[AE][SHIP] Field Of Doom

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[AE][SHIP] Field Of Doom

Postby FreeSci » Wed Jan 28, 2015 4:15 pm

DISCLAIMER: I have no idea whatever was I smoking when I came up with this. I am thus not responsible for any laughter or hatred created in your soul by this mod.

Well... yeah. Here I go showing myself off as a fool by making my first mod the most simple mod ever done - a mod that's
A) A ship mod. The easiest category - there are LOTS of tools for GUI-making them.
B) A vanilla-textured mod. No external textures were used - too lazy and too bad of an artist.

But at least it's my first mod.


A ship... wait, no! A playable asteroid field. Yup, you read it correctly. WTF.
What does it have? Well, here's a list:
-Level 4 engines and maxed piloting (the logic behind this is simple - it's pretty hard to accurately hit a quick asteroid)
-Maxed doors (why are there even doors? It's supposed to be open space :))
-Maxed battery (why the H not?)
-Basic cloak (and a fun cloaking image :P)
-Basic medbay ('cause you need it on any ship)
-Basic sensors (well... an asteroid field shouldn't be invisible, it's visible even without sensors >.<)
-A Flak II gun (it fires asteroid debris!) and just enough power in the weapons
-10 power (so you don't have to worry too much, but you also can't power everything)

Now, this is my first ship, so any testing and balance suggestions are highly appreciated. In fact, I suck at FTL too much to test it myself - only ever beat it once, and that's on Easy.

What else... this is AE-compatible, as you could tell by the AE tag.

UPDATE: Tested, seems to be slightly easier to upgrade and get OP in the sectors. However, the Flagship is quite a challenge - died on stage 3. Edit: testing outdated - version 1.0, any volunteer to test would be appreciated :mrgreen:


(As of 1.1, engine station is fixed. I am just too lazy to make another screenshot)

Download (version 1.1)


Changelog (version 1.1):
  • Lowered engines to level 4
  • Fixed the engine station placement
  • Removed a gib and added 10, to a total of 15 :D

Quest Marker
  • Possibly figure out the teleporter door connection? I didn't work for me, so I'll need some help. {Indefinite}
  • Tweak engines to level 4 {implemented in 1.1}
  • Move the engine station {implemented in 1.1}
  • Add more gibs {kind of done?}
Last edited by FreeSci on Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [AE][SHIP] Field Of Doom

Postby NarnKar » Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:52 pm

This is just my first impression (I've not played it yet and I have to run soon), but:

Not bad for a first mod! It's not got overpowered weapons, like so many other first mods (sick of seeing Rebel Flagships and Kestrels with Glaive Beams ugh), and an idea that's unique (out there, but unique nonetheless). You've taken the time to make sure the room art matches the interior and doesn't block doorways (which is more than I can say for some mods...), so it's pretty clear you care about quality/polish.

Two suggestions. Perhaps there should be more airlocks on this thing; currently there aren't any, which will make some things unintentionally difficult (like venting boarders or fires). After all, it's an asteroid field, and asteroid fields are in the middle of empty space. I'd also recommend knocking the engines down to 4, if you want to keep the level 1 cloaking. That way it'll be like Stealth A, and reliably avoid damage.

Curious to see what the gibs on this one would be like....

To answer your questions:

The forum doesn't allow the ftl format to be uploaded because, I think it's because you're a new user. I don't really upload anything to forums; I just use mediafire to host my mods.

It's in the correct subforum. It satisfies the "working" condition of the "working mods" subforum.
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Re: [AE][SHIP] Field Of Doom

Postby FreeSci » Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:42 am

Thanks for the opinion!

To answer some of your questions: gibs are half-done (6 of the asteroids have identical images for gibs, flying in a random direction). I'll add more gibs in the next update, I was just a bit too lazy for it.

Airlocks... well... that's the fun part. The ship's got absolutely no oxygen system. You can't even buy any, any oxygen you'll see in a store will cost 0 scrap and will not actually get installed. You also only have 2 Lanius crew, so it's quite a challenge to have stuff manned. Piloting level 3 allows both crew members to be relatively free, but it does have that 20% penalty. It does make the game easier though - no fires and no breaches to worry about...

Engines to level 4? Alright! :)

So yeah...

[added a quest marker to the end of my main post!]
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Re: [AE][SHIP] Field Of Doom

Postby NarnKar » Thu Jan 29, 2015 1:39 pm

Oh, I missed the lack of oxygen :cry:
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Re: [AE][SHIP] Field Of Doom

Postby FreeSci » Mon Feb 02, 2015 7:11 pm

Quick Update: I'm having a modding go at several games at once, so sorry for inactiveness. Anyways, this mod is just about done now, except for a few things:

Possibly more gibs

Maybe room redesign? I want rooms to be inside of particular asteroids instead of... well, just being a floating space ring. But I'll have to call for help, as my AE doesn't like custom door links. So, anyone, teach me the ways? :)

Maybe I'll also get to some custom graphics - new shield, new cloak etc.
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Re: [AE][SHIP] Field Of Doom

Postby deathslayer2481 » Sun Dec 25, 2016 9:30 am

I know i am commiting necromancy of high degree by replying to this, but instead of having the rooms inside asteroids, you could treat it as if they were floating around within the asteroid field, with system filled rooms within the asteroids, and large amounts of empty rooms acting as the actual space. of course this would cause you to have extreme danger from any hull weapon...
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Re: [AE][SHIP] Field Of Doom

Postby stylesrj » Tue Dec 27, 2016 2:16 am

Why did I not see this ship last year?
Holy crap I should fly that thing!
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Re: [AE][SHIP] Field Of Doom

Postby BrenTenkage » Tue Aug 15, 2017 7:21 am

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gP5K0sO53s8 did a lets play of this, have some things to day but for a first time mod not bad
Last edited by BrenTenkage on Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I make a lot of lets plays of FTL, I also use mods I find on this site http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL ... 06hca_PXuX
I am also a modder as well, here is my mod hub viewtopic.php?f=11&t=32269
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Re: [AE][SHIP] Field Of Doom

Postby mr_easy_money » Tue Aug 15, 2017 3:51 pm

BrenTenkage wrote:https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=gP5K0sO53s8 did a lets play of this, have some things to day but for a first time mod not bad

you replied with the edit link, not the actual link to the video, so we can't see the lets play :?
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Re: [AE][SHIP] Field Of Doom

Postby BrenTenkage » Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:00 pm

mr_easy_money wrote:
BrenTenkage wrote:https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=gP5K0sO53s8 did a lets play of this, have some things to day but for a first time mod not bad

you replied with the edit link, not the actual link to the video, so we can't see the lets play :?

fixed, sorry about that
I make a lot of lets plays of FTL, I also use mods I find on this site http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL ... 06hca_PXuX
I am also a modder as well, here is my mod hub viewtopic.php?f=11&t=32269