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Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.102b [New Release: CE Infinite 1

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 12:01 pm
by Mr. Mister
Plus, the fact taht swarm missiles can't fully pierce shields also makes cloak-missiles more unique in that they're the only wepon that can pierce ALL shields and is undetecteable by tier 1 defense drones.

Also, 200 forum pages! Whohoooo!

Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.102b [New Release: CE Infinite 1

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 12:17 pm
by Russian Rockman
Mr. Mister wrote:Plus, the fact taht swarm missiles can't fully pierce shields also makes cloak-missiles more unique in that they're the only wepon that can pierce ALL shields and is undetecteable by tier 1 defense drones.

Also, 200 forum pages! Whohoooo!

Never thought about that aspect before. You're right it makes cloak missiles way more useful.

And perhaps you're right that slightly increasing the volume of the scatter missiles bursts while slightly decreasing the speed makes them more unique. And actually that's a better way to combat defense drones rather than making them faster.

Ooooh I love diversity.

Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.102b [New Release: CE Infinite 1

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 1:07 pm
by Sleeper Service
IMO cloak missiles are already more useful because they cause full system damage and can cause fires/fire hard to dodge bursts. The lack in shield piercing for swarms mostly devalues them in late game and makes them less useful. *shrug*

Russian Rockman wrote:I peaked at the files and may have accidentally on purpose looked at the blueprints and saw the Boss. Not too much has changed, but I do see a few changes I like. :D :D Not many people may agree with this, but considering this is "Infinite" and you can always fully upgrade your ship and get your dream arsenal to take on the Boss I think you could go all out on your most truly evil :twisted: ideas for the Boss. I could come up with several ideas... I'm talking increasing its health to 22-26-30, increasing the power of its systems even more, more crew, even more drones, etc... All the stuff that would be unbalanced in normal CE. I would greatly appreciate a challenging and epic conclusion to a run on this "marathon" mode for CE.
(BTW I think drones should be moved to room 6 from stage 1 for consistency.)[/*]

I really just slapped this all together yesterday, had no idea that everyone would freak out so much over this. So I'm barely scratching the surface of what could be done with this addon, although I want to focus on main CE as well. But yeah, beefing the boss up further is definately considered. I left the drone system where it is cause this more clearly telegraphs that the boss looses its offence drone after that part of the ship breaks off. The event text of phase three should say that the boss has been refitted with a backup drone system. Oh, actually that blueprint already came from the next core release... so this will become more coherent then.

Russian Rockman wrote:Which brings me to my next couple thoughts, you could TOTALLY include mini-bosses now. You could include them at the beginning, middle, or end of each of the "normal" sectors. They could be in the style of Infinite Space and award you with awesome weaponry, or they could give you lots of scrap, or they could just be necessary to beat before passing back into deep space. I'm sure there's SOME WAY to make beating the mini-boss in each sector a requirement before jumping to the next sector. The mini-bosses could be all different enemies like in Infinite Space or they could be an extremely powerful Rebel ship. OR they could even be a copy of the big Boss himself! :D Couldn't this be a way to offer people a "diversified" Boss that we all want so badly?

Yep, there could be the chance to encounter guard ships at the entrances of deep space sector. Bosses on the exit are not rally possible, cause fleeing from them would allow you to jump to a regular sector, unless you make you choice before the fight. There should also be a reason for them to exist. There is no reason to hand out free weapons to the player after each boss fight, the player has all the time in the world to gather gear. But right now, you can just race through the sectors without a hassle, possible boss encounter on deep space entry beacons could force the player to remain in one sector longer, bringing the fleet danger back into play a little more.

Russian Rockman wrote:Kind of along those lines. Would it also be possible by tweaking with the unique and minimum sector settings of each of the "normal" sectors to make them appear in a certain order or always appear?

I'd rather keep things unpredictable. The difference between home worlds and controlled sectors is marginal at best, but this could be done.

Russian Rockman wrote:I really like the idea that it costs 10 fuel to travel a "long-range" beacon. It totally makes sense. I'm not sure i would have thought of that. But, I think this number could be increased even more. Like 20 fuel per jump? This would give you kind of another goal of having to collect enough fuel to get out of Deep Space. Its not like being stuck there is a bad thing, you basically have to stay there anyway before moving on because of the high upgrade costs anyway. I just like the idea of having a resource you need to collect. Combine this with the other things I mentioned before, it might even be possible to have the fuel cost to go to each new sector increase or have something you need to get from a mini-Boss to go to the next sector.

