The Engi Conspiracy!

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Re: The Engi Conspiracy!

Postby DarkPhoenix141 » Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:02 am

(Out of character: I'm going to assume you posted that a little after my post, if that isn't the case tell me

With that being the case I'm going to say the conversation between You and Me happened after I broke out and then the events that I specified in my post happened after that, it seems to make the most sense)

*Aboard the Shadow of an Era*

*Phoenix's flashback while unconscious


Voice: Is sacrificing your partner the best choice?

Or is it just the easiest?

*Two gunshots*


Phoenix: No...


Phoenix: NO!

Voice 2: Hang on by your last thread of will...

Voice 3: I thought that you had a feeling of empathy... Fewer loved ones die that way...

Voice 4: Your team will face dangers and harsh situations, tough decisions are up ahead but it is agreed, this is your specialty...

Voice 3: I thought that you had a feeling of empathy...

Voice 5: PHOENIX!


*Phoenix regains consciousness and the flashback ends. He is heavily breathing, Anna standing over him.*

Phoenix: How are you awake? Where am I? What are you doing there?

Anna: You got it a little worse, so you slept the full twelve hours and I got up a little early...... As for where you are, you are aboard the Shadow of and Era, with it's rather advanced medical system...

As for why I'm here, I was watching you sleep, because I am just that kind of woman...

Phoenix: Those are all weird answers...

Anna: But they are the truth... Hey a few minutes before you woke up you were saying something... I didn't catch it.

Phoenix: Yeah... had a bad dream...

Anna: Hmm... Well sleep a little... You need the rest. You got beat up back there...

*Twenty minutes later*

Phoenix: Aw screw her I'll be fine, I can walk. *As he gets up he has a headache and a brief flashback: "HOW MANY LIVES LOST ON YOUR ORDERS?!"*

Phoenix: Argh... Yeah, maybe sleeping is the best option... God what's with these flashbacks...

*Anna walks in*

Anna: You tried to get up and hurt yourself? That. Is an achievement.

Phoenix: That's not it... I had a headache.

*He gets back on the bed*

Phoenix: Once you leave I'm going to get off this bed and wander aimlessly around the ship until I get bored of it.

Anna: And I trust you to do so.

Phoenix: Where are you even going

Anna: I honestly don't have a clue...

Phoenix: This is going to end badly.

Anna: Yes, it likely is.
Last edited by DarkPhoenix141 on Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Engi Conspiracy!

Postby Tharsis » Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:40 am



Man 2: I don't know how! Some team rescued him before we could secure the area, but I don't know how he escaped the restraints.

Man 1: We have plans in place to capture him again, I ill send you the details soon. Don't disappoint me again. We have big plans for a high supreme admiral.

Man 2: I will not disappoint you my Lord.

Man 1: Good.

Man 3: HSA Phoenix huh? Pretty ballsy if you ask me.

Man 1: No one asked you Lieutenant.

Man 3: Of course.

Man 4: Shadow of an Era is in sight sir!

Man 1: Initiate plan Omega 1442

Man 2: Yes sir.

(Transmittion was intercepted from the bridge of an unknown ship to a ship boarding pod via wireless transmittion)

"The're coming to destroy us... Why?... We want peace..."
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Re: The Engi Conspiracy!

Postby agigabyte » Tue Jul 22, 2014 3:41 pm

Aboard Undetectable

Serena: We've intercepted a transmission, it was garbled, but they mentioned the Shadow and plan Omega 1442!

agig: Shit! *Opens channel* Sh83! These guys are with Golly! They mentioned Plan 1442!

Sh83: Damn, I'm calling the Dawn!

agigabyte: Do it! Golly is priority #2

A few moments later, the Dawn flies in, disabling the station and enemy ships.
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Re: The Engi Conspiracy!

Postby DarkPhoenix141 » Tue Jul 22, 2014 7:53 pm

*Phoenix puts on a glove while Graves and two other soldiers come in*

Soldier 1: Secure the area..

Soldier 2: Sir, we will be your security detail, intelligence suggests that enemy operatives will be making attempts to capture you, advance teams on standby for your support.

Graves: We don't know where the transmission came from, so the Sentinel is on high alert.

HSA Phoenix: *Loads pistol* I don't need a security detail. I going out

Graves: Where too?

Phoenix: The Mothership... Where I was held.

Graves: Uh... Sir with all due respect we can't let you do that

Phoenix: *Loads Rifle and sheathes two knives* Yeah you can... I'll be fine... Spyglass, I want an accompanying soldier handpicked by me.

Of course admiral, ECRT Soldiers ready on deck.

*ECRT Soldiers stand at attention, one soldier with the tag Adrian Shepard grabs the attention of Phoenix, who silently picks him*

Shepard: Sir?

