[Linux Guide] Adding FTL to your path

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[Linux Guide] Adding FTL to your path

Postby jjcf89 » Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:59 pm

In order to run the FTL script without having to cd into the FTL folder it can be modified by adding the following lines:

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# change to directory of script
here="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$(which "$0")")")"
cd "$here"

Heres the full script with modification:

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# change to directory of script
here="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$(which "$0")")")"
cd "$here"

# enter the game directory
cd ./data

# run FTL
./FTL "$@"

Then in order to add the FTL script to your path you can symlink the script to your local ~/bin directory.

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cd ~/bin/
ln -s [path to FTL script] FTL

Now to test it just change to your home directory and type FTL

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cd ~

If it launches then your all set otherwise you'll need to check to make sure your ~/bin directory is in your path.

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echo $PATH

I won't go into how to set your PATH, just google it.