FTL Captain's Edition 1.308/Inf 1.301b/EL 1.308

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Sleeper Service
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Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.22/Inf 1.22/EL 1.22

Postby Sleeper Service » Wed Jun 11, 2014 10:27 am

CEs custom hazards won't deny that achievement, but regular hazards that pop up later in events will. Be wary of ion storms breaking loose while fighting auto ships in nebula, approaching suns where ships are stranded, Rock ships fleeing into asteroid patches or the outlaw base hidden within an asteroid belt. That achievement definitely becomes harder in CE, you pretty much have to stay away from nebula entirely and you have to know which events can end in hazard zones.
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Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.22/Inf 1.22/EL 1.22

Postby Estel » Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:32 pm

Ok, This bug/suggestions list was long overdue, so it grow to epic proportions. Sorry for the upcoming wall of text, Sleeper, I hope it helps at the end :D


1. The event with station having satellite system defense going haywire still doesn't allow to leave them alone after "promise to help them". As a result, it doesn't allow to check if you have any blue-event possibilities, without being forced to shot randomly, if you happen to not have any (blue events). (Severity: Medium)

2. The smuggler that "spin tales of dangers in nebula" - if we fight him and e surrenders, there is no way to try breaking truce with the poor pirate. (Severity: Medium)

3. Poor helpless refugees that offer various things for trade (or as a thank-you, if we kill pirate using them as bait) seems like perfect target for piracy attempts, but there is no option to pirate them :( BTW, in case there is, indeed, other pirate using them as bait, we would still get to fight the pirate, of course. (Severity: Minor)

4. Both rebel cruisers destroyed on the Federation cruiser special quest (on fed sectors) doesn't delay rebel fleet, like normal cruisers do. It feels a little off, especially after first battle (if we decide to fight cruiser), considering that whole detachment of rebel fleet gets defeated, as result. (Severity: Medium)

5. Leviathan missile have 2 system damage in it's description, but in fact only does one. I guess that the latter is correct, as only Titan seems like should be able to do 2 system damage (4 hull damage) - otherwise, Leviathan would be much better, with much shorter cooldown. (Severity: Medium)

6. There are tons of rocket weapons (asteria, all charge - replicating - rocket launchers, etc) that lack engineering option to produce ammo manufacturer. It can really spoil rocketer's day :( (Severity: High)

7. The quest with human crew member leaving (if we let him to) for living with family members doesn't work. Just nothing happens, after our crewman thanks us - no quest location, he doesn't go away, no reward, no nothing. (Severity: Medium)

8. This engi drone harbor seems to have weapon's placement problem:
After weapon gets activated, it actually moves to where it should be. (Severity: Minor)

9. There is no way to engineer/produce anything/etc in Hazard Sectors, even on the rare. perfectly peaceful beacons (clear, no hazards) outside of nebulae:
(Severity: Major)

10. This poor slug ended in sealed-for-life position :D (engine's room) :

11. I've run into the "Virus" quest - absolutely awesome, kudos! I was really shocked to see that my blue event resulted in totally bad outcome (in fact, wanted to write here that blue events with worse outcomes than white ones is not-so-good idea), just to be totally surprised after fight ended. But, the resulting new crew member was marked as master at two skills, while in reality:

No idea if it was intended or not. Also, had other situation, where I was to get Mantis with two advanced (not master) skills, and he ended up having *all* skills at advanced level. (Severity: Medium or it's a feature).

12. Similar to lacking ammo manuf option for various rockets, boarding drones and many defense variants lack option to allow engineering drone manufacture. May apply to anti-drone drones, too.

13. While the new music introduced by CE is absolutely awesome, the one used in "Industrial" sector is way too loud - much louder than any other music in FTL, new or vanilla one. I think it begs for some normalization to the level of other tracks. (Severity: Medium)


1. This event *begs* for blue option if having on-board science lab augment:

Also, generally, the on-board science lab could allow some other cool stuff in Hazard sectors, following the high risk-high gain scheme. Especially, that in most empty beacons there, you can't do anything else (apart from chatting with crew members), anyway.

2. Advanced FTL navigation - the augment that allows to instantly jump to any previously visited beacon - does it have any blue-event special outcomes? If not, could use some.