Phoenix: What's your name soldier?

Shepard: Adrian Shepard... Sir.

Phoenix: You're coming with me, you have twenty minutes to prep your gear.

Shepard: Yes sir! *Shepard runs off to the armory*

Phoenix: Spyglass, get a pod on deck...

Sir, with all due respect this is a highly dangerous operation... Capture is likely.

Phoenix: I'll be fine Spyglass.

Shepard: Sir, ready when you are.

Phoenix: Let's move then

*The pair get in a pod and the pod launches for the Mothership, it lands five minutes later on the outer hull of the ship*

Phoenix: Follow me, and do what I say when I say it. All unknowns are hostile, armed or otherwise.

Shepard: Roger that... *The two move to the center of the ship*

Phoenix: Structural integrity at a minimal here, we can use the drill drones.

*Phoenix launches eight small drones from a pod with chisels at their front, they latch onto the hull and use small boosters to drill into the vent. Phoenix and Shepard enter it and close the hole they made*

Phoenix: We're in, hold fire until I give the word, we're tracking someone...

Shepard: Who?

Phoenix: No clue, the interrogator's dead, someone in that recording mentioned a recapture, so that's who I'm after.

Shepard: Got a name?

Phoenix: Negative. All we know is he wants me... So we find the bridge, wait for some people to ask some questions, and then get our man... Hopefully as discreet as possible.

Shepard: Sounds like a plan...

*The duo keeps moving through the vents unto they reach the med center, near a stairwell*

Phoenix: Alright, we have a med center here, we have to find a new vent system that moves up.

Shepard: Roger, on your go...

Phoenix: Go.

*The due drops down, killing two doctors and two injured soldiers and engineers*

Phoenix: Clear... Shepard, move up the stairwell, there should be a vent near the door.

Shepard: Roger. Yup, there's a vent, I can almost... Got it.

Phoenix: Me first, I'll recognize the voice... *Phoenix and Shepard enter the vent and move into the Bridge*

Shepard: We're in... I'll move this way and stay in the vents, you move for the control room left of the bridge.

Phoenix: Sounds good to me...

*Phoenix moves and exits the vent, he clears the control room and Shepard clears the once parallel to him, they activate speakers so they can hear what the terrorists are saying*

Man 1: Of course... Yes I am aware of the infiltration...

Phoenix: Hell...

Shepard: We should move...

Man 1: Yes, you are clear, kill Shepard... I want Phoenix alive...


Shepard: Shit...

Terrorist 2: Where did he go?

Terrorist 3: Alpha 2, be advised target is dangerous.

Alpha 2: Roger that, vents are uninhabitable. Phoenix has no where to run...

Attention Phoenix, surrender now, and you will not be harmed...


We have you surrounded and there is no escape, we will find you.

Shepard: Move out the window, I'll secure exfil, our guy is the one without the helmet in the center of the group, all of them are hostile...

Phoenix: Roger... *He breaks through the window, killing two soldiers with his pistol. He rolls as he lands and kills two more and tosses a grenade into the control room, he targets the three soldiers in the one adjacent to him and kills them, as HVT targets him with his pistol he moves it away from him and knocks it out of his hand, quickly he incapacitates the HVT and holds him hostage as a human shield*

Phoenix: You better hope these people like you or else this will end badly for all involved.

HVT: Supreme Admiral Phoenix... Leader of the Phoenix Federation a new faction formed by the equivalent of rebels... You made my job a lot easier.

Phoenix: Shut up...

*Soldiers burst in with weapons raised when they see he has a human shield they lower their weapons*

Phoenix: Let me through NOW... LOWER YOUR WEAPONS *Presses his pistol into the HVT's temple* I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL KILL THIS BASTARD...

*Soldiers disarm their weapons and let Phoenix through*

Shepard: Sir I've secured evac... Meet me in the hanger, soldiers aren't following me...

Phoenix: They surrendered, because I got that bastard...

*Phoenix makes it to the hanger and gets in the dropship, they fly away from the Mothership*
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Re: The Engi Conspiracy!

Postby Tharsis » Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:09 pm

From : ADM Tharsis

TO : HSA Phoenix

This conversation might interest you Phoenix.

[File attached]


Man 2: Damn! HSA Phoenix escaped our grasp again, this time with our boss!

Man 3: Well, it was Phoenix he was trying to capture.

Man 2: Whatever, we will be moving to a new ship with a squeaky clean ID.

Man 3: Captain...

Man 2: What?

Man 3: Phoenix will just find us again, this time he might not be worried about stealth.

Man 2: He will not find us. Our suppliers promised that this ship would be one Phoenix least expects. They do have a copy of his personality test and psych evaluations.

Man 3: I'm just worried you might try to recapture him.

