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Bug: New Game squad selection weapon animations use Armor stats of previous squad

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:44 pm
by scottclowe
I completed the game with Blitzkreig, whose second mech is Hook Mech, which has Armor intrinsic to it.

Starting a new game, I selected the Zenith Guard squad. Scrolling through the squad and checking out their weapons to remind myself of them, I noticed a peculiarity with the Ramming Mech (Charging Mech?) whose base attack does 2 damage and inflicts 1 self damage. In the animation, the mech did not take damage. Once the game had begun, the weapon animation displayed correctly. The Ramming Mech is also "second mech" in the ordering.

I believe the animation is rendered using the current stats of the mech, but when a squad is selected on the new game screen the current stats for the mech are not updated in memory. Consequently, the animation looks up the value from the mech object which still has the stats for the last squad with which a game was completed.

Bug seen on Nintendo Switch.

Re: Bug: New Game squad selection weapon animations use Armor stats of previous squad

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 11:51 pm
by isla
I'll pass this one along to look at in more detail. Thank you!