3. You might have included it already, but adaptive gel suits could give blue options for certain events, where our crew is pulled into vacuum - like enemy-less plasma storm wreckage beacons, or the one where one of our crew members volunteer to disarm mine and fail. Of course, there are blue-event options that allow to emerge totally on top from those situations, but Adaptive Gel Suits could allow "less" bad outcome - in given examples, we would still get the hull damage, but avoid losing crew member. In the mine-disarming variant, I would also add second stage blue-event requirement of having high level medbay (three?), considering the explosion shock our crewmen suffered. Adaptive Gel Suit could lessen it, but I imagine that she/he would still need immediate high-level medbay treatment. Plasma Storm wreckage field isn't as violent, so I guess only vacuum gel suit would do.

4. We have this possibility of salvaging wreckage on top of Rebel fleet, and certain thing that makes it more safe. I think that Rock's armor plating could also make it safer, but not as much as that "certain" thing mentioned before. Like, 50% worse. After all, ABS barrage *can* get damage-ignored by Rock Plating in normal fight.

5. The fugitive Mantis seeking asylum from Engis have a chance of doing, single-handed, bloody FIVE damage to hull. Really, one damage less than ABS barrage during wreckage-scavenging in top of rebel fleet? I could suspect he can do one or two, destroying two system,s but five? It's really too much. Especially, that in this event, we have chances of getting hull damage no matter what we do (if we give him asylum, he may sabotage ship, if we deny him asylum, he wreaks even more havoc).

Also, some augments (firearms, sedatives, or things like that) could give a blue-event option, where he becomes harmless (in case we decide to trade him for a bounty).

6. Salvaging wreckage on top of Rebel fleet, again - I agree with (and like) the fact that it should be dangerous and not-so-wise thing to do, in most cases. So, the variant where we get 9 damage to hull and gather nothing is OK. But it feels quite strange to hear "you have not been able to even get close to wreckage", if we just killed the enemy crew and have our own people on board. I think, in such case, we should get the "middle" outcome (6 damage to hull, but some resources gathered) as a worse outcome, as our people can just grab nearby materials before teleporting back, no matter what.

7. I understand the thing behind new Effectors, but the older look with 01010110 hacking looked much cooler :( (and was easier to notice in heat of action).


1. when you get industrial drones ("Sevos") as common trade goods, you hear that "you have no use them" - it lacks 'for', should be "You have no use for them".

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Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.22/Inf 1.22/EL 1.22

Postby Sleeper Service » Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:08 pm

Thanks for the detailed report, I'll work these in. Some comments:

Estel wrote:Both rebel cruisers destroyed on the Federation cruiser special quest (on fed sectors) doesn't delay rebel fleet, like normal cruisers do. It feels a little off, especially after first battle (if we decide to fight cruiser), considering that whole detachment of rebel fleet gets defeated, as result. (Severity: Medium)

That event already gives a considerable reward. Further this was kind of intended. Destroying cruisers in fleet battle scenarios usually does not give delay. The Rebels kind of expect some losses there and you do not deeply disrupt the search fleet or something like that.

Estel wrote:There are tons of rocket weapons (asteria, all charge - replicating - rocket launchers, etc) that lack engineering option to produce ammo manufacturer. It can really spoil rocketer's day :( (Severity: High)

Odd. I'll check that.

Estel wrote:There is no way to engineer/produce anything/etc in Hazard Sectors, even on the rare. perfectly peaceful beacons (clear, no hazards) outside of nebulae:

"Most ship activity is made impossible here." - So again, this is kind of intended. Part of the sector being a pain for denying you chances to upgrade most of the time, you have to come prepared. I think there are some open space beacons that still serve as empty beacons though.

Estel wrote:I've run into the "Virus" quest - absolutely awesome, kudos!

Well thanks, but that is a quest introduced by AE, I did not write that one. :D

Estel wrote:Similar to lacking ammo manuf option for various rockets, boarding drones and many defense variants lack option to allow engineering drone manufacture. May apply to anti-drone drones, too.

I kind of deliberately reserved this option for combat drone users, but I guess that does not make much sense logic wise.

