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[Island] Far Line Charters

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 7:15 pm
by tosx
Far Line Charters sends its cargo fleet to ply the dangerous oceans and supply humanity's remnants.


This mod adds a new island, Far Line Charters, which includes:
- 10 unique new missions
- A new terrain type unique to this island: Whirlpools, which cause the next damage to that tile to be lethal
- 4 new structures
- A new corporate pilot

To play with modded islands:
1. Access the Mod Content menu from ItB's home screen, go to Configure Mods, and ensure the island mod is enabled, along with Mod Loader Extensions > Easy Edit
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the Mod Content menu and click World Editor, then drag modded islands from the sidebar into 1 of the 4 island slots
3. Restart your game and start a new run; the modded island will now replace the selected vanilla island

Download modpack version of all my mods - requires mod loader 2.9.2 or later to function, and ITB 1.2.88.
Mod Loader - originally made by Cyberboy2000 and continued by kartoFlane and the ItB modding community.

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