Because I came up with an awesome pun for a weapon name, hullberd, a mix between the hull and halberd beams, and because the next ship gimmick that I knew I wanted to do would be possibly quite underpowered and I don't want gimmicky/underpowered ships to make up more than half of my ships, I needed to make a powerful ship but didn't quite want to do 8 advanced flaks, so I decided to utilise the custom beam idea I had.
The Hullberd beam is quite powerful, it has all the best parts of both with the only drawback being 19-second cooldown (only 2 more than Halberd) so I decided to make the ship start without normal shields instead and so I gave it a zoltan shield and made it into a zoltan ship. I was trying to think of a spicy recolour and ended up going with a dark pink because why not, at least no vanilla ships use that, and a terracotta orange for the inner parts. And I was struggling really hard to come up with a name, so I decided to derive one just from the colour and the fact that early on it plays similar to the Stealth B... or something... and then twisting it a bit. Maybe it can kill your pinky somehow?
I decided to also give it the option to do suicide zoltan boarding, and since it starts with a teleporter and nobody likes zoltan pilots, I made the pilot a mantis. An unusual mix, but it might be stupid enough to work. But mostly the teleporter is there (because it's silly and) as a backup plan in case you don't find any assisting weapon by the end of sector 2, although to be fair it's still better than Engi B...

The only change since 1.0 is that it now starts with a stun bomb (and 8 missiles to go with it) as backup in case you don't find other weapons to drop shields with, or as support when boarding.
(If you need a mirror, do let me know)
Other useful info
- Replaces Zoltan B. B because I'm a lamepants and made the Camoufdage use Zoltan A, because back then I was stupid enough to think I would probably not be doing many zoltan ships in the near future
- 5 starting power (plus two zoltan).
- To keep up my trend, no room for artillery (for those of you playing with CE). I swear I'll get around to it when I compile all my ships into a pack, sometime in the distant future.
- My first weapon with self-made art! Yayisms and stuffsiclepants
- My 5th ship, and 3rd consecutive month (in Sleeper Service months) during which I make and release a ship mod. Why? I dunno, I guess for some reason I wanted to be featured on the master mod list with a mod highlighted as new all the time. Or else I just really like coming up with and realizing custom starting setups.
- Another shieldless ship with zoltan shields? What's next, a shieldless ship with zoltan shields and drone control? Hah, nope. Not next, maybe later though.
- In case you're wondering, yes, the hullberd works exactly as expected, 2 damage to systemless rooms through 1 layer of shields, 4 damage if shields are down. Half of that to system rooms.
- Has a very weak start, be prepared to face bullshit.
Showcase videos
stylesrj: (v1.0) Part 1
Biohazard063: (v1.0) Part 1
Anistuffs: (v1.1) Run #1 - Run #2 Part 1 (warning, may contain rage)