If the game worked for you and now stopped / Error message about OpenGL 1.1.0

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If the game worked for you and now stopped / Error message about OpenGL 1.1.0

Postby isla » Sat Mar 03, 2018 6:38 pm

If the game worked for you and now stopped... or you're getting that error message about OpenGL 1.1.0 and you think it's wrong, then there's a few things you can do try to fix this:

1) If you're using a laptop, try plugging it in and trying again. This is not a longterm solution, but it's fast. It's possible that when unplugged the laptop reduces the power consumption by blocking hardware acceleration for some programs.

2) If that worked (or even if it didn't), you can investigate more permanent choices:

a) If you have an NVIDIA Card: Open the NVIDIA Control panel and go to Manage 3D Settings. In there, either for Global Settings, or just for Breach.exe in Program Settings, make sure it's set to prefer the "High-Performance NVIDIA Processor". And check any other boxes / toggles you might see that encourages your computer to user Hardware Acceleration / OpenGL Rendering /etc.

b) If you have an Intel HD GPU: Open the Intel HD Control Panel (right click on your Desktop and go to "Display Graphics Settings (?)". This one varies hugely so I have less concrete advice. Similar to NVIDIA though, there should be options for 3D Settings where you can toggle special settings for Into the Breach or system wide. You want Into the Breach to be using "Application Settings" or "High Performance", etc. Experiment to see if anything works.
- Matt