Complete Ships Guide [SPOILERS]
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Re: Complete Ships Guide [SPOILERS]
I see! That may have been my mistake all along. Granted, I was hitting any red blip with the word "Mantis" in the name so some of them had to have been homeworlds, but I will alter my searches now.
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Re: Complete Ships Guide [SPOILERS]
Misteravarice wrote:Managed to get it last night through what Im sure was some kind of glitch;
So Im cruising through the game and come upon the 'Stranded madman' event and decided to take him on board considering I has 5 crew already it was worth the risk of him killing one. No need to worry because the madman turns out to be an alright guy called 'charlie' who I at first believed to be a rockman until I took a looked at his stats.
So charlie stays in my crew helping out in shields when he suddenly says 'Hey I can take you to my home sector from here' and suddenly we are in the crystalman home sector and charlie is saying 'as agreed I'll show you where my ship was left' with a little quest icon appearing over the ship's location. When I arrive it gets sent to my hangar and I unlock the bravis.
This has to be some sort of glitch because at no point did I accept a quest from charlie and at no point did he mention anything about a ship prior to jumping us to the crystal homeworlds. So here is the knowledge about the ship but at the same time I feel I should report this in glitches and bugs right?
It seems plausible because opening gate to crystal sector depends ONLY on having crystal guy, and crystal ship quest is given to you on entering the crystal sector while having crystal guy (hmm, is it possible to enter without crystal guy?). I know that when letting crystal guy out of stasis pod, he says smth sounding like beginning of the quest. But there is no quest until you enter crystal sector. Thats why ancient jumpgate is not marked with quest marker. (Please note that taking the pod also doesn't start any quest, it's merely an item. All the pod-zoltans-ancientgate chain of events is done without quest, just blue options requiring items/crewmembers. That's why jumping in the middle of the chain is possible.)
One can easily confirm it by taking unlocked crystal ship to rock homeworlds: the crew will enable you to jump to the crystal sector (if you manage to find the ancient gate, OFC) and you will get the crystal ship quest (again) when inside. (This makes crystal the easiest ship to max out, because you can have extra sector to collect scrap from.)
The improbable part is getting crystal guy via any method other than opening the pod, but I guess only devs know for sure if "crewmember+1" event can ever yield a crystal guy.
CIA maps of Portugal Please God, don't let Portugal to go to war with USA!
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Re: Complete Ships Guide [SPOILERS]
I just unlocked the Zoltan ship, after realising that I've hit the node to get the ship on almost every single run, just chosen the wrong options. I found it funny that they spoke of peace and no bloodshed, then they gave me an anti-bio beam for my troubles...slightly mixed signals but i'm not complaining!
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Re: Complete Ships Guide [SPOILERS]
fylth wrote:I just unlocked the Zoltan ship, after realising that I've hit the node to get the ship on almost every single run, just chosen the wrong options. I found it funny that they spoke of peace and no bloodshed, then they gave me an anti-bio beam for my troubles...slightly mixed signals but i'm not complaining!
Especially when they say that they don't have any weapons to fight with.
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Re: bbbsan17
beibeirs10 wrote:(... spam ...)
... GTFO our internetz...
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Re: Complete Ships Guide [SPOILERS]
I just got the crystal ship last night.
I was in the human starter ship when the event happen were I choose ether the weapon and scrap or the damage statis pod. I choose the pod.
As I travel out to the Engi home world sector I ran into an event that gave me the option to repair the pod, when I did it gave my a crystal crew member. He request me to head to the rock home world sector to get him back home.
Then in my travels I was able to get to the rock home world, after exploring the sector it came up that we were in the right spot and automatically FTL to the Crystal sector, after exploring (and finding a shop with crystal weapons) I find the spot I needed to be to find his ship, I tp him over and then got the achievement for completing the ???? ship.
Crystal Cruiser:Bravais
Starting stats:P1,D1,Se1,O1,E2,sh2,W3,M1
Crew:2 humans and 2 crystal men
Weapons:Crystal Burst mark 1"Modified projectile weapon that fires 2 shield piercing crystal" RP2,CT 15 sec, SPC 2, DPS 1, SP 1, BC:low.
