The Buteogallus is equipped with a state-of-the-art weapon, from which it received its name: A high-powered anti-ship railgun, designed to pierce defenses and deal heavy damage to the enemy.

- Leto Missiles
- Dual Lasers
- Artillery: Buteogallus Railgun (Powers a slow, high-powered Anti-Ship Railgun that pierces all shields and deals heavy damage. More power means faster cooldown.)
This ship was captured by pirates before the railgun could be installed. Given their lack of technology, they went with the next best thing: A huge missile launcher. They brought an augment with them, but the ship has no teleporter. Yet.

- Flak I
- Artillery: Diablo Burst Missile (Powers a slow, high-powered missile launcher. The missile splits into 7 individual projectiles, each of which target the enemy ship. More power means faster cooldown.)
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