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Crazy headcanons!

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 10:26 am
by rino13
Hello everyone,,
Let's flesh out the universe a little.

What do you think the Humans, Slug, Zoltan, Mantis, Rocks, and Engi do on their home planets or ships when they aren't fleeing from pirates, being pirates themselves, or just cruising the galaxy?

Mantis have an extensive interpretive-dance-and-epic-poetry culture on their home planet. What better way to have everyone remember epic battles of the past? These energetic dances resemble the "haka" performed by the Maori people (and, more recently, the New Zealand rugby teams). Mantis can't sing though. Their clicking, gurgling mandibles aren't really built for it.
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Slugs have a very simple, basic "native language" since a lot of their communication is telepathic. Their language has become more complex lately, however, due to spreading across the galaxies and needing to explain just HOW good a deal he's offering you really is.

Engi don't have a digestive system or lungs, per se. They absorb oxygen and nourishment through their skin. They also have slightly amorphous bodies and will sometimes form temporary "mouths" underneath their bioluminescent green faces to speak. Also, speaking of their faces, they're some sort of odd organic computer monitor.

Re: Crazy headcanons!

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 9:36 pm
by Fins
Alright, that's funny. I'll do couple bits too. :)

Zoltan fellows build all sorts of fancy computer hardware, and then model virtual worlds and delve in them themselves. Like, every guy next door has couple virtual universes running on his home computer and spend some time now and then being a "God" or whatnot to all the folks in his home "universes". They also run plenty "multiplayer" ones, of course. Electricity bills, naturally, are not a problem, and their habit to write craploads of regulations and laws is a by-product of all the complexity they end up dealing with, eh.

And Rocks, of course, love to take sun baths. Favorite part times of theirs i recon. Supposedly their sun a bit hotter than most, and/or their home planet a bit closer to their sun, naturally. I bet the sleep day time, too - all the energy coming in. Night time, they spend it doing strange, complicated competitions and building projects, competing groups to groups and societies to societies. So, like snails at day, like ants at night. Strange biology leads to strange traditions at all. :)

P.S. I always thought Engi just need some electricity and maybe some building mats now and then, no?

P.P.S. And humans, of course, do their usual thing: greedy-greedy. Corporations, financial pyramids and bubbles, trade wars... :D

Re: Crazy headcanons!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 6:30 am
by Deni1s
Fins wrote:Alright, that's funny. I'll do couple bits too. :)

Zoltan fellows build all sorts of fancy computer hardware, and then model virtual worlds and delve in them themselves. Like, every guy next door has couple virtual universes running on his home computer and spend some time now and then being a "God" or whatnot to all the folks in his home "universes". They also run plenty "multiplayer" ones, of course. Electricity bills, naturally, are not a problem, and their habit to write craploads of regulations and laws is a by-product of all the complexity they end up dealing with, eh.

And Rocks, of course, love to take sun baths. Favorite part times of theirs i recon. Supposedly their sun a bit hotter than most, and/or their home planet a bit closer to their sun, naturally. I bet the sleep day time, too - all the energy coming in. Night time, they spend it doing strange, complicated competitions and building projects, competing groups to groups and societies to societies. So, like snails at day, like ants at night. Strange biology leads to strange traditions at all. :)

P.S. I always thought Engi just need some electricity and maybe some building mats now and then, no?

P.P.S. And humans, of course, do their usual thing: greedy-greedy. Corporations, financial pyramids and bubbles, trade wars... :D

Thank you so much your site has nice content