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FTL Ship Mod: Federation Amalgamation

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 4:51 am
by Zenith
So this is my first ship, and it's rather obvious that I just sawed of the front of The Kestrel and superglued the front of a Federation Cruiser in its place...

That being said, I did put a lot of time and effort into these ships, and even though they might not be the best, this was a valuable learning experience.
This ship replaced the Engi A, B, and C.


A - The Eagle
In exchange for weaker weapons, The Eagle boasts a fully upgraded shield piercing artillery beam.


B - The Condor
In exchange for weaker weapons, The Condor boasts a partially upgraded shield piercing artillery beam and cloaking.


C - The Magpie
In exchange for weaker weapons, The Magpie boasts a partially upgraded artillery laser, which fires a volley of five lasers, as well as a teleporter.



If you do decide to download and try out these experimental ships, well... uh... thanks!

Re: FTL Ship Mod: Federation Amalgamation

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 1:47 am
by NarnKar
Hey, those splices look good.

Re: FTL Ship Mod: Federation Amalgamation

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 11:30 pm
by stylesrj
The splices look nice although I've got a tiny concern about the Magpie's Artillery.

In exchange for weaker weapons, The Magpie boasts a partially upgraded artillery laser, which fires a volley of five lasers, as well as a teleporter.

There are mods out there that have ships with 3 rooms and having a 5-shot Artillery would cause a game crash if it fired.
The best solution to the problem is to make it a "Burst" like a Flak Cannon.
The other solution is to reduce it to three shots but that just makes it a weak gun.

Lastly, one could simply not fire the Artillery if the enemy ship has 3 rooms but you try telling people that.

Other than that, I'm wondering if the Condor is "balanced" by the fact that it has fully upgraded Artillery from the start. That's a shield-piercing beam every 20 seconds.

Re: FTL Ship Mod: Federation Amalgamation

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 2:50 am
by BrenTenkage