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Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 3:26 am
by Ilikemultiverse
The game crashes the moment it finishes loading, but the weird part is that I only experienced lag with it once before. If the problem was that it was too big, wouldn't it have been laggy the entire time?


Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 3:29 am
by TheMultiverseTeam
Nope, it's basically an all or nothing sort of deal. You either run fine or you cross some magical threshold and start crashing. I actually hit my own computer's magical limit today, so 4.9 has a pretty decent file size decrease thanks to convincing hyperspace to finally fix the annoying background bug in vanilla that forced us to have duplicates of every background.


Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 8:40 am
by Mary Guertena
Sylvan's crew is made up entirely of slug elites (which are saboteurs and rangers). Saboteurs are able to ignore doors, though in 4.8 this was reworked to only apply while they are cloaked. Sylvan and the Rangers however aren't able to, which is why only some of them could ignore doors.

Ah ok I didn't realise ignore doors means also ignoring crystal walls.

This should be fixed in 4.8.

Yep it seems to be fixed.

Unfortunately, UI changes such as this are completely out of our capabilities. It would fall on hyperspace, which has already slowed in development and has some pretty high priority bug fixes still on their plate, so it probably would be a while until this could be changed.

This too is also impossible for us, though in the upgrade menu if you have an upgrade already you should be able to see that you already have it.

No worries, its just a minor thing.

It definitely isn't compatible - Multiverse uses hyperspace features for the flagship that wouldn't be available for said mod. Flagship randomization is something a lot of people have brought up on the discord, and it's not too terribly hard to pull off. That said however, it's a pretty low priority for us at the moment (along with similarly requested addons like an infinite mode), as the base mod still has a lot left to be done and the roadmap only keeps getting longer and longer as time goes on. I wouldn't expect to see any major addons until 5.0, which will be the "final" update in terms of the base mod being complete.

It's not perfectly compatible but it does work. As I said the main reason I don't use the 26 flagships mod is its not designed for the strength of player ships in multiverse.

Just to clarify what I'm suggesting is not a random flagship generation, instead every run selecting randomly from a range of pre-existing human-made flagships.
The difference being a completely random flagship is often unbalanced (either too weak from the randomly generated augments/weapons/subsystems not working together, or being too strong).
A player designed flagship offers new and interesting fights much more in line with the first-time experience facing the original flagship.
This isn't something I'm expecting to see in the next update or anything, just throwing ideas out!


Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 8:47 pm
by frystguard
Hello, installed the mod just now, but it looks like my save file doesn't work with it and all ships need to be unlocked again. This is intended, right? Also, can I get back my saves for the original game if I uninstalled the mod? Thank you.


Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 10:48 pm
by TheMultiverseTeam
Yes, it's intended for every ship to be unlocked in Multiverse (if you want, there is a way to skip this, just ask, it's pretty easy though I wouldn't recommend it). Multiverse uses separate save files from vanilla, so uninstalling the mod and then returning to it will keep progress, and your progress in MV wont affect vanilla.


Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 11:00 pm
by frystguard
After playing and seeing that there are so many changes from vanilla, I think progression is great, I don't want to skip it. Thanks a lot for the mod!


Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 12:18 am
by TheMultiverseTeam
No problem, hope you enjoy!

Re: [OVERHAUL - USES HYPERSPACE] FTL: MULTIVERSE Version 4.9 [Threat From Across the Galaxy]

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 4:41 am
by TheMultiverseTeam
4.9 is now out and ready!

Code: Select all


Completely revamped the flagship with a new sprite and everything.

Updated the Clone Cannon to support the (applicable) 15 new crew types added since it's implementation. Morphs still do not work with the clone cannon, and I'm not sure if they ever will.

Added a new 11th page for special ships that don't quite fit the other pages. Ancient C has also been moved to this page, and a new Ancient C has been made.

On the 11th page is also now Sylvan's Transport and the Alpha Kestrel.

The true ending bosses now scale with your challenge level.

Added Shell Maintenance cruisers A, B, and C.

Completely reworked the A5540L3 questline.

Morph A and C now have an augment that allows your morphs to copy certain species right from the start.

Added 3 new MV bosses.

Added a special Botulinum Gas augment for the Radiant Cruiser only.

Added brand new hulls to the MV Traveler enemies.

Added Royal Weapons and drones to Royal enemies.

Added some new, rare encounters with a mysterious alien race.

Added the Alt-Bishop, Alt-Knighted Cruiser, and Pleasure Flagship.

Added the Dynasty Assault.

Added price indicators to the reactor upgrade UI.

Added special decor to Sylvan A and B.


You can now get aid and contact Tully after killing the Ace on Extreme.

