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Re: One final chance: An FTL-RP

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 12:18 am
by I_am_person
Alright, here we go

Name: Cathos Lebonance
Race: Human
Occupation: Rebel Captain
Skills: Negotiation, mediocre pilot, coding
Weak points: terrible fighter
Enjoys: manipulating pirates, table tennis, looking at schematics.
Dislikes: The Federation, Rockmen, Zoltan
Secrets: lost in an arm wrestle with an engi, employs aliens
Appearance: fairly average form, blue eyes, dirty blond hair, Shirt of standard rebel uniform, jeans.
Rank: captain
Age: 34


There was only reason why Cathos knew about the location of the secret rebel shipyard where the flagship was built.

His fiancé was on the second one when it got destroyed by a Federation cruiser. Which then went on to finish the job with the first one. The last long-range transmission that was sent from the half-finished ship was a private message, to a far away ship. Cathos opened the transmission, wondering why Lace was trying to talk to him at a time like this. She knew that he was on the search for a very important ship, right?

His fiancée, her blonde hair burnt and Rebel uniform charred, sitting in an engine room with tears at her eyes, was the last thing he expected. He started to stammer, at a loss of words. She cut him off.

"Look, I don't know how they did it, or if anybody gave them information, but they found it. The bastards found it!" raving, she sounded like a madman.

He leaned in closer, trying to comprehend what was happening. "Find what? Where are you?" She was silent for a second, dazed at his questions. After a moment, she recovered and spoke, this time with a little bit more sanity in her voice.

"Oh right, I never told you. I'm working on the second flagship, I worked on the first one too, I wasn't cheating on you when I didn't show up to dinner that one time." She opened her mouth to talk again, but an explosion rang in her ship, shaking the monitor. Cathos heard the faint slide of a shield bubble dropping, a sound he was all too accustomed to. His face went dark as he finally realized what was happening.

Trying to deal with an overflow of emotions, he moaned, "But..."

"Yes, Cathos. I'm going to die." Silence rang for a few moments. Sighing, she quickly typed something. "I just sent you the coordinates to this place. Here's what I need you to do. There's a prototype weapon that we captured from a ship. It's nothing like I've ever seen. They'll probably find the ship, but I doubt they'll find the blueprints of it hidden in the planet below us." As she talked, Cathos could hear the sound of doors being opened in the distance along with thundering steps. He knew that they weren't human.

"Bring all the engineers, coders, programmers you can find, here. Heck, bring an engi. Find the blueprints, build the new weapon, and keep up the fight. " As Cathos processed the information, Lace fought back tears. A grunt resounded in the direction of the door, her face was filled with anxiety as she looked to it, the heavy steps growing even louder. Running to a cabinet, she pulled out a pistol and aimed at the door, hand steady and form perfect. She was always a good shot. It wouldn't help her now. The door opened and two giant masses of rock barged in, walking right past the monitor. She fired a few shots to the head that landed perfectly, but it was no use, their skin was too thick.

Cathos watched helplessly as he watched them murder his lover brutally in front of his eyes. After dropping her dismantled frame to the ground, a teleporter beamed them away. Minutes later, the transmission cut off. He sat in the dark silence a little longer, then fell to his knees, sobbing. It was dawn.

After a few minuets, he stood up, his face marked with resolve. Taking up his phone, he furiously dialed a number.

"Johnny, tell Wilson that I'm using my break days. I'm going on leave for a month. I have some personal matters to take care of."

Re: One final chance: An FTL-RP

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 11:34 pm
by dyno101
(Accepted times 100! Amazing.)

Quintet commanded his drone to quickly defeat the new border, which was a very quick fight. He wheeled into the room, rammed the new opponent, took his gun, and shot him in the head a few times at point blank range.
"Coming in to cover you. Drop the stealth and watch how I do this."
He boarded the ship directly in the piloting room. He turned around to see one person controlling the ship, killed him, took his gun, and smashed its battery cartridge into itself by bashing it on a wall. He then opened a door, threw it, heard a loud bang and some screams, and wheeled into the room surrounded by two dead bodies.
"And that's how it's done. I'll move to take out the rest, you work on... whatever you're working on. You're a lanius. I know they have an instinct for combat."

Re: One final chance: An FTL-RP

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 12:41 am
by I_am_person
Now, umm. Apologies if I'm asking for too much, but can I get a quick summary of the current events? I have an idea for the first few posts I can make but I'll need to interact soon for it to be interesting and I'd rather not read through 60 pages.

Re: One final chance: An FTL-RP

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 2:50 am
by SciGuy303
I_am_person wrote:Now, umm. Apologies if I'm asking for too much, but can I get a quick summary of the current events? I have an idea for the first few posts I can make but I'll need to interact soon for it to be interesting and I'd rather not read through 60 pages.

Sure! I'll list some major events down for you.

