Gorlom wrote:RynCage wrote:
Oh, so i just Need to have somthing, Like crew teleporter, Or enough missles, Or enough ion weapons, Or enough drones and drone parts.
Sounds like a case of "you need somthing specific or you cant beat the boss".
The variety of specific ways you can beat the boss doesnt detract from the point i was making.
The bossfight shouldnt just be a Gearcheck. thats lame.
In what game with an inventory do you NOT need to have good enough gear to kill a boss? In what game like that can you beat every boss with only your starting equipment?
we listed 4-6 DIFFERENT ways to get through the shield. In my book that kind of invalidates the gear check argument but ok I'll acknowledge that your opinion differs from mine.
But if you could redo the encounter, how would you do it to prevent it from being a gear check... without making it trivial?
what would you improve?
Remove the "power surge detected" elements from phase 2 and 3, and or- link them to a system in the ship that if disabled: shuts them down. [I.E, its drone attack in phase 2 shouldnt work when the drone system is disabled]
If youd want to say that makes the fight way to easy, you could instead change the fight into more of a gauntlet. more rebel ships, stronger rebel ships more often, ect.
Everything leading up to the bossfight is very solid. You need approach your choices, and the combat strategicly. the bossfight on the otherhand, is "hope you can do enough DPS because <unavoidable attack here> [unless you have cloak, a 2 in one gearcheck.]" You can't sit there and tell me it isn't completely cheesey.
Another way you could go about it is to not put the bossfight on a timer, instead it sits at "the back of the fleet" so you can continue to fight and farm untill you make up for the gear you unfortunatly didnt get, the penalty being: unless you play smart, its hulldamage you'll be taking that you cant fix the more you grind.
Yet another way you could improve on this is to make everything before the boss scale in difficulty better. Make everything leading up to the boss harder. Sector 7 shouldnt end up being a cakewalk every game but get steamrolled in sector bosstown. But really i feel my first suggestion would pull it back enough to make deafeat at the hands of the boss feel justified, rather then die just because It has an off the wall gimic in phase 2 and 3.
It really only feels like the boss was designed in a way that kills you because "if you didnt die a whole lot it wouldnt be a rougelike would it?". i suppose the pacing is just way off and makes the end bit feel wrong.
EDIT: also, i agree with what shadow said.