[Squad] Generic's Secret Squad II

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[Squad] Generic's Secret Squad II

Postby Generic » Sun Feb 02, 2025 11:26 pm

So, here it is, my first ever mod finally published here.

if releasing my Sentient Weapons was a gift from me to you all, releasing this squad is a gift to me.
These Cyborgs in the semblance of some of the worst Vek that pre-AE had to offer came to help humanity, with the islands themselves being secondary...

(The Techno-Leaper is immune to webbing, just so you know) ;)

Show the Vek what hit and running is with the powerful Titatine Talons, and make sure they won't see what hit 'em!

Fill the battlefield with confusion and acid with the sharpshooter's dream, the Splattering Gunk! just pray that humanity won't mind a pool of acid or two-dozens

Use the Hive against its kindred, with the Psionic Transmitter, crack the board, level mountains, turn chasms into lava, and unstabilize the ground near allies or buildings, you got it!

Comes with 3 achievements and a reward for getting them all, so give your best with this high-end machinery that Paradoxica and I have been cooking since 2022! (don't ask why it took us this long to release... :oops: )

Killer King: Deal 8 damage in a single blow of the Titanite Talons

Disposal Unit: In a single shot of the Splattering Gunk, destroy 4 mountains

Diplomatic Immunity: Don't kill a single Psion throughout 3 islands. Psion Abomination excluded.

Call of the Psion: Get all 3 previous achievements for a reward...

Maybe not my best project, but it has been with me ever since I started making what I do, so I felt it needed to be immortalized accordingly.
- Robotics Engineer Nicolas "Generic" Soto. when asked about this squad.

Thanks to all the modders who directly and indirectly helped me reach this point, without y'all I wouldn't have reached this far :D , especially Paradoxica, who helped in almost every regard to make this mod a reality.

Download Link: https://github.com/GenericCorporatePilot2005/Techno-Vek-2/releases/tag/Release

(If you ever wondered why Metalocif, another modder here, has a "Secret Squad III" and a "Secret Squad IV", is because I did it before him)