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Are there such things as "invalid" event names?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 3:16 am
by AnAngryMantis
Just a quick question. I've been modding events, and it seems that some events just refuse to load, even if they exist. So, out of desperation, I patched it into an old version of FTL and ran it through FTL error checker(Which only works on old versions of FTL). After parsing, a lot of the events said "Invalid event name" or something. So the question is, are there such things as invalid event names, and if so, what are "valid" event names.

Re: Are there such things as "invalid" event names?

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:58 am
by KingdomKrafters
I think when error checker says "invalid event name" it means it simply cannot find the event name... maybe you misspelled it? FTL is very picky and caps sensitive