Install with Slipstream Mod Manager
The main mod in question, which adds the weapons for the player to find:
MediaFire Download Link AE.4.7
Enemy Weapons Add-on. Requires the other file to be loaded with it:
MediaFire Download Link AE.4
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Initial Release of AE.1:
-Requires AE-content enabled
-15 new weapons and 1 new drone, some previously seen in ship mods and some new.
-Enemies do not have these weapons. An add-on may be made later to give them some.
Update for AE.2:
-A few minor changes made to some of the existing weapons.
-There are now 23 new weapons and 4 new drones.
-Enemies still do not have these weapons.
Update for AE.3:
-Enabled most of the vanilla weapons that had a rarity of zero; mostly starting equipment.
-Added 8 new weapons and 1 new drone.
-Enemies still do not have these weapons; but there should eventually be an add-on for that.
Initial Release of Enemy Weapons Add-on AE.3
Update for AE.4:
-Added 8 more weapons.
-Updated Enemy Weapons Add-on to AE.4
Update for AE.4.1:
-Minor changes; no new post announcement
-Improved CE compatibility with blue options
Update for AE.4.6:
-Updated Scavenger weapons
-Added 3 new weapons and 1 new drone.
-Removed Fire/Bio-beam bug; mini versions no longer work on vanilla events
-No change for Enemy Weapons Add-on
Update for AE.4.7:
-No new post announcement
-Added 3 new weapons
-No change for Enemy Weapons Add-on
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Advanced Hacking System (A.H.S.)
-Found in the Frankenstein mod, this beam weapon can ion and damage a system through one shield layer, while it also causes havoc to the shields.
Heavy Combat Drone (Combat H)
-Found in the Frankenstein mod, this drone moves slightly slower than a normal combat drone, but shoots a heavy laser instead of a basic laser.
Hydra Missile (Hydra)
-Found on the Scavenger in the Law/Outlaw mod, this charge missile system requires three missiles when it fires, but can also produce missiles under the right conditions.
Conflicts with CE, but I don't feel like fixing that, since it is still playable
Modified Pike Beam (+Pike Beam)
-Found on the Scavenger in the Law/Outlaw mod, this Pike Beam can cause breaches and deal double damage to systemless rooms.
Inferno Blast (Inferno)
-Found on the Cremator in the Space Turtles mod, this weapon fires fifteen pieces of flaming debris across a huge area, but it can't break through shields.
Phoenix Missiles (Phoenix)
-Found on the Cremator in the Space Turtles mod, this weapon is just Swarm Missiles with a high fire chance.
Heated Ion Blast (Hot Ion)
-Found on the Cremator in the Space Turtles mod, this ion weapon can cause fires and damage crew.
Maelstrom Bomb (Maelstrom)
-Found in the Enigma mod, this bomb creates chaos. It does ion, system, and crew damage. It has a high chance of fire, breach, and stun. It locks the doors on the room.
Chain Burst Laser (Chain L+)
-For using an extra power, this Chain Burst Laser can fire faster.
Chain Heated Ion Blast (Chain HI)
-Heated Ion Blast, Vulcan-style. Slightly slower than a Vulcan.
Heavy Chain Laser Mark I (HCL I)
-This Heavy Laser starts out weak, but will eventually do four damage per hit.
Heavy Chain Laser Mark II (HCL II)
-Same as HCL I, but fires two shots.
Heavy Pierce Chain Laser I (HPCL I)
-Found in the Bahamut mod, this Heavy Laser starts out weak, but will eventually do four damage per hit. It pierces one shield layer,
Heavy Pierce Chain Laser II (HPCL II)
-Same as HPCL I, but fires two shots.
Heavy Ion Laser Mark I (Hvy Ion Laser I)
-Heavy Laser that also does some ion damage.
Heavy Ion Laser Charger (HILC)
-Heavy Ion Laser that can charge up to three projectiles.
Grow Lance (G.Lance)
-Beam weapon that gets stronger the more it shoots. Requires four shots to reach maximum damage of three.
Stun Laser Mark I (Stun Laser I)
-Basic Laser with a high chance to stun crew.
Stun Laser Mark II (Stun Laser II)
-Basic Laser that pierces one shield layer with a high chance to stun crew.
Stun Laser Mark III (Stun Laser III)
-Basic Laser that pierces two shield layers with a high chance to stun crew. Minor fire chance.
Stun Beam Mark I (Stun Beam I)
-Mini beam that pierces two shield layers to stun crew for four seconds. Minor fire chance.
Stun Beam Mark II (Stun Beam II)
-Long beam that pierces two shield layers to stun crew for four seconds. Minor fire chance.
