[SHIP][AE] The Incendiary Set, a mod on fire.

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[SHIP][AE] The Incendiary Set, a mod on fire.

Postby Whishkey » Sat Apr 11, 2015 9:55 pm

When I started FTL, I went along and found this neat mechanic called "fire". I loved it when the enemy ship was on fire, especially if their crew melted in the fire. This ship set takes advantages of the many uses of fire.

There are three cruisers in this set, "The Incendiary", "Oxidation", and "Solar Heat". They replace the Mantis Cruisers A, B, and C. All of them use the same hull graphic because I'm too lazy and incompetent to create an entire two more. :D Also, I haven't bothered creating a cloak image.


The Incendiary focuses on the support aspect of fire, as a tool to help combat enemy crew.

This ship is an excellent all-rounder, sporting a powerful offense and effective defense.

The boarding crew is composed of Rockmen, which themselves are already quite effective brutes. The boarding crew can also be coupled with the fire beam to create a chaotic and destructive storm of activity.

As for homeland defense, the room and door layout was made so that the ship itself is resistant to fire and easy to navigate, and in addition, the ship comes with the Fire Suppression augment, so fire itself is easy to dispose of.
Enemy boarding crews are generally less effective on this layout as you can heal more than 3 crewmembers at a time by juggling.

Oxidation mainly shows the capabilities of fire drones.

Oxidation is almost like the in between of the three ships, but not quite.

The offense is only composed of a single fire drone, along with a speedy Ion weapon to disable shielding (and often enemy drones 8-) ) and an integrated hacking system to further cripple the enemy (if AE is disabled, the hacking stays on the ship, hence the term "integrated").

The ship is not as resistant to fire as the Incendiary, but the layout still makes snuffing out fire possible and effective. The medbay position unfortunately makes juggling impossible, so you're stuck with a mediocre medbay for the rest of the game. Oxidation is the only ship in the set to start off with a level 2 engine system.

The augments,Defense Scrambler and Drone Recovery Arm, are simply to make the heavy drone use possible.

The Solar Heat is arguably the most powerful ship of the set. Showcases the destructive capabilities of fire.

When the engineers outlined this ship, they were mostly concerned with packing as much firepower into it as possible.

They equipped the ship with the most advanced and efficient Burst Laser they could create. This improved version of the Mark III reduced power consumption by a whopping 50%. In addition, they loaded the ship with a new and awesome upgrade of the Fire Beam, the Plasma Beam. To top it off, they managed to fit in a weapon pre-igniter. In most circumstances, most ships would quickly buckle under the glowing punch that these three weapons deliver.

The aggressive design meant getting rid of the first set of shields and building a pretty basic engine system, as they consumed too much offensive potential. If the ship is targeted, it will most certainly be under great danger.
The design also meant incorporating awkward door and room layouts (only one airlock :cry: ), in order to accommodate for the large weapons infrastructure. The awkward structure of the ship makes boarding crews and fires far more dangerous. The designers, however, have been able to set aside a spot for a cloaking system, marking cloaking as the only distinguishable defense.

I hope these cruisers are fun to play, and please leave feedback to tell me about what you think of the mod! (my first mod!)
I designed all three ships using Superluminal and created their hull, shield and thumbnail pics. Superluminal also generated a floor image for me, which was a really nice feature.
Last edited by Whishkey on Sun Apr 12, 2015 7:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [SHIP][AE] The Incendiary Set

Postby ForlornFossa99 » Sun Apr 12, 2015 1:33 pm

Looks good, going to play it now (trying Solar Heat first :P ) You should say which ships they replace :?:
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Re: [SHIP][AE] The Incendiary Set

Postby Whishkey » Sun Apr 12, 2015 1:56 pm

ForlornFossa99 wrote:Looks good, going to play it now (trying Solar Heat first :P ) You should say which ships they replace :?:

Thanks for playing! And I did forget that, didn't I? Editing that in now.
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Re: [SHIP][AE] The Incendiary Set, a mod on fire.

Postby Viking34 » Fri May 01, 2015 12:41 pm


Easily the best ship mod I have tried for FTL, I even made an account on the forums just now for the sole purpose of letting you know.

The actual hull design is not particularly great, but the actual ships themselves are incredibly fun to play with!

I think what I like the most is the unique-ness. Lighting the enemies on fire is great fun, though it's a shame AI ships will laugh at your puny toys. Some encounters can be quite slow and even unwinnable when enemy medbays and/or doors are high level.

I'd say the third ship is quite overpowered, but that does not matter at all when you have two other great options.
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Re: [SHIP][AE] The Incendiary Set, a mod on fire.

Postby Whishkey » Fri May 08, 2015 3:22 am

Viking34 wrote:Brilliant.

Easily the best ship mod I have tried for FTL, I even made an account on the forums just now for the sole purpose of letting you know.

The actual hull design is not particularly great, but the actual ships themselves are incredibly fun to play with!

I think what I like the most is the unique-ness. Lighting the enemies on fire is great fun, though it's a shame AI ships will laugh at your puny toys. Some encounters can be quite slow and even unwinnable when enemy medbays and/or doors are high level.

I'd say the third ship is quite overpowered, but that does not matter at all when you have two other great options.

Thanks for letting me know! :D Not many people did that here, so I'm glad to have your opinion. (although I may have replied a bit late)

What do you mean by hull design? Do you mean the room layout? If so, some ships are intentionally made to have poor layouts (Solar Heat). Although, I admit the ships are a bit small and cramped.

And when I was playtesting, I did run into the issue of AI early in, and enemy clone/medbays later on, but I think part of the challenge is finding a way to overcome the weakness of the ship, and in FTL there are plenty of ways of doing so.