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Re: [MOD] Descent into Darkness - a major game overhaul

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 2:40 pm
by Metzelmax
How did you make the systems auto repair? I have seen that on some mods now, but have no clue where that can be added in the xmls.

Re: [MOD] Descent into Darkness - a major game overhaul

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 2:56 pm
by DryEagle
If a ship has no crew initially (in the hangar) it is classified as an auto-ship and gains selfrepair. Of course this means you must either add events for crew at the start (breaking compatibility with many mods) or go without crew until you find some, which is harder because autorepairs are slow...

Re: [MOD] Descent into Darkness - a major game overhaul

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 6:19 pm
by nataryeahbuddy
This is a great mod, I'm posting here to push this up top and get more awareness!
Great job DryEagle, too bad you aren't making any more mods!

Re: [MOD] Descent into Darkness - a major game overhaul

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 4:19 am
by Kameron635
I have FTL through steam and have been downloading and using mods without incident for awhile now. After I installed your mod however im unable to launch FTL without "Steam Error: Application Load error P:0000065432" I've tried reinstalling FTL and patching in another mod in your's place. Both produce the same error message. If i launch through steam i get "(error code 80)". plz help i'd love to try your mod and be able to play FTL!

Re: [MOD] Descent into Darkness - a major game overhaul

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:22 am
by DryEagle
I'm not sure I can help you since I have a DRM-free version, bought directly, rather than through steam. I know Grognak said that GMM treats the steam version a bit differently or there is some kind of alternate coding somewhere in the steam version so that's probably why it isn't working.
The only thing I can recommend is you try to obtain a DRM-free version (it's the internet, everything can be found one way or another, if you get my drift). Since you've already bought the game there's no real moral issue with doing that.

Re: [MOD] Descent into Darkness - a major game overhaul

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:29 pm
by Bonnie Lass
Line 186 of events.xml.append:
<crewMember amount="1" class="rock">Moss</rock>

This should be:
<crewMember amount="1" class="rock">Moss</crewMember>

Line 28 of sector_data.xml.append:

This should be:

Re: [MOD] Descent into Darkness - a major game overhaul

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:37 pm
by DryEagle
it works as it is, the things you mentioned don't cause any errors, and i can't be bothered to upload a new version, got other things to do.
clearly you didn't play the mod or you'd see that.

these random xml checker spam bots are really getting on my nerves, this isn't the first one i've seen... thanks for the bump, that's the only valuable contribution you've provided here.

Re: [MOD] Descent into Darkness - a major game overhaul

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:02 pm
by Bonnie Lass
You're the one who seems annoyed dear. I just want the mods I use to pass a simple xml check so GMM doesn't spit out an enormous error log whenever I press validate. Sorting through it to figure out which mods might contain bugs and which ones won't is a pain, so I just fix them all by hand. I don't have time for an internet slapfight right now so I'd rather you not try to start one.

Here's the fixed file that contains the xml corrections; you are free to use it so no one will annoy you about xml errors anymore.

Try being a little less rude. If your response to someone telling you that 'you missed a spot' is 'your contributions are worthless' then I can't imagine how you'd react if I gave you actual criticism.

Re: [MOD] Descent into Darkness - a major game overhaul

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:02 pm
by DryEagle
Actual criticism or other feedback pertaining to something not working, or general aspects of the mod, is always welcome. The things you pointed out are entirely irrelevant because they have absolutely no effect whatsoever on anything ingame. As such, they are not really errors. That's the difference you seem to be ignoring. FTL parses its XML in its own way, and clearly GMM's validator is incorrect, since it's throwing errors where there are none, according to the actual game. I suggest you find a more FTL-compatible piece of software, or try some modding yourself, then you might gain some understanding of this.

Also I will ask that you take that link down, as you are essentially redistributing this mod without permission.

Re: [MOD] Descent into Darkness - a major game overhaul

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:57 pm
by BrenTenkage