Yeah, this was designed to give you some kind of secondary objective in deep space. Due to your normal travel cost and the scarcity of shops this is actually a huge price IMO. I don't want the player to be stuck in deep space too much if he/she wants to return to normal sectors, but I want to keep the economic pressure up and prevent the player from racing through the sector progression to fast.

Also considered: CE Endless Loot
I mentioned this before in another context. For some times this idea of radically diversifying gear has been stuck in my head. Much like in classic loot based RPGs, weapons could come with all kinds of additional attributes (piercing, slow charging, legendary...) that slightly alter their stats for the better or worse. This would probably only affect player loot, I want enemies to remain predictable. The changes would also be only stats based, the weapons would visually remain the same for the most part. But the available gear could easily be extended by a tenfold this way, with little effort. I wouldn't do this in regular FTL, but it could fit within CE Infinite. It would give you more stuff to find and always leave room for further improvements. Even if you get a Glaive Beam, there is still a chance you get an even better Glaive Beam and so on.

Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.102b [New Release: CE Infinite 1

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 1:44 pm
by Russian Rockman
Sleeper Service wrote:IMO cloak missiles are already more useful because they cause full system damage and can cause fires/fire hard to dodge bursts. The lack in shield piercing for swarms mostly devalues them in late game and makes them less useful. *shrug*

Yes you are right about that. I'm not too big a fan of "missiles" having less than max shield piercing capability. It just doesn't seem right. I wish you could make cloak missiles completely invulnerable to defense drones in that case though. Maybe in AE?

Sleeper Service wrote:I really just slapped this all together yesterday, had no idea that everyone would freak out so much over this. So I'm barely scratching the surface of what could be done with this addon, although I want to focus on main CE as well.

:lol: Everyone's been wanting this for like months. I can't believe nobody else made a mod like this though. I mean it obviously wasn't too hard really, but it's like one of the mot high demand things. I never would have thought of a way to make it work like you did though, i guess that's why. Congratulations on making it work even better than normal Infinite Space.

Sleeper Service wrote:But yeah, beefing the boss up further is definately considered. I left the drone system where it is cause this more clearly telegraphs that the boss looses its offence drone after that part of the ship breaks off.

Aaaah, I see about the drone system, that makes sense. You could beef up the boss with events too. Enemy's can't have more than 3 augments either?

Sleeper Service wrote:Yep, there could be the chance to encounter guard ships at the entrances of deep space sector. Bosses on the exit are not rally possible, cause fleeing from them would allow you to jump to a regular sector, unless you make you choice before the fight. There should also be a reason for them to exist. There is no reason to hand out free weapons to the player after each boss fight, the player has all the time in the world to gather gear. But right now, you can just race through the sectors without a hassle, possible boss encounter on deep space entry beacons could force the player to remain in one sector longer, bringing the fleet danger back into play a little more.

Yeah you don't need it to be like Infinite Space where you get free weapons. Scrap could be a possibility though. Entry beacons or middle of the sector make more sense than exit anyway. Would it be possible to make beating a boss necessary before traveling to the net sector? One thing that could motivate people to stay an beat the boss is speeding up the Rebel Pursuit maybe to "normal" speed?

Sleeper Service wrote:I'd rather keep things unpredictable. The difference between home worlds and controlled sectors is marginal at best, but this could be done.

You're quite right about there not being much of a difference. That's actually kind of why I suggested this... I would like if both core CE and Infinite CE could fix this issue. In Rock Sectors you should expect to fight Rock ironclads %90 of the time. In Mantis Homeworlds you should expect to fight Mantis hive ships with an insane amount of boarders. But really they aren't much different than any other sector. :( I think the Homeworlds should have as much uniqueness as the Hazard, Quarantine, AI, and Industrial Sectors you have added. ;) Those sectors are so distinctive and different that I will often choose to go there even if the other choice would have been more strategically viable. :) The fact that you've made the different faction ships more unique is awesome, making each of the Homeworld sectors even more unique would be epic.

