[SHIP] Federation Defender

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[SHIP] Federation Defender

Postby R4V3-0N » Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:57 pm

Greetings. This mod I took on is based on an idea of having a ship with a turret to destroy incoming missiles and projectiles. This was achieved in this Mod by having a 1 pixel sized shield in the area I want the drone to be in and modified the textures of the ship, rooms, and the drone parts I used to better fit the ship. This brings a few advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that you have a drone that's in the best place to fire at all times and the miss chance is low and also that Enemy combat drones do not do anything to you. Depending on there size it may block a shot and be destroyed when your turret fires but besides that you are completely free from Drones that are not hacking or boarding. (even then the turret will shoot these ones down with good ease)
The obvious disadvantage is that you have no shields and weapons like beams will eat you alive.

These ships are also testing and using equipment and such that are possibly going to be in my mod overhaul "FTL: Engi Brigade".

This ship mod was originally meant to be just for my testing and such but my beta testers for my overhaul mod highly recommend me to release this as a stand alone ship mod for you guys to enjoy, and as usual. I try to keep to the vanilla/ cannon theme of the ships to have there names match the naming scheme of the Federations to the ships they have acquired as well as attempting to mimic room layouts vaguely and weapons that are commonly used by the Faction or Race. Enjoy!


Federation Defender A "Hoatzin"
"Forgotten technology"

This was a high grade ship developed by the Federation during the golden age of its reign. It had a unique feature of a high accuracy turret on the dorsal of the ship that was able to pick off incoming fire, drones, and ships that dared come towards this fully armed guardian. This was one of the ships at the peak of technology. These ships were difficult to produce and were reserved to the ranks of the Royal Federation Guards protecting the palace grounds before the Rebel uprising. After the core home worlds of the Federation were taken over the factories and science labs that were producing this piece of technology was lost... until now. We have discovered what should be one of the last few ships of it's kind out here in the asteroid belt in this system as we were heading out to avoid the incoming Rebel Fleet. It was mostly in one piece however it had it's targeting computers damaged and it was stripped of weapons. We scrapped together what little we had left to put it back into operational use.
Let us hope it will be enough to push against the Rebels till we rendezvous with the last remaining Federation fleet.

Starting Equipment:
-Burst Scatter Laser II
-Silverfish Missile

-Defense Turret

-Drone Recovery Arm
-Titanium System Casing

Starting Systems:
-Pilot: I
-Weapons: III
-Engines: II
-Medbay: I
-Oxygen: I
-Drones: I
-Reactor: 10

Purchasable Systems:
-Mind control
-Teleport (2 personal)

Floor plan:

Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nm5iu41nxu5cg ... e.ftl?dl=0

Federation Defender B "Chickenhawk"
"Corrupted Guardian"

We stumbled upon a hidden outpost where we last saw some readings from a Federation ship distress signal. We went to investigate in hopes of finding another ship to join us up with the rendezvous with the Federation Fleet.
We saw a ship with Rebel markings but it looked like it was one of ours. We boarded what appears to be another Federation Defender and investigated in search for answers. This whole area seems like a ghost town. A Federation cruiser that we have not seen before is also here along with some other strange ships. Our search has been interruption when a huge energy spike was detected and a huge ship pulled through a construction dock. It was not like anything I've seen before. I think we just spotted the jewel of the Rebel fleet. There Flagship.
Before it went weapons hot we quickly pulled out of the area as energy signatures and signals are appearing everywhere around us and we FTL'ed out to the closest beacon. We need to report this to the Federation fleet ASAP!

We are on our way to an active Outpost in Federation hands in a friendly civilian System. We could not personally deliver the message to the Federation fleet and we decided instead to send it to the outpost. This modified defender seems interesting. It has a more powerful turret and a strange beam that seems to penetrate at least 1 layer of shielding. We need to go find more about these lost pieces of technology

Starting Equipment:
- Laito Beam

-Turret (upgraded)

-Drone Recovery Arm
-Reverse Ion Field

Starting Systems:
-Pilot: II
-Sensors: II
-Weapons: II
-Engines: III
-Medbay: I
-Oxygen: I
-Drones: II
-Reactor: 10

Purchasable Systems:
-Teleport (2 personal)

Floor plan:


Federation Defender C "Jackdaw"

We are only 1 system away from the Federation Fleet until something unexpected happened. We got ambushed by what at first appeared to be a group at pirates. Our IFF was confused due to them being former Federation ships until there was a cease fire. The person at the helm of what appears to be another Defender appeared on the monitor. It turned out to be a small group of former Federation people and sympathizers that went into hiding to ambush the Rebels and act as a resistance. It seemed our single Rebel coloured ship threw them off and assumed WE were the rebels. We managed to persuade the commander to follow us to the Federation Fleet at go to a research facility. This will aid the Federation greatly and the leader of the small group of resistance apologies for the incident earlier.

Starting Equipment:
- Defense beam II

-Shield +

-Defense Scrambler

Starting Systems:
-Pilot: I
-Artillery: II
-Weapons: III
-Engines: III
-Medbay: I
-Oxygen: I
-Drones: II
-Reactor: 10

Purchasable Systems:

-Mind control

Floor plan:


[main download currently taken down until bug fixes are finished]
~All 3 ships, 10 weapons, and more.

