This time you will journey through the newly discovered Milkyway and Pegasus galaxy sectors where you'll surely encounter new enemies and new events.
Download (includes new ships)
Alternate link
Download (standalone)
- 15 new player ships
- New enemy ships
- New events
- New weapons
- New drones
- Usable Stargate augment
All playable ships included in the mod can be viewed here
Note: Images may be slightly outdated.

Not all ships are made by me so here are links to the originals:
Daedalus and Prometheus
Code: Select all
New in v1.0:
- Fixed compatibility issues with FTL 1.6
- Slightly improved the list of places you can travel with the stargate
- Allowed stargate use in Stations Job 1.2+ when installed
- Added cloak and gibs to Atlantis
- Changed Atlantis B name to Asuran city-ship with small changes
- A "C" got turned around
- Minor improvements
New in v0.98:
- Added Hatak background to Lucian Alliance event
- Added missing rooms to most ships
- Removed cloaking from the O'Neill
- Enemy ships now get stronger later in the game
- Increased compatibility with other mods
- Fixed the sun's position
- Reduced file size
New in v0.95:
- Added mod description
- Fixed several bugs involving ships and events
- Fixed room images and glow images
- Reduced volume of the title theme
- Minor changes
New in v0.9:
- Added gibs for enemy ships
- Less OP wraith
- Added Traveler ship
- Added Traveler Chain lasers
- Asgard Beam shield pierce: 3
- Fixed Ori Pulse weapon
- Added more events
New in v0.8:
- Compatible with Advanced Edition
- Drones updated again
- Added Ancient Drones Artillery variant.
- Converted Civilian sector to Wraith Sector

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/. All assets of this mod, besides third party ones which are not created by the author, are free to use for other modders, as long as they use them for non-commercial purposes and a willing to share their work alike.