Federation Medical Cruiser
This specialized cruiser was never designed for front line combat, instead it would escort large federation battalions and teleport severely wounded crew into it's full fledged on board hospital. This old model; however, was dry docked at a medical station, but with the advancing rebellion fleet you will have to flee the station with the only cruiser available. Without anti ship weapons, your only offense is to grab some small arms and get in the teleporter to board the enemy ships.

Pilot: 1
Sensors: 2
Doors: Not Installed
Weapons: 1
Shields: 2
Engines: 2
Medbay: 2
Oxygen: 2
Drones: 2
Teleporter: 1
Cloak: Not Installed
Pharmaceuticals (Captain's edition only)
Weapons: None
Drones: Defense Drone I
I tried to give this ship systems based on the lore I kind of gave this ship, like sensors level 2 so it can see inside ships to tell if crew are wounded and obviously the level 2 medbay. This can lead to some pretty interesting events, especially when they deal with diseases.
As you can probably tell, the special thing about this ship is the 8 man medbay, large enough to fit your entire crew. The ship is designed around boarding, and the 4 man teleporter combined with the 8 man medbay might lead you to believe this is an overpowered ship, but I assure you it is not. This ship starts out alot like the mantis B, but it is a little more challenging because the human starting crew.
The pros:
4 man teleporter
8 man medbay
good airlock coverage
lots of blue events in green sectors
The cons:
mediocre starting defense
human only starting crew (makes early boarding very difficult)
no weapons makes AI ships a pain
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/137 ... ruiser.ftl
thanks to 4DaDiamonds for the AE updated version and the cloak and gib images!
Let me know what you think about this ship! Is it balanced? Overpowered or underpowered? Does it look hideous and I need to spend more time on the looks?(It was kind of an experiment) I'm open to suggestions too.
Left to do:
maybe improve seams on the hull