FTL ship:
As floating letters in space, they aren't as durable as most other ships as it only has 20 hull points. However, it comes with 3 powerful weapons.
The F Flak is a faster but less powerful version of the Flak II, with 1 less projectile and wider spread.
The T Beam is a shorter but more efficient halberd beam, only needing 2 power.
And the L Ion does system damage as well as ion damage, making it very useful for disabling systems.
All 3 weapons fire every 15 seconds.
MFK ship:
Like the FTL ship, this ship comes with 20 hull points and 3 powerful weapons.
The M Missile deals 4 damage, 8 system damage, kills most crew and more.
The F Flamethrower sets everything on fire.
And the K Beam is just a boring beam.
All weapons fire every 15 seconds and ignore shields.
Pirate Logo ship:
20 hull, 3 weapons.
The PI Vulcan is a vulcan version of the L Ion.
The RA Glaive is a much faster glaive beam, as long as you have 30 missiles stockpiled. Otherwise, it's useless.
And the TE Missile uses pirated missiles(free), limited shield piercing though.
Not all weapons fire every 15 seconds this time.
Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/altrtdvejbp8hxs/FTL.ftl?dl=0
Easy Version (More powerful weapons, install after normal version): https://www.dropbox.com/s/dclivusf4c0mins/FTL_easy.ftl?dl=0
Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/ftlgame/comments/3yj8i6/modding_anyone_want_me_to_make_a_ship_for_them/cyejmyh
Code: Select all
V5: Added newer ship
Super-glued weapons to the hull, now they will stay attached even if the ship explodes.
V4.1: Minor tweaks
V4: Added new ship
Easy version changed to a patch, meaning it must be installed after the normal version, and won't work on it's own.
V3: Increased hull to 20.
Nerfed cooldowns to 15 seconds.
Halved cost of weapons to 80 (i.e. sold for 40 scrap.)
Removed 1 Projectile from F Flak.
Increased spread of F Flak.
Reduced T Beam length.
Lowered L Ion stun chance.
Added easy version of the ship, which was unaffected by the nerfs on this post.
V2: Increased cooldown of all weapons to 12 seconds.
Added crew damage to L Ion as I got tired of waiting for oxygen to drain (Doesn't work if shields are hit)
Added cloaking image.
Fixed drone control starting at level 1.
V1: Released
Let me know if there are any issues with the ships.