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[Squad] Secret Squad III

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 8:45 pm
by Metalocif
Adds a Cyborg squad to the game: the Techno-Digger, Techno-Moth, and Techno-Tumblebug.

Techno-Digger moves by burrowing; its weapon creates rocks on surrounding, empty tiles, and deals 1 damage to adjacent enemy pawns. With upgrades, it can:
- encase a targeted adjacent building, replacing it with a rock. When the rock dies, the building reappears. This is mostly the same as a shield but it fits the squad better.
- create 2 HP rocks and fire shrapnel when hitting rocks.

Techno-Tumblebug also moves by burrowing; its weapon can either spawn a rock, spawn two rocks, toss an adjacent pawn, spawn a rock and toss an adjacent pawn, or spawn and toss a rock. The rocks it tosses behave like the Rock Accelerator weapon. With upgrades, it can:
- spawn explosive rocks that deal 1 more damage; their explosions can ignore buildings.
- toss a rock and toss a pawn in the same action.
Note that rocks can pick up fire and A.C.I.D., meaning if you spawn a rock on a fire tile and toss it at an enemy, that enemy will be set on fire.
Also note that the damage rocks deal depends on their max HP, so the Digger's upgraded rocks deal 4 HP when tossed.

Techno-Moth moves by flying; its weapon repels adjacent enemies and fires a pushing artillery shot. With upgrades, it can:
- reposition before shooting, leaping at a tile and pushing everything adjacent to it as well.
- deal 2 more damage.

The mod has several options to tune behavior and power level to your liking.

Has achievements! Should you complete all three, you will unlock a secret Cyborg-class weapon that will show up in the pool.

Sprites and palettes by Generic.

Download it here!

Re: [Squad] Secret Squad III

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2024 8:33 pm
by Generic
If you guys wonder where it's Secret Squad II, I'm working on that, gimme a minute or two