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My ideas for some mods.

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 4:45 pm
by mattimao
Hello all,
Just wanted to give my ideas for some mods that I felt would be cool. I do not mod, so I will not be able to make these. But... If any of you that do mod felt like it would help make the game more fun to play.... ;)

1. A fire system.
This would be a room system that you could man in order to make it work faster.
"Sun flare! Man the fire system!"

2. A crew member that had the diplomat ability.
"You, really do not want to charge us a fee to pass through this sector. Do you?"
Pirate- "Umm..No. You can go. Move along"

3. Some way to train crew in abilities.
This could be quests that advance levels or maybe a training room/holo deck.

4. A ship with a cargo hold that held a bunch of items.
Would be useful for those wanting to play as a runner crew.

These are just a few ideas.
Please feel free to add to this post so mod makers can have a one stop shop for mod ideas! ;)

Re: My ideas for some mods.

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 4:55 pm
by bigbangnet
2. I sense some jedi power at work here lol. But good ideas though

Re: My ideas for some mods.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:21 am
by buzzyrecky
number 2 sounds easy enough to do, actually. I might do it once I finish the update to mu current mod.

Re: My ideas for some mods.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:58 am
by Icehawk78
With the current system, the only one of these that would be even remotely feasible/possible to do, would be #2, except that I don't think you can check for named crew. All of the rest would need to be actual game-code changes, either on the game developers' side, or by someone rewriting the entire game and patching it in.