Prometheus ship suggestion for modders

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Prometheus ship suggestion for modders

Postby piper82 » Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:56 pm

I think this ship would be awesome to have in game. One of the best looking space ships imho.

Ship layout needs very little to be changed as they are bridge, exits, and medbay (two actually)

It would start without conventional weapons but there would be the drones to compensate for it.
It would also start with improved medbay and engines to go with the story.

Q: Is it possible to MOD scanner drones which would scan the surrounding of current system?
This would also go nice with the Prometheus story.

There would be special attack called Ion Charge which would damage both ships for the same amount of damage. (% of Prometheus total HP combined with level of power used for system, % based on gameplay balancing need)

What do you think of it?

(Movie was meh and there was some really, really bad writing at some points that made me feel embarrassed on writers behalf. Still, i liked the story idea. :mrgreen:)