Sleeper Service wrote:Yeah, this was designed to give you some kind of secondary objective in deep space. Due to your normal travel cost and the scarcity of shops this is actually a huge price IMO. I don't want the player to be stuck in deep space too much if he/she wants to return to normal sectors, but I want to keep the economic pressure up and prevent the player from racing through the sector progression too fast.

Maybe I need to play this a bit more, I always have plenty of fuel. And in infinite Space I would hardly ever run out of fuel. Have you lowered the number of stores as well? That was a very good idea.

Sleeper Service wrote:Also considered: CE Endless Loot

I've read about this idea before that would be a great addon for RPG fans. Seems like A LOT of work for you though... What's interesting about this is you could actually implement a crafting system based on Engineering. You could aiugment a weapon you had to gain a certain ability. Although, there is no way to take away the old weapon...

Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.102b [New Release: CE Infinite 1

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 2:46 pm
by aaaaaa50
I'm really excited to play this, because it sounds way more fun than IS was. I gotta worry about new editions of CE coming out before I finish though. :P

Russian Rockman wrote::lol: Everyone's been wanting this for like months. I can't believe nobody else made a mod like this though. I mean it obviously wasn't too hard really, but it's like one of the mot high demand things. I never would have thought of a way to make it work like you did though, i guess that's why. Congratulations on making it work even better than normal Infinite Space.

Give Sleeper a little credit. It may be easy to put together for him but he knows CE in and out. There's so much stuff in CE it can't be easy to keep track of.

Russian Rockman wrote:You're quite right about there not being much of a difference. That's actually kind of why I suggested this... I would like if both core CE and Infinite CE could fix this issue. In Rock Sectors you should expect to fight Rock ironclads %90 of the time. In Mantis Homeworlds you should expect to fight Mantis hive ships with an insane amount of boarders. But really they aren't much different than any other sector. :( I think the Homeworlds should have as much uniqueness as the Hazard, Quarantine, AI, and Industrial Sectors you have added. ;) Those sectors are so distinctive and different that I will often choose to go there even if the other choice would have been more strategically viable. :) The fact that you've made the different faction ships more unique is awesome, making each of the Homeworld sectors even more unique would be epic.

Homeworlds really don't feel any different from a normal (species) sector. I'd also love to see more differences added to them if you feel up to doing it.

Sleeper Service wrote:Also considered: CE Endless Loot

Think you might want to make some super-powerful enemies to square off against player ships stuffed with Legendary loot for that. And a silly idea I just had: Antique weapons that are super-basic versions of simple weapons with extra-long charge times, but they sell for tons of scrap

Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.102b [New Release: CE Infinite 1

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 3:00 pm
by The Captain
Argh! Had a CE Infinite crash. Made it through a couple sectors (even got down to 10 HP before I found a store when I needed one). Then going to next deep space and desktop. /headdesk :(

Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.102b [New Release: CE Infinite 1

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 3:00 pm
by Russian Rockman
aaaaaa50 wrote:Give Sleeper a little credit. It may be easy to put together for him but he knows CE in and out. There's so much stuff in CE it can't be easy to keep track of.

Of course! Like I've said before he's a Genius Engi Wizard. I was just saying he should have expected a massive nerdgasm from everyone. As always though, he's very humble. I seriously have no idea how he figured all this out. I mean what I was trying to say is everyone wanted something like this but no one ever did it because I guess our brains aren't as evolved as Sleeper's.

The Captain wrote:Argh! Had a CE Infinite crash. Made it through a couple sectors (even got down to 10 HP before I found a store when I needed one). Then going to next deep space and desktop. /headdesk :(

I even back up my vanilla FTL games every so often. There is nothing in the world more frustrating than crashing after several sectors. Actually half my crashes are usually while I'm fighting the boss :roll: if I hadn't backed up my game I may have been in a padded room.

Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.102b [New Release: CE Infinite 1

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 3:20 pm
by Sleeper Service
The Captain wrote:Argh! Had a CE Infinite crash. Made it through a couple sectors (even got down to 10 HP before I found a store when I needed one). Then going to next deep space and desktop. /headdesk :(

Do you use the polish kit? I'm not sure if that is working out together, the list of events that spawn in the Deeps Space Sector is long, so it's hard to know what caused this.

