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Re: Master Mod List - Advanced Edition

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 11:40 pm
by NarnKar
Looks like you missed some of mine, Sleeper.

Wanderlust, The [ASB Cruiser]
Hand of Death, The [Anti-Bio Cruiser]
Arrowhead, The

Tengu, The
Tsunami, The
brothershogo's mods, updated to AE by me.

Re: Master Mod List - Advanced Edition

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 2:50 pm
by Sleeper Service
Yeah, because I haven't checked in the thread of each mod if they are updated for AE. I just added stuff that was clearly tagged. Added those now. If anyone feels left out then please post the mods you want to have added. :|

Re: Master Mod List - Advanced Edition

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 8:36 am
by R4V3-0N
I wounder if having a simular kind of list in the Mod Development section for mods that are a [WIP] and/or an updated list on tutorials and such. Becuase it's quite hard to see or find threads/ mods that are in development or a thread asking if this works/ doesn't work. resources, and people asking for help. :|

Re: Master Mod List - Advanced Edition

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:17 am
by stylesrj
Do you think the Tinstrel should be on the ship list? It's not Gencool's Sleigher but it is a nice holiday themed cruiser for the Christmas season. [/toots horn] :lol:


Oh and what about dividing the ships into categories so it's easier to know if you're looking for a new ship, a fun little romp through the galaxy or something completely overpowered?

Re: Master Mod List - Advanced Edition

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 12:03 pm
by R4V3-0N
Was thinking of having extra tags.

Ie is it lore friendly?
OP rolfstomp or is it a challange?
Uses AE content? (Some people out there actually hates AE, so knowing if it has AE or not will help)
etc? I am thinking of possibly a rating system.

Lets say someone made a Mantis ship that is pretty harsh and nothing sticks out off the norm.
(lore friendly)
Ie: this ship is "LF: 5"
ie: this ship is "C:4"

5 = lore/ challanging.
0 = not lore friendly / easy

in work. it'll be...

[SHIP] Mantis Assault Mod Ship [Mantis A/B] [LF:5] [C:4] by kazaaakplethkilik Jr

5 = standard room sizes, no mixed match engines or (odd) parts of other ships, themed with faction and/or race, weapons also themed on said faction loosely, is propperly marked and coloured.
4 = standard room sizes, mixed engines and parts off other ships, themed with faction and/or race, weapons doesn't need to be themed, is properly coloured and marked. unique colour sets can be applied.
3 = reasonable room sizes, (nothing to big) mixed parts of ships, loose theme with faction/ race, weapons is game friendly and fits in lore. Colours and markings can be out of ftl theme.
2 = reasonable room sizes, ship is FTL friendly, can be very detailed (or undetailed), no theme required. weapons doesn't need to be lore friendly. any colour or art style possible
1 = any room size, not related with FTL besides being in the game. (ie copy paste of the enterprise from star trek), still resonable(ish...) for a ship.
0 = any room size, unresonable for a ship. (ie flying banana, giant turtle, or donut, as earlier mod examples.) Typically joke ships.

5 = very hard to win in or impossible, requires A very skilled player or to be played exclusively on easy.
4 = hard, possible to win but may require RnG to be at your side, requires a skilled player to play.
3 = 'normal' (for ftl standards), possible to win but RnG could kill you.
2 = 'easy' (for FTL standards), possible to win if you put your mind to it. Only unfortunate RnG events could kill you but a skilled player would be practically invincible.
1 = easy (normal standards), a regular player could win, only very bad RnG events could kill you early, you can be invincible in late tiers.
0 = easy enough for sometime to play FTL for the first time after the tutorial and win. these are joke ships that can be literally invincible for reasons like 60+ hull, starts with 4 shields, weapons that can practically insta kill enemy ships. etc.

I think this could be useful information, I think however it can be time consuming to put the extra details and such but if the submiter or the mod auther puts it up here to put on the list and say it should be LF:3, C:1 or what ever. It could save time.

My problem with the old list is that I want to play a lore friendly mod but simply clicking something that has a name ie "federation assault" may be someones first ship with

Re: Master Mod List - Advanced Edition

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 12:20 pm
by Sleeper Service
Faster than Christmas was added before, as total conversation. I started to tag newly released mods as [New!] like in the old list.

R4V3-0N wrote:I wounder if having a simular kind of list in the Mod Development section for mods that are a [WIP] and/or an updated list on tutorials and such. Becuase it's quite hard to see or find threads/ mods that are in development or a thread asking if this works/ doesn't work. resources, and people asking for help. :|

Well there is the Modding References thread and the modding questions thread. If you wan't to create a WIP list you can do it. ;)

R4V3-0N wrote:Was thinking of having extra tags.

Ie is it lore friendly?
OP rolfstomp or is it a challange?
Uses AE content? (Some people out there actually hates AE, so knowing if it has AE or not will help)
etc? I am thinking of possibly a rating system.

I'm not entirely sure if we can get a broad range of modders to evaluate their mods that way. It definitely adds a lot work to do here. Personally, I like that the list does not rate people and gives everyone a place to showcase their mods. But I can also see that it might get tedious for a user to search for mods that fit his/her personal exceptions...

Re: Master Mod List - Advanced Edition

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 12:40 pm
by R4V3-0N
Will make a thread some day. But I am to busy. I keep stuffing myself with things to occupy me.

For eg I am doing / editing ship art for people to use in there mods here and there (it seems like a new request every day) as well as the fact that I distract myself with ships to do and such. my excuse is flexing my modding mussles and making a few weapons for my overhaul. However my next ship is the Rebel Flagship. a Balanced player version.

(thinking of editing all the boss weapons to be charge weapons instead of burst, as well as increase there energy requirement so you can't run all 4 at 4 energy. instead it'll be each weapon is 4 energy. I'll also do a lot of other things to try and balance it out. Kinda want to do this as the rebel flagship was the 2nd mod I ever made (never released) as well as none out for AE I think atm...)

Maybe if a ship name is a bit ambiguous maybe a tiny bit of added data to help it out? ie if it's a faction related ship, add that into it. idk. atm is fine but always room for improvement. But I can see how many things would be time consuming.

Re: Master Mod List - Advanced Edition

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 4:51 am
by RAD-82
I have so many ships (20 topics at this time), I think it would be better to link to my own mod list, RAD-82's Junkyard, like what has been done with some other users. That should remove 5 of my ships which are currently up there. I'm surprised Auto-Terminator was missed. :P

I think it would be nice if there was also a link to the old master list, although I suppose that could result in the unwanted bumping of old topics.

The original Infinite Space is missing from the overhaul section. I did update that for AE compatibility.

Re: Master Mod List - Advanced Edition

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 7:10 am
by R4V3-0N
Am I the only one who thinks a personal mod list needs it's own mini forum subsection :?:

Re: Master Mod List - Advanced Edition

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 5:03 pm
by NarnKar
Didn't kartoFlane have a small google doc at some point?

Also, I think it would be easier if we had a Google form submission that automatically formatted submitted entries into the google doc. I think that's a thing that can be done!