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Final Boss on Normal with Crystal Cruiser Side B

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:51 am
by Ruwen3
I finally defeated the final boss on normal and I did it with a strategy I never really tried out (foolishly). Boarding. And Lockdown. And then Crystal Crew beatdown. And then shields are gone and a beam drone circles about, merrily destroying every enemy system as your crew shoots the shit in the med bay. One of the most satisfying victories in a video game, if not the most. I'd be interested to hear about how others beat the final boss too, wanna try to win on each ship.

Carnelian Breakdown:
4 Layers of Shields
6 Bars in Engine
1 Bar in 02
2 Bars in Medbay
2 Bars in Teleporter
3 Bars in Cloak
4 Drone Slots
Beam Drone
Hull Repair Drone (Best Investment one can make in the game!)

Thanks for reading, and to all of you who are still trying to get the Crystal Cruiser I wish you the best of luck! I would recommend using a rock ship. And check out viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2588

Good luck in the next sector!