Estel wrote:You might have included it already, but adaptive gel suits could give blue options for certain events

Yep, they pretty much already do what you suggested.

Estel wrote:We have this possibility of salvaging wreckage on top of Rebel fleet, and certain thing that makes it more safe. I think that Rock's armor plating could also make it safer, but not as much as that "certain" thing mentioned before. Like, 50% worse. After all, ABS barrage *can* get damage-ignored by Rock Plating in normal fight.

Possible, but I think I'd prefer not to give the player the impression that he/she can basically "tank the fleet" with the rock ships. The other option implies this kind of "behind enemy lines" operation which I found really fitting for certain ships. And Rock ships get huge bonuses from their plating already.

Estel wrote: The fugitive Mantis seeking asylum from Engis have a chance of doing, single-handed, bloody FIVE damage to hull. Really, one damage less than ABS barrage during wreckage-scavenging in top of rebel fleet? I could suspect he can do one or two, destroying two system,s but five? It's really too much. Especially, that in this event, we have chances of getting hull damage no matter what we do (if we give him asylum, he may sabotage ship, if we deny him asylum, he wreaks even more havoc).

Also, some augments (firearms, sedatives, or things like that) could give a blue-event option, where he becomes harmless (in case we decide to trade him for a bounty).

Uhm well, that is a vanilla thing. I guess the Mantis brought some hull buster warhead aboard? Not sure, but I have to assume that this kind of risk is intended.

Estel wrote:Salvaging wreckage on top of Rebel fleet, again - I agree with (and like) the fact that it should be dangerous and not-so-wise thing to do, in most cases. So, the variant where we get 9 damage to hull and gather nothing is OK. But it feels quite strange to hear "you have not been able to even get close to wreckage", if we just killed the enemy crew and have our own people on board. I think, in such case, we should get the "middle" outcome (6 damage to hull, but some resources gathered) as a worse outcome, as our people can just grab nearby materials before teleporting back, no matter what.

Yeah, sounds reasonable.

Estel wrote:I understand the thing behind new Effectors, but the older look with 01010110 hacking looked much cooler :( (and was easier to notice in heat of action).

Enemy effectors will still give you these huge red warning prompts. I was torn over that decision, but I liked that cut ion explosion a lot and I wanted more coherency considering how hacking works in the FTL universe. Maybe you can also console yourself with the fact that they are much more reactive now. :|
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Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.22/Inf 1.22/EL 1.22

Postby Russian Rockman » Thu Jun 12, 2014 12:02 am

Sleeper Service wrote:CEs custom hazards won't deny that achievement, but regular hazards that pop up later in events will. Be wary of ion storms breaking loose while fighting auto ships in nebula, approaching suns where ships are stranded, Rock ships fleeing into asteroid patches or the outlaw base hidden within an asteroid belt. That achievement definitely becomes harder in CE, you pretty much have to stay away from nebula entirely and you have to know which events can end in hazard zones.

Hmm... That makes me think. :idea: Could there be some blue options for the long ranged scanner type augments that allow you to sense when you will come upon an asteroid field, sun, or ion storm? I suppose you could get a blue option at the beginning of the auto scout fight saying that patterns indicate a high chance of ion storm outbreak or whatever, the stranded ship events could be rewritten into eventLists maybe with the outcome already determined for eCh event and then you could get a blue option that exploring will bring you closer to a sun, or that exploring will bring you into an asteroid field. Just a thought...

About the new update. Thank you for the new Effector weapon!!! ;) I can't wait to try it out. :)

I miss the ion 0011010110 warnings too, but I understand why you've changed them. I accepted the description of the Effector weapons as using a "Combination of hacking routines and magnetic and ion field generation to disrupt systems" and though it was well done. Would it be possible to keep the original Effector warning and combine them with the new ion impacts.
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Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.22/Inf 1.22/EL 1.22

Postby Estel » Thu Jun 12, 2014 7:39 am

Sleeper Service wrote:Thanks for the detailed report, I'll work these in.

Thank you :) ACK (acknowledged) and agreed with most of your points without additional comments, so just a short feedback:

Sleeper Service wrote:"Most ship activity is made impossible here." - So again, this is kind of intended. Part of the sector being a pain for denying you chances to upgrade most of the time, you have to come prepared. I think there are some open space beacons that still serve as empty beacons though.

