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[Weapons] Cyborg Weapons

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 8:30 pm
by Metalocif
My first mod! Adds a ton of weapons for Cyborg-class mechs.

Assimilate: Deal 2 melee damage and absorb any fire, A.C.I.D., and smoke on the target. Further uses of the weapon apply whatever was absorbed in previous turns.
Bloodlust: Deal 2 melee damage, +1 to damaged targets. With an upgrade, this hits all biological adjacent targets.
Ichorous Stream: Fires 1 damage projectiles and self-damages the user until they are down to 1 HP. A 6 HP user would shoot 5 times.
Evolving Bonespear: Fires a weak projectile that pierces on kill and is limited to 1 use per battle. What's the point? Every use makes this weapon permanently stronger.
Burrowing: Non-flying mechs only. Digs through the ground, reappearing on an empty tile in a straight tile from the user's position, pushing adjacent tiles.
Cannibalize: Kill an adjacent target with lower current HP. With upgrades, this can heal and boost the user.
Hive Sacrifice: Kills the user to create lava on its tile and all adjacent tiles.
Metabolize: Deals 2 melee damage to an adjacent Vek with a weapon and permanently copies its weapon. With a copied weapon, can self-target to discard it. This was terribly hard to code and it is buggy with some enemies, but it's very fun to use.
Mite Swarm: Applies Mites to all units in a line, then deals 2 damage to infected enemy units.
Molt: Spawns a 1 HP immobile pawn as a free action, increasing movement speed, boosting, and healing.
Ooze: Deploys a 2 HP medium goo that attacks by pushing itself into an enemy. It splits on death into two small goos that attack in the same way.
Alluring Pheromones: Pulls all units in a line. With upgrades, pushes in any direction instead.
Quickspit: Fires a projectile with 2 range that applies A.C.I.D.; this is a free action once per turn.
Reproduce: Shoots an egg, much like the Rock Accelerator, that pushes side tiles on landing. Should the egg die before its turn, your mechs get boosted; otherwise, it hatches into a base copy of the weapon's user.
Emboldening Scream: Boosts all Vek and Cyborgs in a 2 tile radius.
Shed Tail: Take self-damage to spawn a tail at the user's current location. The tail taunts adjacent enemies, forcing them to target its tile until it dies.
Sticky Web: Fire a projectile that prevent its target from moving, but not attacking, for the rest of the battle, and removes flying. Upgrades increase the area.
Tentacle Strike: Deal damage in a 5 tile area anywhere on the map.
Weakening Pheromones: Cancels enemy attacks in a 5 tile area anywhere on the map and delevels their weapon (an Alpha Firefly would use the Firefly's weapon for the rest of the battle). Leaves behind pheromones that do the same to enemies on these tiles.

Some graphics by Djinn (the nice ones).

As always, feedback and help with art is welcome.

Download it here!