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Re: What things would you like for a possible contentpatch

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:23 am
by Deuterium
I'd like to see more starting layouts because it takes freaking ages to get any of the other ships - made worse by the many immersion breaking achievements needed. To be honest I think the lack of starting ships and layouts is the single biggest flaw in the game.

I don't like doing lazy play-throughs trying to get "Tough Little Ship" or dying five million times trying to get the crystal thing.

Having a set of difficult to acquire ships is a cool idea that adds a real sense of accomplishment to getting something like the Crystal Cruiser, but these 'trophy ships' are the only alternatives to about two ships you're easily able to attain.

Not pleasant grinding towards a new ship; you're not enjoying it and half the time the reward is not even worth it. Where's the fun in that when half the fun is trying ship builds and combat styles?

Re: What things would you like for a possible contentpatch

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:06 pm
by wulan
  • Multiple ship combat; In addition to upgrading the challenge rating of enemies in a new sector have the option of facing two ship of the difficulty level of the former system.
  • Ship customization; Set up ships with different starting modules and crew, based on a point-buy system. Have new modules unlock as story rewards and achievements.
  • Blind mode; The chasing rebel fleet doesn't show its progress, you'll just have to gamble on how far it's gotten
  • Bounty hunters; Ships that chase you in-sector. The hunters start somewhere in-system and jump twice for every one you do, following you from where they find one of your explored systems.
  • Training center (system or module); Put in scrap -> give crewmember experience
  • Ops drones: drones that man a ship's system at green experience level. Not as good as a fully experienced crewmember and eating you power reserves (and a drone slot), but it's better than nothing if you're short on crew
  • Targeting subsystem: increasse your accuracy with a missile/teleport system. Useful against ships with high evasion but eating yet more of your resources.
  • Different chasing enemies: Have mantis, rock, feds, etc. chasing you instead of rebels, each have their own take on the final boss
  • Crew quarters/ Stasis pods modules; A ship module to allow more (reserve) crew. Very useful for a ship that relies on boarding a lot
Lastly a UI issue, not so much content: Add a way to save you starting set-up. As soon as I start a game I'm having to Name the ship and crew, put the same crewmembers on the same ship's systems, reset power distribution, switch the weapons around and set auto-attack to on to my personal preferences before I . It's the same thing every game I start, so why not have it as an option in the hangar?

Re: What things would you like for a possible contentpatch

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:30 pm
by Wizard_6
Like some people already mentioned ability to customize the ship - you maybe select a prototype and add rooms of different sizes like 2x1, 2x2 and more foors on the ship.
Ability to add more room of the same type like more weapon rooms for more weapons, special weapon rooms, etc.
New rooms like reactor to power up the increased ammount of rooms (like someone mentioned when damaged the power output would drop making the rooms it powers to drop their power levels), barracks to have more crew, training room to work on your crew skills, workshop to upgrade your weapons/drones (maybe even upgrade sys repair drones so they can act as a crew member and work on your subsystems), maybe even weapons of your crew to make an elite boarding party as well as storing more augments.

But that might make the normal game a bit easy with such customization so adding an endless (where you are chased by rebels) or frearoam (when you can explore till you die) modes which at certant points not only throw harder enemies at you but also more at the same time (someone also mentioned earlier fights with more than one ship at the time).

Re: What things would you like for a possible contentpatch

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:50 pm
by Kalion
New Skill - Medic

Can man the medbay and skill up. Enhances medbay healing. Can heal slowly an injured crewman when in the same room and not in the medbay, according to skill.

Re: What things would you like for a possible contentpatch

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:06 pm
by Moojuiceman
Sometimes I get an enemy to surrender, but I've caused so much damage they explode afterwards anyway. Would it be possible to then loot the ship after they've surrendered? Maybe have it as an augment similar to the scrap salvage arm, or some random chance of being able to loot them. Seems a shame to let it just sit there when they clearly won't need it anymore.

