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Re: Really Looking Forward to it

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:00 pm
by Limiate
I love that crowdsourcing can give the devs the funds they need to relax and focus on making the game they want to make - not the game they can afford to make.

With 2000% funding though, comes 2000% pressure. Feeling like you've promised 20x the amount of people than you expected a finished product, plus a majority of us beta access, has got to be a bit intimidating.

It's good to see that those of us here now are very cool with delaying the release to get a higher quality game, I just hope that a majority of contributers feel the same way.

Re: Really Looking Forward to it

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:03 pm
by Nekose
Goes with out saying, can't wait to play guys!

I know you're both working hard, but please tell me you got to have one good money fight playing with all that cash before getting serious.

Re: Really Looking Forward to it

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:16 pm
by burningmercury
again going with the flow here but im loving this game and ive only had the 3 videos to look at would almost kill to get hold of a demo at anytime in the near future, keep up the good work guys!

Re: Really Looking Forward to it

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:43 pm
by Scavinger
@Ways : It's been mentioned by high-profile folks, there's just no churn. Which I, for one, really like. I'm burned out on the 24-7 marketing blitzes by the likes of Blizz and, even if I'm interested in their games. I like to hear about concrete progress, release dates, etc. The rest is fluff.

That said, I'm excited about FTL, and the buzz was enough to catch my attention and pull me in. So congrats to the devs!

Re: Really Looking Forward to it

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:47 pm
by Shadowstep
Also with the flow - loved the game when I first heard about the concept from a friend of mine, sight unseen. Played the demo and Kickstarter'd it (or maybe reverse that order - it was within an hour of each other) because I knew that this was a game I wanted to play. Finding a game that is 90% of what my ideal for a space game should feel like is awesome (the next closest I've found/played was only MAYBE 50%)

Can't wait to get to beta test the game, but no pressure on the devs - I'll gladly wait on the game if it gives the devs a little more time to make sure that they are confident in it being ready for beta testing.

Re: Really Looking Forward to it

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:57 pm
by Barar
Looking forward to playing this game. I hope you can pull it off and make many more succesful games and make a ligelong career out of it.

Re: Really Looking Forward to it

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:08 pm
by CanadianWolvie
IIRC it was a PC Gamer podcast that first had me going "What's this now?" The stories coming from that early build were enough to make this highly anticipated. Then I think it was a article on the PC Gamer website that led me to FTL's website which seemed little more than a splash page and some pictures from a Indie Game contest.

The latest video Subset Games shared with us is just confirmation that they are providing the building blocks for even more of these fantastic stories and that is before its even feature complete - to say this is highly anticipated is an understatement - I for one am already hoping for a FTL^2 in the years to come, that is how much success I hope these guys have in developing a healthy business, game, and community.