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Re: I thought this is the worst ship I have...

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 11:11 pm
by Satonakaja
Osprey? Sub-par? Due to a lack of cloaking?


News to me!

Never had a problem with the lack of cloak; the Osprey lends itself well to having a boarding party right out of the gate, and due to its artillery beam you don't need to spend very much on weapons past, perhaps, a missile or a bomb. I often manage to absolutely brutalize the flagship behind four shields and almost-maximum dodge, even on normal.

Re: I thought this is the worst ship I have...

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 1:50 am
by Smauler
Johnny(TM) wrote:Chapter 3, I unlocked Mantis A. I thought this would be a fun ship, but I'm still struggling with it.

I was too... but once you get past the problem of sending your people on possible suicide missions... most of them aren't suicide missions. Just play Mantis A like you don't have weapons... if you use the weapons, hit their medbay if they have one. Teleport everyone over, all the time.
Johnny(TM) wrote:I'm kind of frustrated with these ship unlocks, I didn't unlocked Rock Cruiser yet though people say it's the easiest to unlock.

Tell me about it... I've not even seen the rock ship script yet, despite having completed the game 20 times or so. I got close to the crystal unlock a couple of games ago, and have unlocked all the others (not some secondaries). I've been looking for the rock homeworld too.

Re: I thought this is the worst ship I have...

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:27 am
by TheCalvary
Johnny(TM) wrote:And we have the Slug ship. So far this is the weakest I own, but it might be because I have no idea where to put this. It has 3 weapons, I can use 2. Breach costs missiles, the lasers are good for taking out shields, and the Anti-Bio beam. It could be fun to duckhunt on the enemy crewmembers but I can hardly rely my strategy on that, rather I should take out his systems instead. The beam is useless if the enemy has shields on, so it might be just a burden late game. Any experience with this ship?

Slug type a is easily my favorite ship so far. The layout can be a bit annoying to vent but you start with blast doors so usually boarding parties and fires aren't too much of an issue. To take out ships early on, you want to let your bio beam charge before firing your duel lasers. Once they both charge shoot the duel laser and pause once the shields go down. Then you set the beam across as many crewmembers as you can and breach the medbay if they have one. Repeat a few times and you can easily take down the entire crew. Sometimes its helpful to breach the weapons if you are afraid of their arsenal but I prefer to save my missiles. The trick is getting used to killing the crew from your ship instead of blowing it up or boarding. This gets you extra scrap and can fill up your crew pretty fast if you get lucky. Hope this helps :D