Re: What things would you like for a possible contentpatch

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:55 pm
by Tekore
I think it'd be interesting to have different internal atmosphere choices for both player and enemy ships. These could have a number of effects, such as:

-Benefiting different species, i.e. Zoltan & Slug function better in Methane, worse in Oxygen , Human & Mantis are better in Oxygen and worse in Methane and Engi & Rock function better in low atmosphere.

-Flood rooms in inert gas to help suppress fires

-some choices increase crew functions, makes rooms more susceptible to fires.

-Possibly new species that cannot survive in oxygen

-Possibly with hacking one can change the enemy's atmosphere processors to pump out accelerants, or change to an atmosphere better suited to your boarders.

Re: What things would you like for a possible contentpatch

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:19 pm
by Eyjio
A few ideas:

-Longer game mode. I love the game, but it sometimes feels like I don't get to win because the RNG didn't bless me. Simple solution - have a longer (12-15 sector) mode, where things get incredibly hard, with a tougher final boss (more crew, beam is replaced by another ion thing, etc).

-Play as rebels. I suggested this game to one of my friends and they said "can you play as the rebels too?", which I thought was a great idea. Instead of being chased, you chase an incredibly tough ship through 8 sectors, ending up with a fight in the Federation base, where you have to conquer their base.

-Unlimited mode. I think this is the one we all want - a game mode with no overall chase and nothing to face at the end - just space and time. It fits with the theme too - if you're a pirate, you get to kill, board, explore, buy, whatever you want. May make getting ships too easy though, so their quests should probably be locked off. It would make the B variants much less immersion breaking to get and force less "suicide" runs.

-More enemy ship variants. There's a fair few, but I'd love to see bigger and better ships that rival the size of our own by the end of the game.

Re: What things would you like for a possible contentpatch

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:28 pm
by ShadowDragon8685
One thing I would desperately love is a chance to chase down ships that jump out with my boarding party.

Especially the boss! That jerk jumped out with my boarding party a moment before I was going to recall them, and I warped in right on his aft. His crew is persistent, why isn't mine? If I jump with an enemy boarding party on my ship, they aren't automatically wiped out, so why are mine wiped out?

And don't give me "they hunted down your men while they were in jump." My men were two combat-trained Mantis, and the only remaining crewman aboard their ship was a gunner who couldn't even access the rest of the ship. Even if he could, my Mantis wouldn't have been locked in with him, he would have been locked in with them.

Nor could they have flushed them out (no airlocks, remember?), and they couldn't have turned off the air without killing their own guy.

Re: What things would you like for a possible contentpatch

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:41 pm
by PiIsExactly3
More "stuff" in general, but right now I would especially like more than one type of Flagship to face. Or even a randomized one so you have to adapt on the fly.

Re: What things would you like for a possible contentpatch

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:24 am
by bathrobehero
Survivor mode - a virtually endless freeroam where you are not limited to 8 sectors, but maybe it could be harder, like very low possibility of runing into insta death events.

Trading (& maybe even mining and crafting later on) - other than fuel, drones, missiles and scrap, more materials. Both general materials and race-specific materials which would have both different prices and different usage for different races.

More random events, weapons, drones, different kind of shields, etc - more more more.

Challenges - Individual gametype where you are put in predefined situation and you have to meet the requirements of completion to unlock new challenges and new content for normal (story) mode. For example:
- gather x amount of scraps within 1 sector.
- survive with a pre-equipped ship for x duration.
- get to sector x without using weapons, drones, teleport (just survive and escape every time).

Upgrade system - The ability to upgrade weapons, drones, augments and maybe even systems. Would go really well with trading, so it would be a great way to sink the extra scraps.

Misc -
- individual weapon/system augments, like every weapon would have 2 weapon augment slots which you can upgrade with augments like: faster loading, more damage, less energy requirements, the beginning of every battle it's already reloaded, etc.
- add reactor as an induvidual visible system of ships. Where's the reactor? There's even door control and sensors, but no reactor.