I also worked out a list of possible weapon prefixes. Far from finished, feel free to suggest further tags. Im specially interested in stuff that modifies multiple things. All the values are beta.

Code: Select all

Positive Tags = +50-75% Cost, +1-2 Rarity
Negative Tags = -50-75% Cost, -1-2 Rarity

All Weapons:
+ Piercing: Shield Piercing +1
- Dull: Shield Piercing -1

+- Support: Cooldown x0.5; Projectiles -1/Damage -1/Beam Range x0.5

+- Assault: Cooldown x0.75; Power Cost +1

+ Hull Ripper: Damage to Systemless Rooms x2
+ Reconfigured: Looses Hull Burst

+ Gatling: Shots +2; Cooldown x2
+ Repeater: Shots +1; Cooldown x1.5
- Jamming: Shots -1; Cooldown x0.75
- Malfunctioning: Shots -2; Cooldown x0.5

+ Heavy: Damage +1
- Light: Damage -1

- Substandard: All Stats Slightly Decreased
- Surplus: All Stats Greatly Decreased
+ Legendary: All Stats Slightly Increased
+ Overkill: All Stats Greatly Increased

+ Optimized: Power Cost -1
- Faulty: Power Cost +1

- Outdated: Charge Time x1.10
- Obsolete: Charge Time x1.25
+ Upgraded: Charge Time x0.90
+ Advanced: Charge Time x0.75

- Wide Spread: Sys Damage -1
+ Tight Spread: Sys Damage +1

+ Penetrating: Breach Chance +2; Projectile Speed x1.10
+ Breaching: Breach Chance +4; Projectile Speed x1.25
- Low Momentum: Breach Chance -2; Projectile Speed x0.90
- Low Velocity: Breach Chance -4; Projectile Speed x0.75

+ Fire: Fire Chance +2
+ Plasma: Fire Chance +4
- Insulated: Fire Chance -2
- Heat Shielded: Fire Chance -4

+ Radioactive: Crew Damage +1
- Safe: Crew Damage -1

+ Pulsing: Ion Damage +1
+ Overcharged: Ion Damage +2
- Low Charge: Ion Damage -1
- Unstable: Ion Damage -2

- Classic: All Stats Slightly Decreased; Scrap Cost x1.5; Rarity +2
- Antique: All Stats Greatly Decreased; Scrap Cost x2; Rarity Max

-+ Focused: Shield Piercing +1; Beam Range x0.5
-+ Industrial: Power Cost -1; Beam Speed x0.25; Beam Range x1.25; Enables Mining Options

+ Swift: Beam Speed x1.5
- Sluggish: Beam Speed x0.5

- Short: Beam Range x0.75
+ Extended: Beam Range x1.25

+ Replicator: No Ammo Cost; Cooldown x2
- Wasteful: Ammo Cost x2
-+ High Yield: Ammo Cost x2, Damage x2 (double the bombs for cluster bombs)
-+ Torpedo: Damage +1; Movement Speed x0.5
+ High Velocity: Projectile Speed x1.5
- Low Velocity: Projectile Speed 0.5

+ Short Fuse: Detonation Time x0.1
- Long Fuse: Detonation Time x2

Combat Drones:
+ Fast: Movement Speed x1.10
+ Boosted: Movement Speed x1.20
- Slow: Movement Speed x0.90
- Boosterless: Movement Speed x0.80

Defense Drones:
- Frantic: Cooldown x0.5
- Simple: Cooldown x1.5

Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.102b [New Release: CE Infinite 1

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 3:28 pm
by slowriderxcorps
I've just punched CEi into the Error Checker to see if there's anything blatantly wrong.. it's not turning up anything as being immediately broken.

Re: FTL Captain's Edition 1.102b [New Release: CE Infinite 1

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 3:42 pm
by Sleeper Service
Well, crashes on sector load are usually caused by bad events, or problems within event outcomes. Given the amounts of events that can happen in deeps space, this will be hard to trace... Maybe for now, safescumming might be advisable when playing with CE Infinite. Please continue to report any crashes that happen in regular CE or upon jumping to identifiable sectors beside deep space in Infinite, that might help to figure out whats wrong.