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[Suggestion] Difficulty Increase mods

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:26 pm
by Calebadger_art
Hi, Im looking for mods that will increase the games difficulty! I did some searching on these forums with not much results, (maybe Im just bad at forums haha).
If there arent any already, I was wondering if there are others interested in mods to make the game harder? Or might know of some?

I was thinking an implemented timer might be cool, One that automatically ends your turn every time the timer runs out. And ideally the timer length can be adjusted per play-through (like speed chess!)

Another idea would be damage from each mission not getting repaired automatically between missions. Or damage having some sort of negative effects or debuffs to the mechs.

Even having the matches have more turns to them could make things harder? But give less exp from kills to balance it? IDK Im spitting ideas out there.

Or any other stuff like that, something I really loved about the new xcoms and FTL is their punishing difficulty, but they werent impossible to beat/win. WIth xcom its especially nice how much you can customize and change different variables in the game to make things harder. So I was hoping to find mods with those concepts in mind and Im reaching a point where I almost have all the achievements for into the breach and winning is feeling too easy. But I love the core game and want to increase its quality of life!

Sadly, I dont know a damn thing about programming or modding so I dont think I can make a mod myself. But if there are some.... accessible ways for some one as ignorant as me to get started and learn modding for this game I would love some suggestions there as well!
Also, Im very confident in my (2d) art! So if someone wants to team up, I can offer my art skills to a programmer that's in need of cool custom sprites for their modding.

Re: [Suggestion] Difficulty Increase mods

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 12:04 pm
by Lemonymous
I guess this one is a bit hidden, but there is a mod (Difficulty Modifiers) allowing you to make some changes to the difficulty a bit down in the opening post here. There is also the Bossrush mod on the same page making the final mission harder.

Re: [Suggestion] Difficulty Increase mods

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 7:28 pm
by Calebadger_art
Lemonymous wrote:I guess this one is a bit hidden, but there is a mod (Difficulty Modifiers) allowing you to make some changes to the difficulty a bit down in the opening post here. There is also the Bossrush mod on the same page making the final mission harder.

Thats awesome! thank you.