Of course noticed that part about most ship activities being impossible - I reported it, as I could swear, that no production options appeared on "clear sky", open space safe beacons. I'll try to re-check it, as I might have messed it up, somehow.

Sleeper Service wrote:Well thanks, but that is a quest introduced by AE, I did not write that one. :D

Heh :D But, anyway, are you sure that the "all skills ultimate mastery" isn't a bug? even if vanilla one, if CE could fix it, why not. Unless the actual event script really looks like it was intended outcome?

Sleeper Service wrote:I kind of deliberately reserved this option for combat drone users, but I guess that does not make much sense logic wise.

Agreed, defense/drone vs drone users would surely appreciate making it more uniform ;)

Sleeper Service wrote:Uhm well, that is a vanilla thing. I guess the Mantis brought some hull buster warhead aboard? Not sure, but I have to assume that this kind of risk is intended.

Or they just haven't been thinking very hard about this quest outcome :D The "warhead" thing would make sense in the "it's a trap" variant, but not in the one, where he is sincerely seeking asylum. Ironically, if he is wanting to sabotage us, he does low hull damage and some engine sabotaging, while when he comes in good will, he can bloody blow up almost 20% of ship's hull.

But, ACK that you're not doing balance mod, so probably, we have to live with it ;)

Sleeper Service wrote:Enemy effectors will still give you these huge red warning prompts. I was torn over that decision, but I liked that cut ion explosion a lot and I wanted more coherency considering how hacking works in the FTL universe. Maybe you can also console yourself with the fact that they are much more reactive now. :|

I agree with rockman here:

Russian Rockman wrote:I accepted the description of the Effector weapons as using a "Combination of hacking routines and magnetic and ion field generation to disrupt systems" and though it was well done. Would it be possible to keep the original Effector warning and combine them with the new ion impacts.

...thus I don't see effector's 01010101 as incoherent with lore. But, it's a minor thing after all, so no hard feelings toward new effectors. Whatever you decide to keep, it should be OK.

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Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.22/Inf 1.22/EL 1.22

Postby illumilore » Thu Jun 12, 2014 10:16 pm

Seems to be consistently crashing when entering Federation Base Eta (Abandoned) as the second sector with my crystal cruiser for me.
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Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.221/Inf 1.22/EL 1.22

Postby Sleeper Service » Fri Jun 13, 2014 12:12 am

Nice catch, that has been fixed now

CE Update 1.221
- Fixed a crash related to the Lanius trade event
- CE Flak Mark I cooldown decreased
- "Defense satellites gone haywire" event now allows changing your mind after considering to help
- Various refugees fleeing the Rebels advance can no be pirated (which makes you a horrible person)
- "Humanoid requests to be dismissed" event fixed
- Engi Drone Harbor weapon mount fixed
- A couple additional blue options for adaptive gel suits added
- Leviathan Missiles deal and show the intended damage now
- All drones enable engineering a Drone Manufacturer now
- All missile weapons enable engineering an Ammo Manufacturer now
- Salvaging fleet ships has some different flavor texts for crew kills now
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Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.221/Inf 1.22/EL 1.22

Postby Flypaste » Fri Jun 13, 2014 3:22 am

Newest update is having runtime terminate the game "in an unusual fashion" when I launch out of the hangar into the game with only CE installed. (no modules)

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Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.221/Inf 1.22/EL 1.22

Postby Wobuffet » Fri Jun 13, 2014 3:31 am

got the same error as flypaste. unusual runtime error occurs upon leaving hangar.

also used unmodded AE. CE is first patch i've tried.
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Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.221/Inf 1.22/EL 1.22

Postby Gyrfalcon » Fri Jun 13, 2014 5:56 am

Are Anti-Personnel weapons supposed to go through the Zoltan Shield?
I was kinda bummed when my AI Hologram was sniped right through my verdant defenses.

I didn't get my hands on any during my run so I couldn't read the weapon tooltip so I thought I'd inquire about it here.

I was also surprised when I took a face full of PDS thinking the shield would protect me there as well. :roll: