Things of note:
-Starts without the Artillery Beam subsystem(can be bought in stores)
+Starts with a single-shield-piercing, fire-causing, personnel-damaging, 1-damage, unique beam weapon.
+Starts with two human and two engi crewmembers
+Starts with Engi Medbay and Titanium Casing augments
-Is fairly vulnerable to internal fires
To replace your Nisos federation cruiser, download thanathos.ftl and place it in your /FTL/mods folder.
Download link:
Thanks to kartoFlane, the mod is now SMM and AE compatible.
SMM - viewtopic.php?f=12&t=17102
-Arcalane, for the ship sprite
-FTL's developers, Matthew Davis and Justin Ma, for making this awesome game
-Additional: KartoFlane & RAD-82