"With the automated constructor vessels building our ships, we will be unstoppable against the Federation!" Admiral Terest laughed, looking out over the shipyards of Chiron Beta Prime.
"Admiral sir, we've got these design specs for a new Flagship, just for you!" his adjutant said with a smile, handing the man a data drive.
"Excellent work!" Terest replied, loading it into the computer and uploading the specs labelled "Fagship.ftl"
He then walked away as the robots got to work, interpreting the blueprints and designing a vessel around those specifications.
When Terest returned however, he found this waiting in the shipyard:

"What the hell?" he shouted, demanding an answer from someone "I wanted a Flagship! What's this!?"
"Oh shoot!" his adjutant said, looking at the documents. "It looks like our engineers left a typo in the document and forgot to put an L there."
"We can't use a Fagship!" Terest stated "Admiral Tully wouldn't be intimidated by a huge flying cigarette! Forget it, just throw it out and start over. Bloody hell this ship makes me want to grab one..."
The Rebel Fagship and AI core laid dormant for quite some time, forgotten in the massive conflict until a Federation salvage fleet discovered it, and moved it to the hangar where they outfitted it for combat. They found that the life support system was designed for a large crew but the amount of ash and smoke inside the ship had overloaded the filters.
There was no time to replace them as the Rebel Fleet was quickly approaching so they reprogrammed the AI (Not too hard as the AI wanted revenge against the Rebels for being cast aside) and sent on a mission to deliver some important intel to Federation Command. Someone in a store could replace the filters and render the ship habitable to a crew again (and it'd be such an easy job that it could be done for a low price too.)
And thus begins the voyage of the Rebel Fagship. The Rebellion may have lost the war all for a single typo...

Download it here:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/8pd58 ... hip_V2.ftl
If you don't want to read that whole story, the ship is pretty much an AI ship with a fire beam.
Can hit one or two rooms, does 3 damage, 30 second cooldown and starts a fire. Basic stuff. Oh and because the effects of passive smoking are in question, the beam doesn't actually do any damage to the enemy crew.
If the ship explodes, it's probably a hilarious death animation and if you can get Cloaking... it hides in a cloud of smoke!
It also has the AI Avatar Generator from Captain's Edition. Requires CE to actually generate AI Avatars though otherwise it's just something you can sell in stores. It also has Slug Repair Gel that'll fix up hull breaches rapidly and a Nano Repair Bomb to fix up system damage at the cost of missiles. These are to save time and probably can be overpowered or abused easily in game though.
Fag is a British term for cigarette. It also means other things but this ship means the smokeable. I've always wanted to create a ship like this for a laugh hence why the weapons and stuff are just... bad?
Since there is no crew, the game may crash during events where you have no crew and need to lose someone. There's a mod out there to fix it if you want to use it. You just gotta find it.
The Smoker Beam's firing sound is from A Strange New Galaxy by Metzelmax (http://www.ftlgame.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=14896). It's the mine launcher but I thought "it also could sound like someone puffing on a cigarette."
My own run (Version 1):
Biohazard063 did one (Version 1):
Older versions:
V1 - http://www.mediafire.com/download/2lmlw ... agship.ftl