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[SHIP] [AE] Automated Scout - UPDATED FOR AE

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 5:09 am
by 5thHorseman

Code: Select all


Nice and simple ship. Other than Laniuses, you really can't get crew on this ship. And it's hard to get a Lanius. Plus, even if you do there are no medbays or clone bays to heal them up. My suggestion is to just go with it and not worry about them.

This ship is 100% working as intended except the lack of gibs. If you find a bug feel free to report it. Note though that the placement of the "return to stations" button and the fact that drones overlap subsystems are not my fault. I decided to give you 4 weapons AND 4 drones in spite of the overlap and likely won't change that decision.

Download version AE here:
(if you have trouble downloading, try right clicking and selecting "save link as..." in the menu)

Download OLD version here:
(if you have trouble downloading, try right clicking and selecting "save link as..." in the menu)

This ship replaces the Kestrel.


  1. Scanner!
  2. Battery!
  3. 4 Drone Slots!
  4. Hacking!
  5. Mind Control!

  1. Gibs are missing. Until SL2 gets a gib tool I'll likely not add them.
  2. Trying to give a crewmember to slavers by drawing straws when there are no crewmemebers hangs the game. (Thankfully you can reload the game from the previous beacon.)
  3. Having no crew also gives you bonuses in some events. I may try to curtail that but may not. This ship already has enough going against it!

Report any bugs you find!

Re: [SHIP] Automated Scout

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 1:21 pm
by aaaaaa50
It's rather silly for a scout to have no sensors. :mrgreen:

Re: [SHIP] Automated Scout

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 8:27 pm
by 5thHorseman
aaaaaa50 wrote:It's rather silly for a scout to have no sensors. :mrgreen:

Yeah that's just crazy, I mean who would ever leave sensors off of an automated ship?

Re: [SHIP] Automated Scout

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 9:24 pm
by Diet Water
I have more qualms that this "Automated Scout" uses the Auto-Assault Hull.

Re: [SHIP] Automated Scout

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 9:57 pm
by 5thHorseman
Diet Water wrote:I have more qualms that this "Automated Scout" uses the Auto-Assault Hull.

Haha! Amusingly, I was thinking of taking the Auto-Scout hull and making it an Automated assault ship. The main hurdle is that you can't really have repair drones in an Auto-Assault, so every hit must be repaired by the slow auto-repair system.

Re: [SHIP] Automated Scout

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 3:50 am
by aaaaaa50
I'm surprised that you didn't get rid of the anoying 02 warning like you did with the Black Opal. Installing the Black Opal and then this one fixed that, though. :P

Anyways, I've seen many no crew auto-ships, and this is the best one I've seen. I say that mainly because of the far too sensible inclusion of the slug-gel augment, and the absolute impossibility of getting crew. The only thing worse than having your drone system breached and wrecked is buying a medbay and a crewmember to run back and forth to fix it. :lol: Also, I've never seen an auto-ship with the artillery beam, but it was pretty fun until I hit an asteroid field filled with ion blasters. Hopefully next time I actually find some weapons instead of having to pump up the artillery.

Re: [SHIP] Automated Scout

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 4:03 am
by 5thHorseman
Oops! I did forget to do that O2 thing. While playtesting I went from "I gotta remember to fix that" to not noticing it. :) I guess a version 1.1 will be coming out pretty soon.

And thanks. I found it surprisingly fun as well. I liked how all the things you normally need to worry about are just gone but some new wrinkles appear that you must worry about. All in all it makes for a nice, simple, streamlined, but still fun experience (in my opinion, ymmv, you break it you buy it, etc)

Re: [SHIP] Automated Scout

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:35 am
by UltraMantis
I played the ship, had a lot of fun, but i can't offer a realistic opinion because i accidentally set FTL to run in Demon Luck mode so... :lol:

Here is a couple of highlights from the stream: - Found a second Pre-Igniter after getting one for free Image - Flagship meets it's maker...

And the full version (includes an epic fail in the Hunter mod and one half of my Diseunity run):

Re: [SHIP] Automated Scout

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 11:20 am
by 5thHorseman
It's nice to watch someone else play your ships. It's like quality control :)

I added the 2nd shield because I was getting trounced. I figured missiles alone were enough to worry about that I shouldn't make you worry about anything else. You though only saw 2 missiles all 1st sector and one of them was in the rebel fleet!

Maybe I should drop a shield and change the weapons to heavy lasers, like I thought maybe to do.

You also literally never met someone who (other than those 2 missile encounters) could get through 2 shields. Which is crazy because I was constantly going up against people with a BL2 and a mini beam in my testing :)

Re: [SHIP] Automated Scout

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 1:11 pm
by aaaaaa50
I don't know if it was because I was using the sM polish kit, or just plain bad luck, but in my first run I ran into tons of missiles and not many lasers. With the exception of that one ship that had 9 combined burst lasers in the third sector. I think 2 shields is just fine.