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Re: One final chance: An FTL-RP

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 9:26 pm
by elijahdb
"I KNEW IT!!" Targon bellowed triumphantly behind Kr. "They HAVE been making robotic clones!"

He was carrying an arm and a box of parts that was remote controlled. It hovered around as he put more parts into it.

"So much here.. Quinny, request to delay jump for further study."

Re: One final chance: An FTL-RP

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 10:59 pm
by I_am_person
Wait, why would a random, run-of the mill pirate ship which the rebels outfitted to blow up have a secret storage where there's important android parts?

While Nazia appreciated the gesture, she wondered why Kr called her as such.

Does he actually not know my name? A compliment? An insult? Wait. I got it. It doesn't matter.

"Wasn't bad." She took out a strap and shouldered the ram. "Nice refresher, really. Haven't done something of the sort in a long time." Kr simply nodded, then went out the airlock to the now drifting ship, which Cathos had docked to. Nazia just watched, turning around and retreating to her quarters a few moments later. While she was slightly concerned that Quintet was amused by her work, she didn't comment on it.


"Wow." Cathos commented, inspecting the data. "This looks like something derived from the Recuit a Pirate program that they did a few months ago, in hopes of getting some more manpower as well as more profit from pirates that they previously just killed." He looked at it further. "They've certainly gone a different direction with it, though. High command must be getting desperate..."

Actually, are they? Maybe this is why all the pirates that went to hunt federation ships never came back yet also never left any witnesses.

Re: One final chance: An FTL-RP

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 12:16 am
by dyno101
The rebels have no clue the feds woke me up. If this is true, they should have no clue of my existence. Logic says that both of those statements are false, which means the rebels knew I was woken up. How did they get that information? They had no inside informants or I would have picked out their behavior, and the database proves they had no signal connection. These two statements disprove something.. but what?

As Quintet ran through the possibilities, the request for jump delay came in.

"Positive. Just keep on reporting your findings. I'm busy."

If the rebels had no way to know I was woken up if I was in a federation base, but they knew I woke up, then.. no. That's not right. I remember uniforms- a-and meetings.. that can't be it. They wouldn't go to that much trouble for a simple A.I., would they? Wouldn't they just.. but.. what?

Re: One final chance: An FTL-RP

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 12:24 am
by Nomiddlename
When Arkangel heard that the jump was delayed, he immediately headed to his quarters. Haven't done this in a while. He gathered some sticks, a ceramic jar and a dagger with a clay handle from under his bed. Arkangel laid them out, putting the sticks in the jar and laying the knife beside it. Then, he sat cross-legged on the floor, extended one arm in front of his face and closed his eyes, deep in prayer.

Re: One final chance: An FTL-RP

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 1:36 am
by stylesrj
Tabitha was helping out with the looting of a pirate ship that somehow seemed more well-equipped for a suicidal vessel.
She didn't question it too much, just like when there were random weapons floating in space. I mean holy crap!

Tabitha's only a single unit because she's an infiltrator model. Steve's like the template or standard design for Rebel androids. Right?

Re: One final chance: An FTL-RP

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 2:38 am
by dyno101
Quintet left the pondering for a later time and decided to start coding for the ship. He knew he had much more efficient systems and coding to write, he had just never found the motivation, but wanting to avoid thinking about where he came from, he found this a perfect escape.

Re: One final chance: An FTL-RP

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 3:28 am
by elijahdb
Targon joyfully looked around the pirate ship, his hover-box obediently following him. "Their engineer had quite a bit of stuff, it looks like." The Mantis commented over the comms. "He just didn't know how to use it." He scornfully picked up an old drone hard drive literally melted onto another strange looking device, then shrugged and tossed it into the box.

"I wonder if they have any old shield parts laying about. I'll just-"

A loud thump interrupted Targon's rant. He stopped and examined where he had heard it, it was the wall to his right side. After hearing it again, he cautiously said "Hello? Anyone in there?"

A loud banging commenced on the wall and a voice, heavily laden with Italian, cried out, "Get a-mi outta here!"
Targon blinked; he could've sworn that voice was familiar. Almost from an old 8-bit game he used to play when he was a kid..

The Mantis, very excited now, switched his arm to split mode and replied to the Mario voice. "Back off from the wall, I'm going to cut out a circle!"

"That's good with-a me." It answered. "Go a-head." Targon slammed both clawed arms into the wall, then neatly made a circle that he pulled out with his regular flesh arm. He hoisted it and threw it to the side. The actions made dust fly everywhere, making Targon cough.

When he was done, he squinted through the floating mess to see a repair drone staring at him with a flickering eye. He gasped, then took a better look.

It was wearing old, dirty overalls and underneath that a red sweater with several holes in it. A blue cap was on top of its head and it seemed to be.. smiling? How? He looked closer, and as the dust cleared some more he saw to his surprise that the face of Mario was grinning at him, the eye as the monitor.

"Who.. are you?" Targon asked, bewildered.

"I am-a MARIO!" The drone chirped, then wheeled out with surprising agility and yelled to Targon, "Let's a-GO!!" It streaked down the hull and vanished around the corner.
Targon stood for a second, stunned. Then he pulled himself together.

"Welp. Better chase it." The blue Mantis ran after the Mario bot, his floating box full of parts floating hurriedly behind him.

Re: One final chance: An FTL-RP

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 3:56 am
by dyno101
(Wait - WHAT?)

Quintet, hearing Targon over the communications, powered up a drone and armed it with the best he could get - one of his personal laser pistols and a small energy shank, designed to kill in an instant at close range, with an energy-insulating feature for drone battle, in case this was a drone. He wheeled the drone out of his personal quarters and quickly launched it to the other ship with some tether trickery. He burst into the airlock and scanned the ship, ready for whatever had just been released to attack him.

"Tabitha, what's going on?"

Re: One final chance: An FTL-RP

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:38 pm
by elijahdb
dyno101 wrote:(Wait - WHAT?)

It's a-Mario..

It took awhile, but Targon finally caught up with the drone, only to see it wheel into the room that Quintet had just boarded. Targon was about to jump after it but the door slammed shut, and a laser wall covered it up.
No getting through this.

* * *

M.12X screeched to a halt when he saw Quintet armed with a gun. He quickly deployed a shield with his left arm before the AI fired at him, the laser bouncing off and hitting the ceiling.

"I'm-ma programmed for you to a-DIE!" It cheerfully stated. "You-a know of Peter, no?" M.12X asked. "He-a made me, long time ago. Made me so I kill AI like you, traitor!"

The strange, deranged robot opened its chest with the other rusty arm to reveal a large bomb inside itself. The bomb beeped, then began a countdown sequence, speaking aloud. "89, 88, 87, 86," and so on.

M.12X suddenly shifted his other hand into a gun and began firing plasma at Quintet, still hiding behind its shield. "Try a-me!!"

Other people can control this weird drone. I don't care.

Re: One final chance: An FTL-RP

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 9:27 pm
by stylesrj
Tabitha was walking down the halls with some loot in hand when she hearda Mario bouncing arounda.
"I don't know what's going on over here half the time" Tabitha said "Are those Engi ships safe?"
She then turned the corner to see a tiny Mario figure firing away at one of Quintet's drones.
She quickly ducked back and grabbed her blaster rifle, firing at the machine before it could turn around and shoot her or block the shots.
"Oh no!" M.12X shouted as its left arm broke away and he played the death sound typical of him falling into a pit. However the drone then started bouncing around, trying to avoid being hit by any more shots from either side while the bomb ticked away... 60, 59, 58...