- New Crew sprites
- New Blue options (Engis have been rebuilt into a new, unpredictable, 'Elf' race)
- Custom ship (The Sleigher; Santa's personal mode of transport)
- New weapons (Including artillery on the Sleigher)
- New Sounds (lots of new sounds!)
- Gameplay tweaks (the mod is meant to be a little light-hearted, in the christmas spirit)
- Additional content for Captain's Edition / Crew'D users
- Probably a few bugs! (time limits, sorry...)
Please load with Slipstream.
Load after gameplay/visual mods (CE, C'D, etc) but before the Low Oxygen patch if you're using it.

The ice cracks under the Snowcruiser's giant runners as the ship slides to the edge of the runway.
The Elves work as fast as they can to load the last of the fuel into the engines; nearby a small team is fitting the new weapon system.
"Final checks!" Calls one;
"Dashers?" "On."
"Dancers?" "On."
"Prancers?" "On."
Through the commotion strides a giant. An ancient being - an ancestor the Elven kind - recently awoken from a deep, deep freeze.
The world is unfamiliar to him, even the stars have shifted their places in the night sky. Yet the cold that bites is not from the snow, but from the conflict raging through a once peaceful strech of universe.
He knows where this destruction will lead. He's fought his battles, but maybe it's time to fight one more.
He turns to face his new ship - not a war machine by any stretch, but hopefully sturdy enough to bring back the peace he remembers so fondly.

V006! - (Updated 9/Dec/2014) - (fixed some events not loading when they should, hopefully fixed some text being loaded wrong)
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V005 - (Updated 8/Dec/2014) - patch note (mild alterations to text and events, made certain items much more useful)
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V004 - (Updated 7/Dec/2014) - patch note (fixed a few bugs and spelling errors, altered Artillery slightly)
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V003 - (Updated 27/Nov/2014)
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(Updated 27/Nov/2014)
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------ Load this over the main mod if you wish to use the latest Captain's Edition, or if you use my Crew'D mod.
Doing so unlocks some additional content that wouldn't work without at least one of those mods being installed.

Crew Diversity (my own visual mod)
The Tinstrel (a recent christmas ship which is designed with Santa and the Elves in mind)
Cake's Xmas Ship pack (As above, ships built with this mod in mind =D)
Low O2 (the original mod - this ship dosn't play well without it but I didn't want to package someone elses work in the file. Please load this one up if you prefer the style of it)

Using the mod alongside Cake's Cany-Cane-Strel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fs-i-Dw ... e=youtu.be
Using the vanilla mod. Several of the issues pointed out have since been fixed!
If anyone does a let's play with this mod (using the Sleigher or otherise), I'd absolutely love to see it, and will feature it here if you ask me to.

With thanks to BrenTenkage, stylesrj, SleeperService, RAD-82, TaxiService, 5thHorseman and many more for both help and inspiration. (Please let me know if I missed anyone)
Also extra credit to TaxiService as I used their template as a starting point for this post (viewtopic.php?f=12&t=26530)
Full credits in the mod file.
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!