1. Everyone gets aboard the ship, they meet Quintet and soon enough everyone notices that the AI is, well, very unnormal to say the least.
2. Crew then finds strange green canisters and thinks that its poison gas. Quintet proves them wrong.
3. Couple jumps later crew arrives at an abandoned station. They find a strange engine that later gets installed and a deactivated engi who later becomes B21, a crew member. Oh and also Dragon the mantis leapt out the airlock and left a book behind. And the crew discovers there's a nuke on the ship and deactivates it.
4. Targon tries to kill Quintet with paradoxes but fails.
5. Couple jumps later they arrive at a store, get into a bar fight and escape just as security arrives. Kr gets stuck on a pirate ship though, but commandeers it.
6. Quintet finds himself trapped on a ship in lockdown and only barely manages to escape, but not without blowing up a fed cruiser. Now the entire federation AND rebels are hunting down Quintet. He then tells the crew about how the federation is corrupt etc.
7. Crew finds Kr's ship. Kr pretends to be a pirate but then reveals himself.
8. Sp dies when a massive ion blast surges through the ship. FTL drives is also damaged and unstable, but later gets replaced with the engine we found earlier.
9. We then find Mrs. Soong, who was the guardian of Targon and also the person who quarantined Quintet. A few negotiations later Quintet lets her on the ship, but she escapes. Quintet is mad.
10. Arkangel, the lanius, dons a jetpack and basically becomes a boarding drone, but more badass (of course I'm biased because I'm Arkangel :lol: ). By this point B21 wakes up and officially becomes part of the crew.
11. Steve, a POW we captured, escapes from a quarantine tank. Arkangel soon disables him though. Then we discover Steve is actually an android.
12. Quintet makes a Dan Bull reference. There goes the plotline.
13. We then arrive at a shop. We buy a few things but then get caught up in an arena battle. We kill the champion but then of course Quintet shows up in his omnipotent repair drone (the thing killed a mantis!) and heists the place. We then escape.
14. We then find an escape pod with a lanius engineer inside. He becomes part of our crew.
15. A federation ship jumps in and offers an Ion Cannon for some scrap. We take the deal.
16. Crew sees a flaming ship (which I speculate is the ship belonging to the slavers who took Kr). Tabitha gets mind controlled, but we deal with that.
17. The crew gets into a bar fight (AGAIN), hire an engi called Gat and make a break for it.

Also, you might want to claim a out-of-topic discussion colour. Here's the colours claimed:

Re: One final chance: An FTL-RP

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 2:58 am
by SciGuy303
Arkangel was equally as impressed as he was annoyed. On the one hand, Quintet was really good at fighting and could be a potential boarding partner. On the other hand, that was horribly unstealthy and he stole Arkangel's kills. Nonetheless, he dropped the thought and jetpacked back to the ship. As soon as he arrived back he walked into a wall emerging into a seemingly inaccessible room...

Look forward to more Latin ramblings :lol:
And also Google Translate is horribly unaccurate, what Derk translated was nowhere near what i put into the translator origionally.

Re: One final chance: An FTL-RP

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 6:25 am
by I_am_person
Well I bet Quintet used a boarding drone to kill two people, and not something with.... 25 hp?

If not then :shock: omnipotent drone indeed.

Also obviously as you can see I claim purple.

Re: One final chance: An FTL-RP

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 6:51 am
by stylesrj
I think at this point we're generating corpses... or opponents to turn into corpses.

Tabitha was now fully recovered from the medbay.
"Is the battle won yet?" she asked, heading back to the pilot seat. She didn't see any hostile lifesigns onboard - the pirate ship looked like it was free to be looted with maximum Scrap rewards.
Also, she picked up the Captain's hat (typical pirate hat with the squid instead of a skull) and put it on one of the repair drones. "Hey Captain, from now on, when you want to use a Repair Drone to talk to us, can you put that hat on it as well? Please?"
She thought the drone looked more dignified that way.

Re: One final chance: An FTL-RP

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 7:12 am
by SciGuy303
I_am_person wrote:Well I bet Quintet used a boarding drone to kill two people, and not something with.... 25 hp?

If not then :shock: omnipotent drone indeed.

Also obviously as you can see I claim purple.

Nope, Quintet somehow boarded with a repair drone and kill 3 people before Arkangel could kill them.

Re: One final chance: An FTL-RP

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 5:41 pm
by kestrelfan
SciGuy303 wrote:Arkangel was equally as impressed as he was annoyed. On the one hand, Quintet was really good at fighting and could be a potential boarding partner. On the other hand, that was horribly unstealthy and he stole Arkangel's kills. Nonetheless, he dropped the thought and jetpacked back to the ship. As soon as he arrived back he walked into a wall emerging into a seemingly inaccessible room...

Look forward to more Latin ramblings :lol:
And also Google Translate is horribly unaccurate, what Derk translated was nowhere near what i put into the translator origionally.

welp screw you google translate

Re: One final chance: An FTL-RP

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 4:20 am
by dyno101
(Sorry for the down time! I was being a DERP. No more excuses for me. Also, I did just kill then with repair drones, but Quintet has not only programmed himself specifically to kill and be heartless but has also committed quite a few mass genocides and been through a couple wars, so it'll take quite the challenge to challenge him, but trust ,e when I say it'll come eventually.

"No thank you! I'd rather not get mauled even harder by the feds. I only use one drone at a time anyways. Well, the ship looks clear. If you want to head back to home base, you can, Arkangel. I'll hang back and come back with the scrap I can salvage."

Quintet set his drone on the ship to automatically salvage it. He then opened up the speaker communications on the main ship.

"That went.. well. Great, in fact! We'll probably get a good salvage on the ship. It's been through war-torn zones, so it's quite loaded down. Did the feds brief you on the state of the war? Or are you not considered special operations?"