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Artillery Beam - The Double Edged Sword

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 11:32 am
by Boof
So there I was, not quite believing how well things were going using the Federation Cruiser, named The BrOsprey.
Was playing on normal, with complete focus on artillery beam and defense, and nothing at all in weapons. It was comically good. It was an exceptionally lucky run it would seem, because I hit all the right spots and ended up unlocking the crystal cruiser.
Had a full crew and maxed out teleport and med bay, using frequent hit and run tactics between beam strikes. It was so fun, you have to try both the ship and this particular playstyle if you haven't yet.
But wouldn't you know it, in true FTL fashion (though it was actually completely my fault), on the last node in the crystal sector, right before the flagship sector, I lose sight of the enemy hull health and my beam charge, and end up frying my two black belt mantis buddies along with the enemy ship. Right before the flagship encounter!
:shock: That was me for about 5 minutes. The rest of my crew were mostly engi and zoltan, which I needed on the ship. I thought all was lost. I've had some poor luck as far as items went this run, and only managed to secure one lousy defense drone, so things looked grim, but the crystal engines man, and the rock firefighter on my crew stepped in, in heroic fashion. Complete fighting rookies, they bravely assaulted that triple missle launcher, and valiantly defended against those breach drones, and mass invaders on stage three. Barely pulled out a victory in the end with that skeleton crew.

Shame I didn't record any of this, but I suppose there are too many people putting up videos of their runs on this game as it is. I just wanted to share the story since the shock of frying my mantis right before the boss followed by a hard fought victory anyway really made that run special. Oh and also to urge those who haven't tried the no weapons artillery beam with constant teleport harrass playstyle, to give it a try. :)

Re: Artillery Beam - The Double Edged Sword

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 3:37 pm
by Tekidek
"black belt mantis"



Man the Osprey is my favorite ship, I always upgrade his Artillery ASAP. It's SO COOL to see this big beam bypassing 4 shields and hitting everything :twisted:

I never used teleporter exactly not to kill my crew :mrgreen:

Re: Artillery Beam - The Double Edged Sword

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 4:16 pm
by nafuid
That story brings back memories :). The surprising part is that you got all the way to sector 8 using boarding + arti beam before you spaced your boarders.

Re: Artillery Beam - The Double Edged Sword

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:22 pm
by UltraMantis
You don't need the arty beam to fry your boarders. :roll: I do it with a Halberd beam and sucking at math. :mrgreen: if i hit the medbay it should stay damaged long enough for my boarders to clear a few of the enemies.. oh and i can also nail the pair trying to repair the medbay, nice.... i think i'll adjust the beam to also clip their weapons, that missile is getting on my nerves.. yes, that's a good idea. c'mon teleporter! recycle already.. and here we go, 2nd strike team is on board and helping out their wounded mates... Halberd beam almost ready... and the Ion Blast just took down their shield :D lovely... (my brain falls asleep at the wheel) nothing could be better than taking down a shield bubble right before a beam hits.. and There It Goes!! ripping the medbay to shreds, and wounding the enemies that just managed to repair it, and now it will silence that damned missile launch...(ship blows up)

but, but...

Re: Artillery Beam - The Double Edged Sword

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:46 pm
by Boof
haha glad to hear I'm not alone in this.

The thing is, I almost immediately identified the danger of board 'n beam playstyle, and was very careful but yeah... last node of the last sector, thought I was home free and I zapped 'em. The game doesn't let you slip up for a second :lol:

I insta paused when the ship started going down before falling apart, just doing a lot :shock: and R+click spamming all over the ship trying to bring them back.

Re: Artillery Beam - The Double Edged Sword

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:30 pm
by LizardKing
I did that the first time I played with it as well. I remembered to turn off autofire while boarding, but not the artillery beam *shakes fist*

Re: Artillery Beam - The Double Edged Sword

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:56 am
by orihara
I had a bad time controlling the artillery beam because i always focus on using the sword but it was good though.