die. Perhaps millions. Billions more over the years of chaos, war, and anarchy sure to come after a Rebel victory."

Auridax paused yet again. "This will be where we make our stand. We may not have the best weapons in the world; the best shields, engines, or... Well... Anything technological really. But we do have one ace up our sleeve."

A third pause, now deliberate for dramatic effect. "You both. You are two of the best crew I have ever had, even in the short time I've served with you. I am confident that even if we do not win, we'll give them one hell of a pounding they're not likely to forget! If you wanted an arousing speech, you should have chosen another ship; but arousing speeches are not needed when there's a cause. Let the future of the Federation be my arousing speech! Let the aeons of prosperity and wealth be my arousing speech! Fight for it! Fight for the future! Fight for the Federation!"

Auridax listened to the cheers coming from both of his loyal crew for a few seconds before he continued, now for the last time.

"We jump to intercept the Rebel Flagship in thirty seconds. If you have a god, pray to them now. You won't get another chance until we're either pissed drunk at the bar once we've won, or we're all floating in vacuum."

The Captain switched off his intercom, ran a final system check, and locked the jump beacon he needed. He patted the wall of his cabin and kissed the top of his control panel for luck.

And then he pulled the lever labelled "FTL JUMP", and felt the ship judder around him, energy cascading through the engine.

And then, just like that, he was right in the middle of a gigantic battle.

FNC Supernova: Last Stand coming soon!