Daze Beam (Daze Beam)
-Beam that pierces three shield layers to stun crew for seven seconds. Minor fire chance, but the strength of the beam makes the chance greater than the Stun Beam chance.
Man-Eater Missile (Man-Eater)
-Found in the Bahamut mod, a basic missile that carries a toxin that causes extra damage to crew caught in the explosion.
Heavy Anti-Combat Drone (H.Anti)
-An defense drone designed to shoot down other drones attacking your ship. This one fires a heavy laser and charges in less than half the time it takes the ion anti-combat drone to charge.
Combat Stun Drone I (Stun I)
-An attack drone that can't deplete shields or damage hull. It can pierce one shield layer with a minor fire chance, high stun chance, and deal a small amount of crew damage.
Combat Stun Drone II (Stun II)
-Moves faster than the first one.
Iron Duke (IronDuke)
-(Final Fantasy X-2; Forged in the belief that power is but a number.) Heavy Laser that can charge up to five shots.
Mini Fire Beam (MiniFire Beam)
-Obvious, I would think... Same fire chance as the normal Fire Beam, shorter beam length, less power, and quicker charge.
Mini Anti-Bio Beam (MiniBio Beam)
-Does less damage than the normal Anti-Bio Beam, but it does charge faster for less power.
Anti-Bio Bomb (Bio B.)
-Small bomb that carries the same toxin as the Man-Eater missile.
Shiva Missile (Shiva)
-Found in the Null mod, this missile does a little damage with a decent breach chance, ionizes hit systems and shields that it pierces through, and temporarily locks the doors to the room that is hit.
Fire Burst Mark I (Fire Laser I)
-A laser designed to start fires. The manufacturer didn't realize that one shot doesn't constitute a burst.
Fire Burst Mark II (Fire Laser II)
-Two-shot burst laser designed to start fires.
Fire Burst Mark III (Fire Laser III)
-Three-shot burst laser designed to start fires.
Combat Fire Drone (Fire L.)
-An attack drone with a laser that has a decent fire chance.
Chain Flak Gun (Ch. Flak)
-Flak gun that fires a blast of debris across a random area doing up to 5 damage. Firing speed increases as it shoots, resulting in poor aiming.
Repair Burst (Repair B.)
-System repair bomb that doesn't require any missile resources. Fixes one point of system damage.
Healing Burst (Heal B.)
-Healing bomb that doesn't require any missile resources. Heals 15 health to any friendly crew in the room.
*For 4 power, a Chain Vulcan fires every 1.1 seconds, unassisted. Star shooters by themselves do not use 4 power, but will require that much when used together to produce a similar fire rate.
Star Fire (S.Fire)
-(1.6) Star shooter which fires faster over time. Has potential to start fires.
Star Breach (S.Breach)
-(1.6) Star shooter which fires faster over time. Has potential to cause breaches.
Star Burst (S.Burst)
-(1.8) Star shooter which fires faster over time. Shoots 4 stars.
Star Gun (S.Gun)
-(1.2) Star shooter which fires faster over time. Cheap weapon with no special quirks.
Star Ion (S.Ion)
-Star shooter which increases capabilities over time. Non-damaging star that can pierce 1 shield layer and disrupt systems.
*Chaotic Energy Weapons do not damage hull, but they can deal damage to systems and crew, start fires, and cause breaches. Very effective against shields.
Chaotic Energy Laser Mark I (CEW.L I)
-Based on the Catastrophe artillery, this weapon shoots one projectile of chaotic energy at increasing speeds until it overloads.
Chaotic Energy Laser Mark II (CEW.L II)
-Based on the Catastrophe artillery, this weapon shoots two projectiles of chaotic energy at increasing speeds until it overloads.
Chaotic Energy Combat Drone (CEW.L D)
-Due to the volatile nature of chaotic energy, this drone moves slow and is equipped with protective armor to maintain stability.
Mega Bomb (M. Bomb)
-An explosive so powerful, it damages hull.
Deathbringer Laser (Death L.)
-A quick, chain-damage ion laser capable of great damage.
Battery / Taser MK I (Taser I)
-A battery that provides one extra power to weapons at the cost of a weapon slot. Can be overloaded to stun crew.
Battery / Taser MK II (Taser II)
-A battery that provides two extra power to weapons at the cost of a weapon slot. Can be overloaded to stun crew.
Who needs balance when you have WEAPONS!!!!
I apologize in advance for recoloring some weapons rather than making new graphics.
If used with Captain's Edition, place this weapon mod after CE. The suggested load order in the CE thread would put this mod first, but that would prevent the weapons from appearing on CE weapon lists for blue events. The enemy weapons add-on can also be used with CE, but may have very little effect, as it only adds to vanilla enemy weapon lists.
FTL, SMM, PSP7, Notepad, Arfy