Man 2: Not immediately, but eventually i would like to get my hands on that bastard. My brother was in the Medbay for a checkup when he struck.

Man 3: This new ship, is it the one you are transmitting from?

Man 2: No, this is just a cargo hauler.

Man 4: Initiating docking procedures with our new base sir.

Man 2: Very well.

Man 3: I'm worried you might turn into the old boss with a personal hatred for Phoenix.

Man 2: Are you my psychologist? If not, SHUT UP ABOUT IT!

Man 3: No, but it is my job to be worried about the health and safety of the crew of this ship, and that includes you.

Man 2: I'm ending the call.

(Intercepted as a ship to ship transmission)


[File attachment]
"The're coming to destroy us... Why?... We want peace..."
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Re: The Engi Conspiracy!

Postby DarkPhoenix141 » Wed Jul 23, 2014 12:47 am

*Aboard the Once More Unto the Breach, the ninth battlegroup's Flagship. Phoenix punches the HVT in the face, Shepard stands away from the incident, his arms crossed. Anna stands closer, but does and says nothing*

HSA Phoenix: C'MON... ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION... *He punches the HVT again, his knuckles bloodied by the interrogation*

HVT: Hah... You think I'm gonna say anything? That's funny... *Phoenix punches him in the ribs twice*

Phoenix: What did want? *Phoenix takes a knife and stabs him in the hand and pulls it out* WHAT DID YOU WANT?

HVT: *Laughing*

Shepard: Phoenix you're going to easy on him... Show him how we ask questions in our country...

Phoenix: Of course... *Phoenix kicks him in face and in the stomach before hitting him in the head with his elbow. He then grabs a gun and places it to his temple*

Phoenix: Answer the question friend...

HVT: Hah. You're gonna shoot me? I doubt it...

Phoenix: You're not going to answer anything so you are of no use to me. You can't carry out your vendetta if you're dead. *Phoenix pulls the trigger, it clicks, he cocks the pistol and shoots him in the leg, and in the stomach*

HVT: Haha... Is that all you got?

Phoenix: Nope *He strikes the HVT in the hand with a hatchet* C'mon save us both a little trouble...

HVT: Not gonna happen *Phoenix points a pistol at his head* Is it loaded this time? *Phoenix cocks the pistol and levels it* So this is how it ends Phoenix... You gonna shoot me in the head.

Phoenix: Damn right I am!

HVT: Ha... You made my job a lot easier


Muffled Voice 2: All hostiles eliminated, breach and clear

*The door explodes as two soldiers enter, three more drop into the room, Shepard and Anna kill two but Phoenix grabs his pistol and kills the two breaching soldiers, then finishing off the soldier that dropped into the room, however the front section of the hallway explodes the ship into two pieces Phoenix and company slide down and end up holding onto the ship, many other soldiers fall out, including Shepard, who fortunately had a parachute. The HVT and four soldiers walk up to Anna and Phoenix, who are barely holding on.

HVT: Told you. *He walks over to Anna* If you make it out of this kid, come find me, we could use more soldiers like you... Actually *He pulls Anna up onto the deck* I'm not taking any chances, but... I can't trust you just yet... *He hands her a pistol* Kill him.

Phoenix: C'MON... KILL ME... I DARE YOU...

*Anna points the pistol at Phoenix, looks away and pulls the trigger, Phoenix falls from the injury, however his harness catches him on a tree*

Phoenix: Ergh... *He cuts himself loose and falls into a crater where a piece of debris fell* All units, do not under any circumstances contact me... Do not follow me or attempt to extract me... That will end badly for all involved...

*He pulls himself over to a tree and checks his wound*

Phoenix: God I can't believe she shot me.
Last edited by DarkPhoenix141 on Wed Jul 23, 2014 3:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Engi Conspiracy!

Postby agigabyte » Wed Jul 23, 2014 3:24 am

(What timezone is everyone in? I want to maybe do a casual RP. I'm in Central.)
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Re: The Engi Conspiracy!

Postby DarkPhoenix141 » Wed Jul 23, 2014 3:49 am

agigabyte wrote:(What timezone is everyone in? I want to maybe do a casual RP. I'm in Central.)

(Central and I stay up too 2:00 AM exclusively)
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Re: The Engi Conspiracy!

Postby Tharsis » Wed Jul 23, 2014 3:58 am

(Pacific, i usually am up until 4 am)
"The're coming to destroy us... Why?... We want peace..."
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Re: The Engi Conspiracy!

Postby DarkPhoenix141 » Wed Jul 23, 2014 4:09 am

(Gonna have to make an exception for the next few days when it comes to my sleep schedule, a game I have fallen madly in love with is coming out on the 24th.

The name is hidden in one of my posts on the last page :))
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