Reorganized several of the ships - anaerobic misc ships are now on page 10, and misc aerobic ships are on page 9. Coalition was moved from the slug page to page 9.

Heavily modified Shell C.

The Spider Station event can now spawn in any civilian sector (only 50% chance outside of the coreworlds). Has a slightly different outcome if suceeding again on repeat (you can't go to the sector twice in the same run)

Lanius B now has the toggle flak.

The ancient drifter no longer has a 50/50 to cause crew loss when taking him aboard, but instead do hull damage.

The gatling quest no longer requires you to use a normal preigniter if you have it.

Changed a lot of the text when getting Laiiikarkapi.

Spider B no longer requires using Spider A to unlock it.

Sylvan B can now fit 3 crew.

Suzerain A now has a guardian instead of a defender drone.

Alkali no longer requires friendly crew in the room to use his ability.

Elite Slug Cruiser now has 9 crew slots.

Zoltan Bypass only requires reactor level 8 now.

Ancient B now has 3 weapon slots.

Grealty improved Tully's sprite, and improved some of the other human sprites slightly too.

Technopath ion intruder no longer stuns friendly crew.

The crew kill a pirate ship event no longer requires you to have a blue option to take the quest.

Augmented B now has a cognitive instead of a phantom.

You can no longer breed ancients in the pleasure pods.

Shell Science Cruisers now use the same cloak color as the science enemies.


All shell ships now have 3 weapon slots.

Engineers now cost 50 scrap in stores.

Hacker A now has 23 drone parts.

Ion Chainger now uses 4 power instead of 5.

Renamed the Chain Charge Laser to Laser Chainger, and decrease its power usage to 1.

The Anointed now provides 2 power bars.

Greatly nerfed the weapon power on vagabond ships with teleporters.

Tuco B no longer has scrap arm.

The GAS salvaging outcome now only spawns 1 to 2 boarders, rather than 3 to 4.

Buffed Tully to compete with the new MFK crew.

The Focus Chaingun no longer has a system damage reduction.

Bishop Cruiser boss now uses invasion AI.

Slightly nerfed Alpha Phantom sabotage speed. Ghosts also move at x0.8 speed now.

Buffed the effects of Ancient Protocols and Ancient Stimulants.

Old-Suzerain Cruiser now only has suzerain crew.

Increased Part Missile price, decreased Part Laser price.

The scanner is now conservative.

Energy stunner now costs 50 scrap.


Fixed some tpyos. (with additional proofreading from JerC)

Compressed a ton of backgrounds and removed half of them to reduce file size.

Fixed Sylvan not letting you trade resources after listening to his story in the Zoltan Capital.

Fixed Haunt ships having human crew.

Fixed the wonderdrone smuggler not turning peaceful after surrendering.

fixed pre-emptive flak appearing in ancient stores.

Fixed it sometimes being possible to go to the Jerry sector multiple times thanks to the event not blocking out the option to repeat itself.

Fixed the Dynasty/Rebel duel event not giving rewards.

Fixed Dessius not counting as anaerobic or phasing crew.

Fixed Federation fleet ships appearing at obelisk fleet beacons.

Fixed being unable to talk to the new shell crew types.

Fixed being able to use equipment that you shouldn't be able to against the MFK Flagship by abusing the menu navigation.

Fixed the player sometimes getting the enemy crystal lockdown bomb.

Fixed the soldier engine upgrade option only appearing if you have shields.

Fixed rusty missiles having absurd projectile speeds.

Fixed Ancient C and Morph C not having pilot.s

Fixed the quick splitter giving a human when duplicating phantoms without a catalyst.

Fixed Dynasty transport not immediately running.

Fixed Tom.

Fixed the Dynasty transport appearing in crystal sectors.

Re: [OVERHAUL - USES HYPERSPACE] FTL: MULTIVERSE Version 4.9 [Threat From Across the Galaxy]

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 9:00 pm
by Ilikemultiverse
I deleted the stars_special folder but the game was still crashing, so I tried version 4.9. Whenever I load it I get an assertion failed error, and whenever I load it through the shortcut the loading screen freezes. I even tried transferring my save files to another computer, but it doesn't keep my progress. Is there anything I can do?

Re: [OVERHAUL - USES HYPERSPACE] FTL: MULTIVERSE Version 4.9 [Threat From Across the Galaxy]

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 12:55 am
by TheMultiverseTeam
For the save files, did you copy over the ones prefaced with "mv_"? (They're in documents/my games/Faster Than Light).
When you say with the shortcut, are you referring to the -directx shortcut? I guess try making absolutely sure -directx is applied to it.
4.9 seems to be having more assertion failed problems for people, so -directx is basically the only way to get around it now (hyperspace is working on making the game launch with -directx by default I believe)