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Re: (FTL RP) FTL: Lakibar Station

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 9:05 pm
by Whiskey
Koneg’s vid screen and Nanites rebuild entirely “Gratitude. Memory Backs 74% restored. Charged 82%. Stations engine room can be overcharged. Will stress the damperners but bring station back into orbit.” Koneg detaches the power cord and starts to hurry to the engine room of the station. “Zoltan aid needed. After re-orbit I suggest you rest in Med-Bay”

Re: (FTL RP) FTL: Lakibar Station

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 9:25 pm
by stylesrj
I'm gonna tap out of this one. I thought I was getting the gist of things with the Nisos, then the Lanius attack but now there's some sort of Crystal thing happening and the station is now going out of orbit and honestly I'm left scratching my head and why this is all happening at once.

Slocknaw was nowhere to be found on the station. During the confusion he had already bailed in an escape pod to Lakibar. Then he took a passenger ship that was on the way to Zoltan-controlled space.
It was only years later when a travelling merchant arrived at the Lakibar System that Slocknaw's fate was revealed: He had retired and joined a peaceful order of monks who had sworn off space travel and communication with most of the galaxy.
When asked why he'd do such a thing, the merchant's reply was "Slocknaw kept repeating to himself that it was his first day."

Re: (FTL RP) FTL: Lakibar Station

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:26 am
by AI41
"Oh. I forgot we were headed to the ground. Wherever Jyalen is, I hope he's doing something. And no, my 60cm resume does not contain piloting, I left that out." Gyldi hadn't quite finished her talking before running off to the control room. "Ok. positive Y thrust 0%. Let's point the station across the atmosphere." The station shook as it moved to point as Gyldi commanded. Everyone had to stand on the corner between the floor and a wall. "FULL THROTTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled. The thrust percentage raised. 50%. 100% 150%. Error: Percentage value too high. Modification detected. "GO JYALEN!!" Gyldi yelled again. Jyalen had rebuilt the station's thrust to point all in positive Y. Slowly, the station began to climb in altitude. It passed the 100km mark. It left the atmosphere. "Everyone, stand by for circularization burn." Gyldi said into the comms.

Bye then stylesrj. Ka kite ano.

Re: (FTL RP) FTL: Lakibar Station

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 1:07 pm
by Whiskey
Koneg and Marcella almost fell as the station shift from falling to going up, Koneg goes to a terminal and looks at the heat sensors "The fire is spreading to the control room, heading to extinguish it" Koneg reforms one of his hands into a fire extinguisher and starts making his way to the control room.

Re: (FTL RP) FTL: Lakibar Station

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:12 pm
by AI41
Gyldi screamed as the fire crept in, licking the door as it did so. She grabbed the room’s extinguisher and lay prone, spraying the fire with as much extinguishing fluid as possible.

Re: (FTL RP) FTL: Lakibar Station

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:44 pm
by Whiskey
Entering the control room the flames were very close to the door making him back off a bit before dosing the flames evenly. Eventually, he had managed to put the flames out in the control room and the small room from where the fire was coming from, but past the smaller one was more and more fire making whatever that room was a living hell, he went to the terminal "Closing door and opening airlock in smaller room next door to make a fire break. The larger room beyond the smaller room is not responding to the controls. Commencing repairs to control room"

AI41 wrote:Gyldi screamed as the fire crept in, licking the door as it did so. She grabbed the room’s extinguisher and lay prone, spraying the fire with as much extinguishing fluid as possible.
Did you mean Locking?

Re: (FTL RP) FTL: Lakibar Station

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:01 pm
by Jumbocarrot0
AI41 could've meant either

Violet was still in the control room when Gyldi burst in. She let her do her thing before the fire broke loose into the room. She grabbed a fire extingusher and helped Gyldi with the flames. She extinguish it to find the engi, Marcella behind him, or her, and Garnarg the murderer. Violet thought back her urged enough to only spray fire extinguisher foam at him and not throw thr fire extinguisher.

“Wait what was that Gy...” She has already left before Garnarg could listen to her sentence nor read her mind. It was not too long after this that the station suddenly went full throtle, tripping Garnarg a bit. “Well I bet I know where Gyldi is now.” He was reminded by its crackling that the small fire in the bay now turned rather large. “Oh well, this is a bay.” He walked out the room, sealed the doors and opened the bay's airlocks from the remote controled button on the door's sede, well at least tried to. ‘huh’ were his first thoughts as he spammed the button to no avail. ‘Why is tha...’ he thoughts were drowned out by a fire engulfing the control room and an engi quickly smothering it. He wandered over to see Gyldi, Violet next to her, the engi and Marcella behind him, and apparently a lot of fire extinguisher foam. He wiped it off and glared at Violet.
“Bay is covered in flames and airlock doors aren't responding.” Garnarg explained in an unusually calm way, like this was normal.

Re: (FTL RP) FTL: Lakibar Station

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:27 pm
by Whiskey
Koneg walked over to the controls taking a panel out and looking at the circuitry. "Controls beyond repair. The fire has damaged the circuitry beyond repair. Question: what are the contents of the bay?"

Re: (FTL RP) FTL: Lakibar Station

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:49 pm
by Jumbocarrot0
“Does it matter? The bay is being engulfed in flames as we speak. Anything inside it is probably burnt by now.”

Re: (FTL RP) FTL: Lakibar Station

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 9:09 pm
by Whiskey
"Acknowledged. Suggestion: If we can turn the oxygen to the bay off the fire will soon run out of oxygen to feed off. Or we could go to the exterior of the station and manually detach the bay's locks. Question: were has the Lanius gone?"