Heavy crystal Mark1:"modified projectile weapon that fires a shield piercing large crystal."RP1, CT13sec,DPS2,SP1,BC lower
Augmentations:Crystal Vengeance:Every time your ship takes damage, there is a 10% chance to break off a shard that flies at your enemy.
This cruiser is awesome IMHO, thou I do not like the layout due to that fact that there is a 2 cell walkway sperating the Weapons, doors and Medbay, form the rest of the ship, its weapons are pretty good solid damage for start, though it might be better if you can find the Lock down bomb to help with the achievements, which are:
Sweet Revenge:Destroy an enemy ship with a shard from the crystal vengeance augment(unique to the crystal cruiser).
No Escape: While using the crystal cruiser, trap 4 enemy crew in a single room using the crystal being power or a lock down bomb.
Clash of the Titans:Destroy 15 rock ships (pirates count) using the crystal cruiser.
Hope this help and hope it has not been posted already, have fun :3
I was in the human starter ship when the event happen were I choose ether the weapon and scrap or the damage statis pod. I choose the pod.
As I travel out to the Engi home world sector I ran into an event that gave me the option to repair the pod, when I did it gave my a crystal crew member. He request me to head to the rock home world sector to get him back home.
Then in my travels I was able to get to the rock home world, after exploring the sector it came up that we were in the right spot and automatically FTL to the Crystal sector, after exploring (and finding a shop with crystal weapons) I find the spot I needed to be to find his ship, I tp him over and then got the achievement for completing the ???? ship.
Crystal Cruiser:Bravais
Starting stats:P1,D1,Se1,O1,E2,sh2,W3,M1
Crew:2 humans and 2 crystal men
Weapons:Crystal Burst mark 1"Modified projectile weapon that fires 2 shield piercing crystal" RP2,CT 15 sec, SPC 2, DPS 1, SP 1, BC:low.
Heavy crystal Mark1:"modified projectile weapon that fires a shield piercing large crystal."RP1, CT13sec,DPS2,SP1,BC lower
Augmentations:Crystal Vengeance:Every time your ship takes damage, there is a 10% chance to break off a shard that flies at your enemy.
This cruiser is awesome IMHO, thou I do not like the layout due to that fact that there is a 2 cell walkway sperating the Weapons, doors and Medbay, form the rest of the ship, its weapons are pretty good solid damage for start, though it might be better if you can find the Lock down bomb to help with the achievements, which are:
Sweet Revenge:Destroy an enemy ship with a shard from the crystal vengeance augment(unique to the crystal cruiser).
No Escape: While using the crystal cruiser, trap 4 enemy crew in a single room using the crystal being power or a lock down bomb.
Clash of the Titans:Destroy 15 rock ships (pirates count) using the crystal cruiser.
Hope this help and hope it has not been posted already, have fun :3
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- Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2012 2:02 am
Re: Complete Ships Guide [SPOILERS]
What was that about the Vortex beign the worse? I admit it can be hard to man at time, but when my save data was wiped and I got stuck with the Engi cruiser A and B and the kestrel I regained alot of my stuff with it, so I guess its just the worst in your opinion since me and the SS Lonewolf (What I named it) practically BFFs. 

- Posts: 3
- Joined: Fri Dec 21, 2012 12:59 am
Re: Complete Ships Guide [SPOILERS]
Can I just say thanks for this! 

My Youtube channel "coreBOSS" <---Just for fun!
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Re: Complete Ships Guide [SPOILERS]
Just to point this out, either a Slug or Sensors 3 are required for unlocking the slug cruiser. I had Sensors 2, but I had no blue option when I approached the construction. I could only charge in or try to tail them stealthily.
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- Joined: Sun Feb 17, 2013 7:51 am
Re: Complete Ships Guide [SPOILERS]
Zumbo Prime wrote:Just to point this out, either a Slug or Sensors 3 are required for unlocking the slug cruiser. I had Sensors 2, but I had no blue option when I approached the construction. I could only charge in or try to tail them stealthily.
The blue option comes after you choose to tail them, and sensors 2 or a slug is all you need for the blue option to appear.