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Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.201/Inf 1.201/EL 0.9 (beta)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:08 am
by Sleeper Service
Well, all I know is that my stuff works fine for me. Which version are you playing? The rock crash should be fixed with 1.201... The crew mod is also no longer supported. Maybe post your load order to see shed further light on what might be wrong.

Estel wrote:Also, do we have idea why radiation dummies aren't working? And, I asked earlier, but haven't got response - why there are only fighters now, when fleet catches with you? No more corvettes, destroyers, laser barges, and finally, Cruisers. Even on exit beacon.

It might be caused by having rooms off-screen or having crew off-scrren or having this crew being unable to go to other parts of the ship. It might also be related to the fact that the dummies can not defend themselves but the player can not fire as well. There are some new anti-stalemate events that seem to constantly check these things and they might get quite confused by this setup. I have no clear idea what the exact cause of the problem there is though.

JJObscene wrote:Hello,
I'm having abit of a issue. When i try to use SMM to install CE, it gets to installing EL 0.9 and the progress bar stops. I'm new to modding my FTL and any help would be appreciated. I have tried re-installing both SMM and my FTL. The order i put them in is as follows:
CE 1.2
Inf 1.2
EL 0.9
CE non-el loadouts 1.0

EL might cause this error for some people that run 32b system, there are just too many blueprints in EL for the SMM and Java to process. You might be able to make it work if you extend the memory your Java has available. If you google "extend Java headspace" then that should give you an idea how to do that. Otherwise you can run skip EL for now and that should work fine. I was told that there might be an update for SMM that will get arround this whole problem. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.201/Inf 1.201/EL 0.9 (beta)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:59 am
by Biohazard063
Hey there,

So the first run of ACE has been recorded.
No problems getting the mod to work, everything is working as it should as far as I can tell at least.

Just ran into one small problem
Image (same pic)
Probably just a missing texture or something.
That and a grammatical error.
Just want to congratulate you on the fine work you did getting this out as soon as you did.
And f*ck those doors to the missile launcher :D

Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.201/Inf 1.201/EL 0.9 (beta)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 12:19 pm
by Sleeper Service
Ah OK, I'll look into that. Do your remember if that was a pirate event?

Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.201/Inf 1.201/EL 0.9 (beta)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 12:24 pm
by Mr. Mister
Bad news: I broke my right hand and won't be able to play comfortably for a few weeks.

Promisingly good news: AE introduced a quest for unlocking the Fed Cruiser and, whaddayaknow, it involves fighting a stage 3 Rebel Flagship copy (Star Wars Ep VI?). What's so interesting about this? It uses the big enemy window, previously hardcodedly exclusive to the flagship boss fights. If you're able to get the big window to be used on other enemies, then you might be able to add some new enemy ship models that you had ruled out due to their size. ... event_yet/

Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.201/Inf 1.201/EL 0.9 (beta)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 12:41 pm
by Sleeper Service
:( Hope you get well soon.

Unfortunately there is nothing in the event or the ship blueprints that give away how this fight forces the bigger enemy window. Seems to be hard coded. :|

Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.201/Inf 1.201/EL 0.9 (beta)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 2:16 pm
by Lynzkar
Do you think there is any chance you could get infnite loot to support vanilla ship verson of CE and non-infinite verson? Cause I really can't seem to get some ships working at all with CE infinte and advanced edition, forexample Stealth Crusier C is allready hard to use, but with CE it loses it's only defense mechanism early, and requiers a system update in the drone sytem, this is allready hard in normal CE, but in CE infinite it's absurdly impossible. Maybe you should just give it 4 system levels from the start?
I request a :
Endless loot that does not need CE infinite verson and also support CE-Vanilla Ships (Edit: Figured that was only to install the vanilla ships after endless loot, but the upgrade costs are still the ones for CE infinite). (Only basic CE)
4th system level from the start on stealth crusier C
Possibly have an alternative CE-Infinite without increased system costs or maybe less-increased system costs (Yes I do realize this is quite unbalanced)
Also, I think Firewall protection has a type it says "Supra heated" at the start, I can't quite make sense from that.

Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.201/Inf 1.201/EL 0.9 (beta)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 2:25 pm
by Mr. Mister
Sleeper Service wrote:Unfortunately there is nothing in the event or the ship blueprints that give away how this fight forces the bigger enemy window. Seems to be hard coded. :|

Even then, this event has less restrictions than the real flagship fight - namely, you can call it outside the eighth sector, and it isn't tied to any flagship icon dwabbling around in the map, nor will it result in a federation victory after it's completed. So you might be able to play around with it. Maybe it accepts more randomisation than the real flagship battle.

Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.201/Inf 1.201/EL 0.9 (beta)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 2:41 pm
by Sleeper Service
Ooops, you are right. That loadout is not intended like that. :oops: Furtunately, you can have vanilla player ship loadouts immediately if you change your load order like this:

Code: Select all

|   Any non-ship not-CE-related mods you are using
|   Better Planets and Backgrounds
|   FTL Captain's Edition
|   CE BPaB Compatibility Patch
|   CE Additional Music Addon
|   CE Infinite Addon
|   CE Endless Loot Addon
|   CE Non-EL Enemy Loadouts Addon
|   CE Vanilla Player Ship Loadouts Addon
V   Any ship mods you are using

My mistske, I updated the loadorder in the OP as well... And I'll release an update soon that will fix that ship and some other stuff that was mentioned.

Regarding EL for regular CE:
I don't think that this is really feasible right now, cause yeah... it's just not very balanced. I'm not even entirely sure if the Enemy Vanilla Loadouts Addon actually works in that regard. It would also be a pain having to maintain even more little different submods, cause I have to implement any small changes I make in all of them separately. Thats no fun. Unless I figure out a subaddon that makes EL Infinite compatible with regular CE, which might be easiyer... I'll think about that...

Mr. Mister wrote:Even then, this event has less restrictions than the real flagship fight - namely, you can call it outside the eighth sector, and it isn't tied to any flagship icon dwabbling around in the map, nor will it result in a federation victory after it's completed. So you might be able to play around with it. Maybe it accepts more randomisation than the real flagship battle.

True, something might be possible with that...

Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.201/Inf 1.201/EL 0.9 (beta)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:44 pm
by Lynzkar
Okay I'm just gonna go ahead and suggest two other ship loadouts that might need a change too.
Fedoration Crusier C must wait for it's artilery to go through zoltan sheilds, before it gets a different weapon, and cause it only has one weapon power it costs alot to upgrade it, which makes it very hard to find viable weapons. (Clonebay makes auto scouts no problem, hurray for clonebay)

Crystal crusier B has a real hard time killing Auto scouts it can disable them with the crystal crew's reduced suffication damage, but it can't ultimatly win versus them without sacrificing it's crew, maybe give it a weak crystal weapon for one hull damage, or clonebay to make up for this.

Eitherways great mod keep up the good work

Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.201/Inf 1.201/EL 0.9 (beta)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:56 pm
by Sleeper Service
These ships play pretty much exactly like they would in vanilla, so I'm fine with them. There are separate balance mods that might address them, but how these ships should play is overall disputable. IMO they work very well as they are, not every ship has to be able to deal with any situations.