This mod replaces the Kestrel type A, B, C.
This mod should not conflict with any other mod besides ones that replace any kestrel ships. It is compatible with Captains Edition. If you spot any problems just send me a message.
This mod has been made by me. Turret for Federation Defender A has been inspired by a turret design in Captains Edition made by Sleeper Service.

Please ask me for permission before using anything in this mod if you are planning to incorporate it to your mod or use it in any other form.
Last edited by R4V3-0N on Wed Jan 07, 2015 3:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.
R4V3-0N, a dreamer.
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Re: [SHIP] Federation Defender

Postby NarnKar » Fri Oct 17, 2014 1:11 pm

Wait, if all their shield graphics are 1px, what possible use could a Shield drone be on the Jackdaw?
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Re: [SHIP] Federation Defender

Postby R4V3-0N » Fri Oct 17, 2014 1:35 pm

NarnKar wrote:Wait, if all their shield graphics are 1px, what possible use could a Shield drone be on the Jackdaw?

It has no longer a normal turret. the Jackdaw is the only one out of the 3 that has a proper shield. Another reason why you can actually buy the shield system for it.

I started to run out of good ideas for turrets. Seeing how it's very reliant on it and no good way to upgrade it over time. It has to be good. Meaning rather go for a balance or fast and accurate turret (which the A and B is).

I kinda wanted an anti drone turret but it failed due to the fact drones are already neutralized.
R4V3-0N, a dreamer.
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Re: [SHIP] Federation Defender

Postby stylesrj » Sun Oct 19, 2014 3:35 am

Oh wow, shieldless ships with the ellipse in a tiny place. I've seen this before. It's rather interesting how all drones are neutralised, yet defensive drones are still an option.

I once made a ship like that as well. Gave it a Zoltan Shield and suddenly it couldn't be Hacked or Mind Controlled or boarded (outside of events). Since there was no shield bubble, the Zoltan Shield could never be brought down.
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Re: [SHIP] Federation Defender

Postby R4V3-0N » Sun Oct 19, 2014 12:31 pm

stylesrj wrote:Oh wow, shieldless ships with the ellipse in a tiny place. I've seen this before. It's rather interesting how all drones are neutralised, yet defensive drones are still an option.

I once made a ship like that as well. Gave it a Zoltan Shield and suddenly it couldn't be Hacked or Mind Controlled or boarded (outside of events). Since there was no shield bubble, the Zoltan Shield could never be brought down.

This man deserves a cookie.

THIS is far better then my poor excuse of a type C I did here when I ran out of ideas.
Going to go update this mod to incorporate this idea. I remember I was going to do something with zoltan shield but it completely slipped my mind later in development. :oops:
R4V3-0N, a dreamer.
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Re: [SHIP] Federation Defender

Postby stylesrj » Mon Oct 20, 2014 7:00 am

The ship I used was highly vulnerable to attack (not even a turret to defend itself with) and even then I thought it was rather OP. You couldn't even take down the Zoltan Shield with a pulsar.

This does raise another question though - if your ship has no ellipse and you buy maximum level shields (and charge them to max) does that mean solar flares do less damage? I haven't tested it myself because... I hate solar flares and don't like staying in them.

Also: could an enemy ship be done the same way? No shields, but has a turret and Zoltan Shields? Would make for a frustrating foe or a challenge depending on the player.
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Re: [SHIP] Federation Defender

Postby R4V3-0N » Mon Oct 20, 2014 11:01 am

stylesrj wrote:The ship I used was highly vulnerable to attack (not even a turret to defend itself with) and even then I thought it was rather OP. You couldn't even take down the Zoltan Shield with a pulsar.

This does raise another question though - if your ship has no ellipse and you buy maximum level shields (and charge them to max) does that mean solar flares do less damage? I haven't tested it myself because... I hate solar flares and don't like staying in them.

Also: could an enemy ship be done the same way? No shields, but has a turret and Zoltan Shields? Would make for a frustrating foe or a challenge depending on the player.

Turret + zoltan can work. But atm I will just do a normal zoltan shield one as it fits the art with the hacker drone thingy and make a 4th Federation Defender (with what in CE known as "Civilian" or "Malitia" colours).

Edit:@ also: well. theoretically after AE yes. yes it can.... possible idea for a CE enemy ship sleeper service? :)
Like one of those shieldless auto-scouts but with the zoltan shield thing.
R4V3-0N, a dreamer.
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Re: [SHIP] Federation Defender

Postby DinosaurDino » Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:33 am

For some reason, instead of the Jackdaw the Kestrel appears in game. But the Hoatzin and the Chickenhawk are in the hangar.
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Re: [SHIP] Federation Defender

Postby R4V3-0N » Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:47 am

DinosaurDino wrote:For some reason, instead of the Jackdaw the Kestrel appears in game. But the Hoatzin and the Chickenhawk are in the hangar.

Noted. It could be an issue with a place holder ship blueprint over riding another one.

I will fix that in a week as well as the new Jackdaw.

I do not have time so It may take a bit off awhile.
R4V3-0N, a dreamer.
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Re: [SHIP] Federation Defender

Postby DinosaurDino » Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:20 pm

R4V3-0N wrote:
DinosaurDino wrote:For some reason, instead of the Jackdaw the Kestrel appears in game. But the Hoatzin and the Chickenhawk are in the hangar.

Noted. It could be an issue with a place holder ship blueprint over riding another one.

I will fix that in a week as well as the new Jackdaw.

I do not have time so It may take a bit off awhile.

I can't wait. :)