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Re: Hurray! Another multiplayer clone project. :)

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 5:30 pm
by kcd.Spektor
4DaDiamonds wrote:Wait. A multiplayer clone that is STILL ACTIVE?!
Holy crap, is this in any way available to download for testing purposes? Or is it not stable yet?

It is stable, but not configured yet for anything else except dev testing.
Check the second post in this thread for the todo list.
I think I'll change the order a bit - so I can make a playable build earlier.

Also - can anyone tell me, where can I upload the files so everyone can download them to test?

Re: Hurray! Another multiplayer clone project. :)

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:04 pm
by TheOneAndOnlyRuffDuf
It depends, how large are the file(s)?

Re: Hurray! Another multiplayer clone project. :)

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:06 pm
by kartoFlane
kcd.Spektor wrote:Also - can anyone tell me, where can I upload the files so everyone can download them to test?

Github has a releases page where you can post binaries for your project. You'd need to setup the repository first, of course, though uploading source code is not required (assuming you want to keep the project closed).
Other than that there's Dropbox, but it's unreliable at times (temporarily locks out the file if it gets really popular (~ >1000)).
There's Mediafire, but there've been somewhat numerous reports of people who have had trouble with it. Though it seems to be working out okay for CE.
Sourceforge has historically been a place where one could find almost every free application worth a damn, but in recent months it fell out of grace (they were caught attaching adware to installers of popular programs).
Finally, there's Mega, which is a pretty good service, though it has an irky way of downloading the files, which some people might not appreciate.

Re: Hurray! Another multiplayer clone project. :)

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:23 pm
by agigabyte
This looks really cool. I can't wait!

Re: Hurray! Another multiplayer clone project. :)

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 10:14 pm
by kcd.Spektor
Small update:

1. Added the ability to actually name the ships, when creating them in the shipyard.


2. Fixed some nasty bugs.

Re: Hurray! Another multiplayer clone project. :)

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 7:16 am
by kcd.Spektor
TheOneAndOnlyRuffDuf wrote:It depends, how large are the file(s)?

The files are around 50MB.

Re: Hurray! Another multiplayer clone project. :)

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:58 pm
by TheOneAndOnlyRuffDuf
Well, I would suggest MediaFire, as I've had luck with it, but any of the choices KartoFlane mentioned would be good choices.

Re: Hurray! Another multiplayer clone project. :)

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 9:09 pm
by kcd.Spektor
TheOneAndOnlyRuffDuf wrote:Well, I would suggest MediaFire, as I've had luck with it, but any of the choices KartoFlane mentioned would be good choices.

kartoFlane wrote:Github has a releases page where you can post binaries for your project. You'd need to setup the repository first, of course, though uploading source code is not required (assuming you want to keep the project closed).
Other than that there's Dropbox, but it's unreliable at times (temporarily locks out the file if it gets really popular (~ >1000)).
There's Mediafire, but there've been somewhat numerous reports of people who have had trouble with it. Though it seems to be working out okay for CE.
Sourceforge has historically been a place where one could find almost every free application worth a damn, but in recent months it fell out of grace (they were caught attaching adware to installers of popular programs).
Finally, there's Mega, which is a pretty good service, though it has an irky way of downloading the files, which some people might not appreciate.

Thanks for the suggestions guys.

Re: Hurray! Another multiplayer clone project. :)

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 9:18 pm
by kcd.Spektor
The next update might take some time to do, because it involves refactoring of the Ship editor(this par is actually 90% done).
But it also involves a big bit of refactoring for the way the game loads it's contents(ships, systems, etc).
Right now the client and server applications had separate content data loading, which was making duplicate work.
After the refactoring all the ships and systems will be loaded from external folder(not hard coded anymore) only on the server application,
and when the client connects to the server he will download the ships and systems data from the server.
Only piece of the content that will be left on the clien side are the images of the ships and systems - which will also be loaded from external folder.

In other words this big overhaul will make it easier for me to add new content and it will make the modding of the game possible.

So it might take some more time than usual(not too much though), but it is worth it. :)

Re: Hurray! Another multiplayer clone project. :)

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 3:06 pm
by jrb00001
I could (and would :D) help you with code but I am really bad at music and art.

About me: I have used Java professionally in the last five years and also tried libGDX for a small desktop game about two years ago. My last "project" using libGDX was a small android app / game for an open source browser game called Dark Destiny at the end of 2014.